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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

Sir, I don't see why I have to eat my own words. My points are still valid. The spin a PAF Air Cdre may put on things doesn't really change anything.

it's just like when the IAF brass tries to claim the LCA is a fully Indian bird- of course this is a little different as most of the R&D and all of the funding was done in-country- but conveniently overlook many of the key systems are foreign.

You'd agree, at the very least then, that without China there would be no JF-17?

That is not my intention at all. This was just one of my points.

That I agree to . But to say that this is a Chinese project is incorrect. The FC-1 never existed as well before the Super-7 Project. The Birth of the FC-1/JF-17 comes from the Super-7. It was always a Pakistani project.. A Pakistani requirement.. A Pakistani PUSH to the program that got it here.
Pakistan is a partner of JFT just as Spain is a partner of Eurofighter. Simple as that. :p:
More F-16's will always be ordered given that we have $1.3B in FMF to spend every year, the most recent purchase was to replace F-16's lost in accidents/crashes or due to attrition (about 20 fighters, they also put all F-4 Phantoms out of service). The F-16 however may not be a viable option to replace over 100 obsolete fighters...

All MIg-21's/F-7's are due for retirement by 2015 those on their own are about 100-120 fighter jets (all of which are used for point defence attached to the Air Defence Command). The Mirage III/V HORUS needs to be fully retired with only around two squadrons remaining out of 82 delivered. So that's another 24 fighters.

Further F-16 procurement is just a stop gap and any deal with the Russians (there has already been a deal for air defence systems) for jets will also be as capable if not more than the F-16's. What we need is a High-low mix of fighters and the JF-17 with ToT and TopT provides that, and is a very capable fighter for its price tag.

so in short Egypt will retire around 180 jets in coming years ..... but in the presence of around 240 F-16 and potential purchase of Russian aircrafts would there be any operational space available for any other aircraft .... ???
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Imagine the possibility of US pressure and European kick-backs and commissions (in arms purchases) scuttling the deal.:mad:

Have Saudis ever gone beyond the stage of testing with Pakistani arms?
Has there been any purchase?

All I hear is a stake in Nuclear Weapons (because they picked up the tab).
There were also some rumours of Saudi interested in Pakistani Ballistic Missiles. I don't know if there is any truth in that.
Kick-backs? Lol....yeah...that's why the Saudis prefer to buy real jets.
I dont know why a resourceful country like Saudi Arabia be interested in a platform built for a country like Pakistan which cant purchase expensive jets!
You're right. Buying the best jets mean they are the best.

Yeah. We always seek the best :cheers: ..

Next year the delivery & the upgrade of our F-15SA will start. The upgrades will come first and the delivery fallows two years later.

The entire 153 F-15s order will be delivered by 2020.

Oil ain't going to last forever. :p:

Sorry but you will have to wait for centuries then at this point.

Man, why everybody hates us? :lol:
Anyone remember this old thread JF-17 In Saudi Arabia

Maybe those leaked images now make more sense :tup:


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