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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

I can discuss it at length, but already, we agree on most points. You only depicted Iran as the victim and Arab countries as aggressors, which is not true.

As for Iran, if it fears Americans more than Allah (SWT), then what does it tell you about the regime's daily propaganda rant against Americans? Marg bar Amreeka!

Than by your understanding, did the Prophet (PBUH) fear the Mushriks of Makkah more then Allah after Uhud.......... think before you say please Brother.

Iran too has done things in reply of what the Arabs have done........ yet the differences between us are small..... but the will to deal with them non-existant
LOL, you're right there is no comparison. our military is 10 times stronger than Iran and Egypt combined!
And yet you're slaves of the West and you can't even produce a simple machine. Without Westerners, you would literally have to lie down and pray for handouts from god himself.

You export 8 times more oil than iran and 80 times more than Egypt so you spend more money on American tech, woopdefuckingdoo.

what's the point? They run your army, they dictate your actions, you depend on their maintenance, munitions, logistical support, advice etc...

Don't make me laugh haha
stronger army lmao

Saddam also had a "strong army."

Sir, why is a Saudi member and a Jordanian member here insulting Egyptian military, Pakistani military and Iranian military as well, considering these are three of the strongest militaries in the Muslim world.

Is there a need to remind ourselves that Hashemite Kingdom lost Al Quds/Jerusalem to "Israel", and Saudi Arabia was so afraid of Saddam Hussein it ran straight to USA in 1991, just like UAE did in fear of Iran only a few days ago?
No one really cares what you think, based on voting its very clear the the Salafis are 50 times more popular than liberals in Egypt. If you don't like that you are welcomed to move to Israel.
i will not move to isreal i am in my country and i will always be here to make it a better place free of the terrorist scum and whoever support them
LOL, you're right there is no comparison. our military is 10 times stronger than Iran and Egypt combined!
lol good for you
Yah, I do compare. Egypt has strong army claim based on what?, we saw how you fought in 48, 57, 67, 68, and 73 wars. You miserably lost them all and dragged us down with you. Without Arab and USSR help in 1973, you would be now begging Israel not to build more settlements in Cairo. I hope Egypt succeed in convicing Israel to establish it's army in Senai. You are not even allowed to establish your army there.
words of a loser i have seen stupid comments in my life but this is just too much
now i will be the better man and not replay but if you dare to say it again i will replay with facts and you wont like it
so for your own good dont say this again
And yet you're slaves of the West and you can't even produce a simple machine. Without Westerners, you would literally have to lie down and pray for handouts from god himself.

You export 8 times more oil than iran and 80 times more than Egypt so you spend more money on American tech, woopdefuckingdoo.

what's the point? They run your army, they dictate your actions, you depend on their maintenance, munitions, logistical support, advice etc...

Don't make me laugh haha
stronger army lmao

Saddam also had a "strong army."

Arguably, Saddam Hussein's army was stronger than today's Saudi Arabia because Iraq carried out basic research in many scientific fields, had a nuclear programme, had co-developed a sizable ballistic missiles programme, developed Iraqi social and education indicators, and modified many weapons systems indigenously.

Can you imagine what would happen to GCC militaries if they fought USA openly? It would be worse than what Saddam Hussein faced, and I know that Iran and many Arab countries would gladly support USA in such a war from the divisions within the Arab world that we can see here and elsewhere.
And you believe Egypt lost in 1973 based on what?

This is the exact attitude that causes you to idolize Saddam Hussein but at the same time backstab him when the Americans came knocking. Can you explain your attitudes towards Saddam Hussein and Iraq?

Edit: Let's not forget the biggest of the losses: The loss of Al Quds by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan after the Sherif Hussein of Makkah backstabbed the Ottoman Empire (most recent Islamic Caliphate, although with deviations from the true path) and was driven away by Al Saud tribe to the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan".

Oh... facepalm, how many times I have to go through his?
Jordan stood with Iraq in 1990 and payed a dear price for that. for backstabbing Ottoman epire thing, plz, go read some related history to clarify that up.

Mahmoud, seebak men el 3ars da
I7'RASS ya 3abd.
Sir, why is a Saudi member and a Jordanian member here insulting Egyptian military, Pakistani military and Iranian military as well, considering these are three of the strongest militaries in the Muslim world.

Is there a need to remind ourselves that Hashemite Kingdom lost Al Quds/Jerusalem to "Israel", and Saudi Arabia was so afraid of Saddam Hussein it ran straight to USA in 1991, just like UAE did in fear of Iran only a few days ago?
First, no one insulted the Pakistani military.
Iran's military is a joke.
We respect the Egyptian military, but we're just responding to the traitor mahmood_egy.
By the way, you should read more about the gulf war. The US forced it self on us, they even had to lie about Iraqi troops on the border ready to invade.
Than by your understanding, did the Prophet (PBUH) fear the Mushriks of Makkah more then Allah after Uhud.......... think before you say please Brother.

Iran too has done things in reply of what the Arabs have done........ yet the differences between us are small..... but the will to deal with them non-existant

You can not compare Iranian BS propaganda with the Prophet (PBUH) or even any of the Sahaba (RA) in anyway. Not even closely comparable.

Iran has actively aided in the killing of not only Arabs but other Muslims including in Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Afghanistan, to name only a few places. Rest assured that dozens of Khomeini or Khameinis may expire but Iran wont garner enough courage to strike at USA going by its current rate of progress. If Iran wanted to kill Americans openly, like the Iraqi resistance factions, Taliban and others have righteously and beautifully done on many occasions, Iran could have. Iran either fears America or it is in alliance. The first of these two options is more logical, from the evidence I have seen.
Arguably, Saddam Hussein's army was stronger than today's Saudi Arabia because Iraq carried out basic research in many scientific fields, had a nuclear programme, had co-developed a sizable ballistic missiles programme, developed Iraqi social and education indicators, and modified many weapons systems indigenously.

Can you imagine what would happen to GCC militaries if they fought USA openly? It would be worse than what Saddam Hussein faced, and I know that Iran and many Arab countries would gladly support USA in such a war from the divisions within the Arab world that we can see here and elsewhere.
Its unarguable that in the past Arab countries backstabbed each other and their main focus is how to weaken eachother, but now after the Arab spring and after Bashar is burned alive everything will change. Just wait and see.
First, no one insulted the Pakistani military.
Iran's military is a joke.
We respect the Egyptian military, but we're just responding to the traitor mahmood_egy.
By the way, you should read more about the gulf war. The US forced it self on us, they even had to lie about Iraqi troops on the border ready to invade.

BlackEagle, a Jordanian member, made oblique/indirect references to drone strikes in Pakistan by infidel Americans and the inability of Pakistan to take any action against it.

Second, why do you need to call up USA to face Iran's "joke" of a military? Only a few days ago UAE published that Americans deployed F-22 in UAE.

Third, how can Americans force themselves on you? True that they provided you with false information, what did you expect from infidel Zionists and their partners? But how did Americans force themselves on you? Why did not the mighty Saudi and Jordanian military evict Saddam Hussein's army on its own?
i will not move to isreal i am in my country and i will always be here to make it a better place free of the terrorist scum and whoever support them
lol good for you
words of a loser i have seen stupid comments in my life but this is just too much
now i will be the better man and not replay but if you dare to say it again i will replay with facts and you wont like it
so for your own good dont say this again

Actually, I know what you are going to say, plz go ahead.:rofl:
I am just stating facts here.
The only people who backstabbed Saddam were the Kuwaiti Amirs, and it was his fault for falling for the provocations. No one ideolizes Saddam, we just admire him for butchering the Iranians.

They won Sini by signing a humiliating treaty not by war.

Sir, Kuwait is part of the GCC and an American 'ally', same as Saudi Arabia. What was Saudi Arabian government action against American invasion and inhumane treatments of Iraqi Arabs and Muslims?

Second, Egypt won back the Sinai by force of arms, but their Soviet ally was much weaker than USA in 1973 both in diplomatically supporting Egypt and in supporting Syria. Sadat was a cunning politician who let down Egyptians, Arabs and Muslims in many ways, but Egyptian 3rd and 2nd Armies could not be dislodged from the Sinai once they had been emplaced, while the "Israeli" pocet, including the much propagandized Sharon was bloodied and bruised. That "Israeli" pocket could easily be eliminated by Egypt.
Actually, I know what you are going to say, plz go ahead.:rofl:
I am just stating facts here.
and i can say facts also facts that you dont want to know but like i said i am waiting for another insulting comment by you
BlackEagle, a Jordanian member, made oblique/indirect references to drone strikes in Pakistan by infidel Americans and the inability of Pakistan to take any action against it.

Second, why do you need to call up USA to face Iran's "joke" of a military? Only a few days ago UAE published that Americans deployed F-22 in UAE.

Third, how can Americans force themselves on you? True that they provided you with false information, what did you expect from infidel Zionists and their partners? But how did Americans force themselves on you? Why did not the mighty Saudi and Jordanian military evict Saddam Hussein's army on its own?
That's because many Pakistani members say that we are slaves of the US while the mighty Pakistanis can't say anything about drones killing their own citizens. We understand that they are not in a situation to oppose the US, but sometime we have to point out the hypocrisy.
For the second thing, why would we waste resources on war when the US can do it for us?
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