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Saudi Arabia, UAE condemn Turkey's actions in Syria


Dec 18, 2010
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Saudi Arabia, UAE condemn Turkey's actions in Syria
Offensive a dangerous development and a blatant and unacceptable aggression: UAE
Published: October 09, 2019 23:37WAM and Reuters

A woman flees with her children amid Turkish bombardment on Syria's northeastern town of Ras Al Ain in the Hasakeh province along the Turkish border on October 9, 2019.

The UAE has condemned in the strongest terms the Turkish military aggression against Syria.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday and International Cooperation described it as a dangerous development and a blatant and unacceptable aggression against the sovereignty of a brotherly Arab state in contravention of the rules of international law.

The statement affirmed the UAE’s firm stance and rejection of all that affects the sovereignty of Arab national security and threatens international peace and security, warning of the consequences of this aggression on the unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the political process.

Saudi Arabia also condemned Turkey's actions on Wednesday.

An official source in the Saudi Foreign Ministry told State TV of the need to ensure the safety of the Syrian people, and Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Saudi Arabia and UAE is mad because Turkey is about to destroy the pkk terrorists in Syria who Saudi and UAE have been funding that launch terror attacks inside Turkey.

Hope Turkey destroys these Saudi Funded Terrorists.

Saudi, UAE step up support for PKK terrorists in northeast Syria

Saudi minister requests support for YPG/PKK terrorists

Gulf countries support YPG, transfered $1 billion to terrorist organization
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Saudi Arabia and UAE is mad because Turkey is about to destroy the pkk terrorists in Syria who Saudi and UAE have been funding that launch terror attacks inside Turkey.

Hope Turkey destroys these Saudi Funded Terrorists.

Saudi, UAE step up support for PKK terrorists in northeast Syria
But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.
Nice way of thinking for someone who is in denial.
I dont deny and i believe Turkey does right. Turkey doesnt go there for oil wells like any western country does but to return syrians back to their country and secure its border from potential terrorists. Yet check out who condemns Turkey right now and what was their statement in invasion of Iraq,did they condemn US ? (which flamed up everything in Middle East nowadays)

Or anyone condemns Saudis about Yemen? Oh, why though? Keep selling them more bombs and pamper the king up.
But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.
Countries mostly condemn for political reasons not humanitarian reasons. If you are against the west they will condemn you for anything, if you are allies of the west, they will either turn a blind eye or even support you. A good example is what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen, they have been bombing and starving the country for years but the west ignores it and quietly supports it, Because Saudi Arabia is a puppet of the west and is friends with Israel.
I dont deny and i believe Turkey does right. Turkey doesnt go there for oil wells like any western country does but to return syrians back to their country and secure its border from potential terrorists. Yet check out who condemns Turkey right now and what was their statement in invasion of Iraq,did they condemn US ? (which flamed up everything in Middle East nowadays)

Or anyone condemns Saudis about Yemen? Oh, why though? Keep selling them more bombs and pamper the king up.
I always believe what the west did were wrong and that's why they are hated by many non western countries, if you learn from them, you will be hated by both the west and non western nations.
But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.

If you want to know whether you are doing something right and original in this world then don't look for how many are with you, but the numbers of those who are disturbed by your actions.
Saudi Arabia and UAE is mad because Turkey is about to destroy the pkk terrorists in Syria who Saudi and UAE have been funding that launch terror attacks inside Turkey.

Hope Turkey destroys these Saudi Funded Terrorists.

Saudi, UAE step up support for PKK terrorists in northeast Syria

Saudi minister requests support for YPG/PKK terrorists

Gulf countries support YPG, transfered $1 billion to terrorist organization
Well well. Shows who supports terrorists then doesnt it?
My only sympathy is with Kurdish and other civilians. May Allah keep them safe
Good, keep condemning.

Saudi Arabia and UAE is mad because Turkey is about to destroy the pkk terrorists in Syria who Saudi and UAE have been funding that launch terror attacks inside Turkey.

Hope Turkey destroys these Saudi Funded Terrorists.

Saudi, UAE step up support for PKK terrorists in northeast Syria

Saudi minister requests support for YPG/PKK terrorists

Gulf countries support YPG, transfered $1 billion to terrorist organization

Turkey should really start supporting the houthis in Yemen.
The true victim of this crisis are the people of Syria. The are facing the worst possible situation. War,terrorism,killing,bombing,starvation to name the few are the only things these people are facing on the daily basis.
Such war not only bring havoc to the country but its neighbors are also hit with the devastation. US and its allies, Arabs so called powers and Russia are the main culprits. No one can deny that. Syria have became the ground where all these countries have been fighting each other and Syrians were killed as a result.
With the refugee crisis only Germany and Canada took the refugee with some respect but the other countries kept their eyes closed.
Now those culprits are blaming Turkey. I am not supporting turkey but just pointing out the hypocrisy of the people.
But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.

Who the **** cares. Turkey is not here to appease others. It will do what is best for her.

Others can go shove it up their arse.
How about bombing Yemen and killing 1000s and starving half of the nation?
Or supporting terrorist organisations in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan?
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