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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

Saudi Arabia orders ambassador to return to Egypt after diplomatic spat

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz received a top ranking Egyptian delegation, which arrived in the kingdom on a mission to defuse tension between the two countries. (SPA)

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ordered on Friday the return of the kingdom’s ambassador to Egypt and the reopening of the mission after it was shut last week in the wake of angry protests, state news agency SPA said.

The king “instructed the kingdom’s ambassador to Cairo to resume his post on Sunday, and ordered the reopening of the embassy and the consulates in Alexandria and Suez,” SPA reported, quoting an unnamed official.

The decision was announced after the monarch received a top ranking Egyptian delegation, which arrived in the kingdom Thursday on a mission to defuse tension, according to AFP.

The Saudi monarch gave the orders during a visit by a large Egyptian parliamentary delegation to Riyadh, Reuters reported.

“Our decision to recall the ambassador and shut down the embassy was to protect its staff from any ominous consequences,” King Abdullah told the delegation in a speech aired by Saudi state television.

“What happened recently and its ramifications on the relations between the two brotherly countries hurts every Egyptian and Saudi citizen,” he said.

The withdrawal of the Saudi envoy appeared a sharp message to Egypt’s rulers of the need to maintain good ties with a Gulf state that last week agreed to send $2.7 billion to support Cairo’s battered finances.

Riyadh on Saturday recalled its ambassador after angry protests outside the Saudi embassy in Cairo over the arrest of an Egyptian human rights lawyer in the Gulf kingdom which claimed he was in possession of drugs.

King Abdullah welcomed the visit by the large delegation, saying it was a source of “joy”, adding that with “such an honorable position I can only say that we shall not allow this passing crisis to last long.”

The delegation is headed by parliament speaker Saad al-Katatni and the head of the consultative council Ahmed Fahmi.

Katatni and other delegation members urged the king to reopen the embassy, according to footage of the meeting broadcast on Saudi television.

“Recalling the Saudi ambassador from Cairo is difficult for us, Egyptians. This delegation came here to stress the depth of our relation and requests you to send the ambassador back to Cairo on the same plane with us,” Katatni said.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told the delegation that Riyadh does not rule out that “foreign elements” could have plotted to cause the tension between the two Arab heavyweights, SPA reported late on Thursday.

“We do not rule out that foreign elements not wanting the good for us, or Egypt, or the whole nation, could be behind disturbing the historic, solid and growing relations between our two countries and peoples,” he said.

Riyadh and Cairo enjoyed strong relations during the rule of former President Hosni Mubarak, who was forced to step down in February 2011 following nationwide protests.

Last week protesters rallied outside the Saudi embassy in Cairo chanting slogans against the Saudi regime and calling for the release of lawyer Ahmed Mohammed al-Gizawi, who was arrested the previous week at Jeddah airport.

Saudi ambassador to Egypt, Ahmed Adel Aziz Qattan, said Gizawi was arrested when banned drugs were found in his possession, adding that he regretted the “misinformation” published in the Egyptian media.

He said in a statement issued by the Saudi embassy that Gizawi was arrested for possessing 21,380 tablets of Zanak, which is prohibited in the kingdom without medical approval.

The drugs were allegedly hidden in children’s milk cartons and two copies of the Quran.
Yes, yet he desperately tries to disassociate himself from us even though he can't. Similar identity problem that the Iranians have. Typical mentality of defeated people.
it is becouse you are a joke just like the gulf states are and we egyptians are not defeated you are nobody in a pupet country why would anyone want to be with you

Saudi Arabia orders ambassador to return to Egypt after diplomatic spat
he can return but i hope saudis have learned that we protect our people and what used to happen before will not happen again
it is becouse you are a joke just like the gulf states are and we egyptians are not defeated you are nobody in a pupet country why would anyone want to be with you

You are an insult to all Egyptians. Enough with your inferiority complex. Go learn how to write at an English school, then come back here. Pathetic...

it is becouse you are a joke just like the gulf states are and we egyptians are not defeated you are nobody in a pupet country why would anyone want to be with you

he can return but i hope saudis have learned that we protect our people and what used to happen before will not happen again

He stills in jail, there is no respect for drug smugglers...
well no problem muhamed ali has led us to slaugter the first wahabi state and that is good do you know what is funny ?
that your kind is only good at being under occupation or running around in the deserts with goats you cant be like any respected nation in the middle east spend alot on your army and what can your army do agnist hothis from yemen ? humileated and defeated they even captured some soldiers and this is the only war your country entered no word can describe your so called country which is named after a person al saud ......the amircans will take all your oil and then leave you to your deserved fate and it is very soon the oil will run out
i told you before comparing my country and yours is insult so i didnt bring all i got
Wow, you have some deep suppressed anger towards us? Why? jealousy?Whatever the reason you need to get over it. Its mentally unhealthy. I prefer not denigrate Egyptians, as I don't have inferiority complex towards them, but you need to wake up and see reality your country is barely holding on because of the money we and the US give you, nothing to be proud of really. Maybe you should hold off the scotch until you log off the forum:D
You are an insult to all Egyptians. Enough with your inferiority complex. Go learn how to write at an English school, then come back here. Pathetic...

He stills in jail, there is no respect for drug smugglers...
so you dont understand my english do you mind if i speak arabic
يا عرص اتكم زى الرجالة و رد على الكلام بدل اما انت قاعد تشرمط و تقول مش فاهم الانجليزى انت عارف كويس انا قلت اية

Wow, you have some deep suppressed anger towards us? Why? jealousy?Whatever the reason you need to get over it. Its mentally unhealthy. I prefer not denigrate Egyptians, as I don't have inferiority complex towards them, but you need to wake up and see reality your country is barely holding on because of the money we and the US give you, nothing to be proud of really. Maybe you should hold off the scotch until you log off the forum:D
dont worry my country is good and will always be worry about yourself and the rebels who defeated you while you spend bilions on arms from the us
so you dont understand my english do you mind if i speak arabic
يا عرص اتكم زى الرجالة و رد على الكلام بدل اما انت قاعد تشرمط و تقول مش فاهم الانجليزى انت عارف كويس انا قلت اية

Actually I hardly understand what you say here.
so you dont understand my english do you mind if i speak arabic
يا عرص اتكم زى الرجالة و رد على الكلام بدل اما انت قاعد تشرمط و تقول مش فاهم الانجليزى انت عارف كويس انا قلت اية

dont worry my country is good and will always be worry about yourself and the rebels who defeated you while you spend bilions on arms from the us
As I said mahmood, try to hold off the scotch until after you logged of the forum. otherwise, you will just embarrass your self.:drag:
Actually I hardly understand what you say here.
اسمع يا معرص, الغلط مش صعب. مره ثانية بجيبك تشتغل عندي وتمسح كندرتي يا عبد
و هتعرف تدفع ولا الاسرائليين هيدفعو ؟
النوع الى زيك دة بيبقى زى الملك بتاعكو جزمة عند اليهود ممكن هما الى هيدفعو
As I said mahmood, try to hold off the scotch until after you logged of the forum. otherwise, you will just embarrass your self.
forget about the scotch and replay to my post
و هتعرف تدفع ولا الاسرائليين هيدفعو ؟
النوع الى زيك دة بيبقى زى الملك بتاعكو جزمة عند اليهود ممكن هما الى هيدفعو
forget about the scotch and replay to my post
I don't replay to fillth Welcome to my ignore list.
Among all the Arab militaries I compared, I concluded that Egypt has the strongest military at the moment. At the same time, it is great to see Egypt-Iran relations getting stronger and stronger. I hope an Iran friendly party wins the elections in Egypt and the two can have a cordial long-term friendship.:cheers:
black eagle
do you think you are so clever posting messages and add me ignore ?
you are a coward
و باختصار الصراخ على اد الام و انت عمال تصوت يبقى حد ادهولك جامد يا عرب يا شواذ
well i'd hope Saudis do a better job than the Jordanians do, when it comes to sovereignty......

truth be told, I think our Arab brothers should focus on education and on making themselves strong -- and they should forget about wars and fighting. They aren't good fighters.

Iran already did what it had to. It already occupied the islands which rightfully belongs to Iran.

Now it is up to Saudis/GCC to "show some balls". :cheers:

I wouldn't generalize them like that. Egyptians are very good fighters, proven historically. Egypt still has the potential to grow into a great nation. I hope a better leader than Mobarak comes into power now who can take Egypt to the heights of glory again to be the most powerful military in the middle east, which it was in the 60s and 70s.

Egypt already has substantial bio-warfare capability however they need to develop other non conventional weapons like nukes to balance the tide which currently is in favour of Israel.
Iran already did what it had to. It already occupied the islands which rightfully belongs to Iran.

Now it is up to Saudis/GCC to "show some balls".
never gonna happen
they will just enjoy the sight of their occupied islands and do nothing just like they have been doing for years
i dont know what is the right word
funny or pathetic or coward we will leave it up to the viewer to choose
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