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Saudi Arabia - India Agreement

What happened to his plans of listening to Radio Pakistan in New Delhi? Any progress?

well he can come to new delhi..and listen to radio pakistan even today.... provided he has a radio set with a very large antenna.
Yeh he will find plenty cartoon characters from India.

on a personal note...do you endorse ZH's views?
he makes some sensible points...but they get sandwiched between his religious assumptions of the world...
plus i think that he gets anxiety attacks and goes hyper in the middle of his analysis
on a personal note...do you endorse ZH's views?
he makes some sensible points...but they get sandwiched between his religious assumptions of the world...
plus i think that he gets anxiety attacks and goes hyper in the middle of his analysis

Sign of a immature or half-baked knowledge. I recall a saying "neem hakim khatra e jaan..."

BTW, it is pointless to discuss ZH.
Well this agreement is a success of India diplomats....... Pakistan can not offer a attractive investment destination to Arabian Countries.....and today's world is about Return on investment.....and India offers a good ROI...and Pakistan Does Not.......its that simple.

Every country has its own interests to take care of.....and Pakistan simply does not offer anything on the table....Arabs must have felt that Pakistan is a Andha Kuan....where America is also suffering....and losing their money....so they want to move away from Pakistan and avoid a similar mistake....and I don't think India is doing anything wrong in improving relations with Arabian Countries.
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