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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

Representatives of normal Muslims cut down ties with the representatives of abnormal Muslims.

If Saudis are representatives of normal Mulims, we are proud to be abnormal ones, just proud of that. :)

ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda (which also hail from Saudi ideology) claim to be representatives of normal Muslims. The irony.
You guys missed some of the events. This wise decision was not made by the dumbass Al Saud. It was the lack of action of Iran's government as Iranians captured and burned the terrorist headquarters in Tehran AKA Saudi embassy

We should completely halt Hajj and umra as long as Al Saud is in charge. A big portion of their income (which eventually goes to Takfiri terrorists and suicide bombers) comes from pilgrims, and most of the pilgrims are from Iran.
Saudi Arabia has shown itself as the most disgusting, despicable, secterian, criminal pieces of shits throughout history. They are responsible for the creation of the worst ideologies to roam this earth from Abu sayaf, Boko haram, Al Shabab, alqaeda, Daesh and many other similar terrorist organizations which emerged from the neo-ummayid/ Wahhabism/ salafist ideologies. They praise the killers and blame the victims. if hypocracy was a man, he would be saudi.

They funded alqaeda in syria in Iraq and now try to present themselves as the good guys. They suppressed the call for democracy in Bahrain while supporting "democratic Islamic" terrorists in Syria. They destroyed and transgressed against the people of Yemen simply because they wanted to live as free men, and not slaves for saudi Wahhabism.

Saudis are some of the most corrupt people on earth with a big percentage of them practicing homosexuaity, going for pleasure vacations and partying in Europe and America while calling for an "Islamic state" for others.

The funded Saddams 8 year war against Iran and now somehow blame iran for causing hate, funny coming from the kingdom of hate and terrorism.

Some might say that we Iraqis suck up to iran. Here is just a small list of recent saudi history with Iraq.
1- paid their hired goons for the complete destruction of iraq in 1991.
2- allowed the us to continue bombing iraq from 1991-2002 from their land and enforced a complete blockade on a starving iraq... whilst even iran traded with the iraqis despite the UN embargo.
3- their hate preachers called on the killing of the majority of iraq's populace after 2003.
4- their terrorists came by the thousands and killed tens of thousands of iraqi citizens between 2003-2015
5- and in all that, the only thing their government was worried about is the "repatriation" and "rehabilition" of saudi terrorists from iraq.
6- saudi continued fighting against iraq post 2003 through their propaganda channels and via their terror-preachers.
7- whilst most countries wrote off the iraqi "odious debt" from the saddam era... saudi and kuwait are the only countries who want iraqis today to repay that blood money (which was originally given to saddam to fight a war on their behalf against iran) to the last cent.

While real terrorists are taken to rehab before getting out and leaving to Iraq and syria to commit suicide attacks. The people who protests are executed and crucified for "causing corruption"

A 17 year old terrorist who joined Daesh in syria and killed a few people in Syria returned to saudi Arabia and taken to rehab as he was a "irresponsible brainwashed minor".

While the 17 year old nephew of shiek Nimr may Allah rest his soul has been sentenced to death simply for protesting.

Anyone who doesn't see the flaw in all this is blind, dictated by hate and secterianism. I truly hope all those who read this use their conscience and choose to let their minds be free from the secterian ideology and just consider these facts even if only for a bit. Ask yourselves, is this right and justice?

Any man with honor in the land of the two sacred mosques would at least avoid referring to himself As a "saudi"
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basically your Hilafat is Joke now in new millennium. things are different from what you think.

La kum deenukum waliya deen!

Turkey snake.

hisses the yellow snake..

to the topic..

I wonder what the next round of secterianism will bring.. those freemasonary ME forming will continue..
Jordan Condemns Attack on Saudi Embassy in Tehran After Riyadh Executions

Jordanian government's spokesman Mohammad Momani called the attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran a "flagrant violation of international law and agreements on the safety of diplomatic missions."

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Jordan strongly condemns the attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran, and expresses solidarity with Riyadh in its execution of 47 alleged terrorists, Jordanian government's spokesman Mohammad Momani said Sunday.

Late on Saturday, demonstrators protesting in the Iranian capital against the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the Saudi authorities, attacked the Saudi embassy. Local police reportedly detained 40 protesters.

"Jordan stands in solidarity with the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its fight against radicalism and terrorism and condemns pressure from Iran," Petra news agency quoted Momani as saying.



Protesters Storm Saudi Embassy Building in Tehran

According to Momani, the attack on the embassy was a flagrant violation of international law and agreements on the safety of diplomatic missions.

On Saturday, the Saudi Interior Ministry announced the execution of al-Nimr, an outspoken critic of the Saudi monarchy, along with 46 other people convicted of terrorism.

Later on Saturday, Tehran, as well as some other regional and international powers, condemned the move.
Jordan Condemns Attack on Saudi Embassy in Tehran After Riyadh Executions

The Latest: Bahrain severs diplomatic ties with Iran

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The latest developments after Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with Iran following the execution of a prominent opposition Shiite cleric and attacks on its diplomatic posts in the Islamic Republic. (All times local.)

A Bahraini government minister says the tiny island kingdom is severing its diplomatic ties with Iran.

Minister of Media Affairs Isa al-Hamadi made the announcement on Monday.

Bahrain's decision comes amid heightened tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Bahrain frequently accuses Iran of being behind the long-running, low-level insurgency in the country since its majority Shiite population began protests in 2011 against Bahrain's Sunni rulers.


2:14 p.m.

A Russian state news agency is citing a senior diplomat as saying that Moscow is ready to act as a mediator in the escalating conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The report by the RIA Novosti news agency on Monday quotes the diplomat as saying that Russia has developed good relations with both countries through the so-called Vienna group, which is working on a resolution of the Syria conflict, and that he hoped that could help resolve the Tehran-Riyadh dispute.

The agency did not identify the Russian diplomat and it was unclear from the report if Moscow had made the mediation proposal to either side.

Russian state news agencies frequently cite unnamed officials within the government.


2:15 p.m.

A prominent Iranian lawmaker says Saudi Arabia's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Iran likely will force the Islamic Republic to stop sending pilgrims to the annual hajj.

Lawmaker Mohammad Ali Esfanani, spokesman of the Judicial and Legal Committee of the Iranian parliament, made the comments on Monday.

The semi-official ISNA news agency quoted Esfanani as saying: "When a country has cut diplomatic relations with us, it means it is hostile with us."

He also says that "it appears that protection (of pilgrims) and security issues will prevent hajj from taking place."

Saudi Arabia has not officially commented on whether the kingdom's severing of ties with Iran also meant that pilgrims from Iran can no longer attend the hajj. The pilgrimage is required of every able-bodied Muslim once in a person's life.

When Saudi Arabia severed ties with Iran from 1988 to 1991, Iran stopped its pilgrims from attending the hajj.


11:50 a.m.

An Iranian official has denounced Saudi Arabia's move to cut diplomatic relations with Iran and accused the Sunni kingdom of stoking tensions region-wide.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari also said Monday that Saudi Arabia's execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr over the weekend was an example of this.

Ansari claims that "Saudi Arabia sees its interests and even its existence in continuing tensions and clashes." He spoke during a weekly press conference in Tehran.

He says the kingdom "tries to resolve its domestic problems through projecting and exporting them abroad."


10:50 a.m.

Saudi officials say gunfire directed toward security forces has killed a man in a village in eastern Saudi Arabia where mourning ceremonies are underway for an executed Shiite sheikh.

The official Saudi Press Agency reported early Monday that a man was killed in al-Awamiya village and a child was wounded. That's where the family of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr is holding three days of mourning at a local mosque. Authorities offered no details on who they suspected in the shooting.

Al-Nimr was an outspoken critic of Saudi Arabia's Sunni monarchy but denied ever calling for violence. His execution on Saturday has sparked outrage among Shiites across the region.

The sheikh's brother, Mohammed al-Nimr, has told The Associated Press that Saudi officials informed his family that the cleric had been buried in an undisclosed cemetery, a development that could lead to further protests.


10:30 a.m.

Iran's deputy foreign minister says Saudi Arabia's decision to severe diplomatic relations cannot cover up Riyadh's "strategic mistake" in killing a prominent Shiite cleric.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian also accused Saudi Arabia of promoting terrorism and extremism in the Middle East. His comments were broadcast on Monday on Iranian state television.

Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic relations with Iran late Sunday, hours after protesters stormed and set fire to the Saudi Embassy in Tehran. It also followed harsh criticism by Iran's top leader of the Saudis' execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

Al-Nimr's execution has opened a new chapter in the ongoing Sunni-Shiite power struggle playing out across the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia and Iran as primary antagonists.

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News from The Associated Press
They are inviting a wolf into their house if Pakistan gets closer to Turkey.

the wolf thing was a good one.. :D next time use "grey wolf" instead of only wolf ;)

pakistan has nothing to fear from turkey.. the one who has interests in pakistan is china.. and we all know why they are the so called "friends" of pakistan.. the west supports india and want them to counter china.. so the pakistanis are selected to encounter india and if things will go bad pakistan will be the battleground and not china..

also we could say if india would somehow loose it ties to west and concentrade on china.. pakistan would be dropped like hot potatoes.. then you would turn 180 ° and say those terrorist supporter muslims.. play your game and fool the idiots..
Tunisia condemns attack on Saudi Embassy in Tehran

Tunis, Rabi'I 23, 1437, January 03, 2016, SPA -- Tunisia condemned the attack on the Saudi Embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran, calling it a violation of international conventions and norms, stressing the need to provide protection to diplomatic and consular missions against such acts.

In a statement issued here today, the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the attack on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and general consulate in Mash-had, yesterday, is a grave violation of Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations and relevant international treaties and norms.

The statement stressed the need to avoid anything that would lead to more tensions in the region in order to preserve its security and stability.
23:01 LOCAL TIME 20:01 GMT
الاخبار المصورة
You must be a turkish troll flying the Pakistan flag

and u must be the Indian retard flying Chinese flag.. what i know about Chinese that they are not insecure like ur idiot kind...

I do know there are some traitor pakistanis who think Pakistan Turkey ties is above Sino-Pakistan r/s..

I am not one of them... i consider China as Pakistan's most important friend... then come Turkey and others...

They are inviting a wolf into their house if Pakistan gets closer to Turkey.

back it with some substance.. what Turkey can gain from Pakistan?

China do not have good r/s with Turkey

Wrong... only on PDF... i have yet to see any official statement of Chinese official against Turkey... Moreover u have 10's of billion dollars trade with turkey? how on earth u retard can ask us Pakistani to cut ties with Turkey...

They support East Turkestan movement.

prove with Chinese official statement...

China only has trade and not much diplomatic with Turkey.

Bcoz they are NATO allies... why should they be close with u?

Erdogan recently visit China for more support and trade but we give them verbal promise and nothing much will happen.

still ten's of billion dollars for ur enemy? eh
Egypt condemns attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran

Attacks on Saudi missions in Iran came after Riyadh executed 47, including prominent cleric Nimr Al-Nimr


Flames and smoke rise from Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran, Iran, January 2, 2016 (Reuters)
Ahram Online , Sunday 3 Jan 2016

Egypt Sunday condemned attacks on Saudi Arabia's embassy and consulate in Iran following the Sunni kingdom's mass execution of dozens, including a prominent Shia Muslim cleric.
"Egypt condemns the torching of the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Saudi consulate in the city of Mashhad in Iran," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Saudi Arabia announced Saturday it had executed 47 men on terrorism charges, including prominent Shia cleric Nimr Al-Nimr and dozens of Al-Qaeda members.

Those executed include one Egyptian and a man from Chad. The rest are Saudis.

Egypt stressed the need for "respecting the inviolability of the premises of diplomatic and consular missions and the safety of personnel," the statement added.

At least 44 people were arrested late Saturday for storming the diplomatic missions in Tehran and Mashhad.
Egypt condemns attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Arab states unite in condemnation over attack on Saudi diplomatic missions
12:26 am - 4 January، 2016

Flame and smoke rise from Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran
Riyadh__Gulf Magazine
Arab states joined together on Sunday to condemn the attack on Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Masshad, and particularly Iran’s failure to abide by international norms and conventions to protect foreign diplomatic missions.

The Arab League strongly condemned the attacks on the Saudi diplomatic missions, with Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby describing it as a “blatant violation of international conventions,” according to a statement.

While a number of Arab states also came out to unilaterally condemn the attacks.

Tunisia condemned the attack on the Saudi Embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran, calling it a violation of international conventions and norms, stressing the need to provide protection to diplomatic and consular missions against such acts.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the attack on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and general consulate in Mash-had, yesterday, is a grave violation of Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations and relevant international treaties and norms.

The statement stressed the need to avoid anything that would lead to more tensions in the region in order to preserve its security and stability.

Sudan also denounced attacks on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and its Consulate in the city of Mashhad yesterday by some of the protesters.

Spokesperson of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al-Saddiq said that Sudan condemned these hostile practices and called at the same time Iran to respect the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations regarding ensuring the security and protection of diplomatic missions and their members.

While the Yemeni foreign ministry expressed the Yemeni government’s condemnation and denunciation of the operations of breaking into the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate in Mashhad.

In a press statement, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi stressed that these attacks in Iran represent a crime and violation of the international and regional norms and conventions as well as a continuation of the Iranian hostile policies towards the Arab world.

He confirmed Yemen’s supportive stance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in maintaining its security and stability in accordance with its laws.

The Foreign Ministry of the Libyan interim government headed by Abdullah Al-Theni condemned the attacks on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi consulate in the Iranian city of Mash-had.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Libyan Foreign Ministry said that these assaults are a violation of diplomatic norms, particularly the Vienna Convention, stressing that the Iranian authorities would be held responsible for these acts.

While Egypt had earlier expressed its condemnation of the incidents of attacking Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate in the city of Mashhad, Iran. In a statement issued today, the spokesman of Egyptian Foreign Ministry Adviser Ahmed Abu Zaid stressed on the need to respect the premises of diplomatic and consular missions, guarantee the safety of personnel, implement Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations.

Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a number of other Arab states also made clear their rejection of the attacks and condemnation of Tehran’s failure to protect Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic missions in the country.
Arab states unite in condemnation over attack on Saudi diplomatic missions | Gulf Magazine

Kuwait Emphatically Condemns Storming of Saudi Embassy in Iran

Kuwait- SPA

Kuwait sharply condemns attacks by Iranian demonstrators on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, and the Saudi Consulate in Mashhad, an official source at Kuwait's Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

Iranian authorities should shoulder responsibility for protecting the embassy and ensuring the safety of its staff, the source said.

Such attacks are a flagrant violation of Vienna Convention that requires States to protect and safeguard diplomatic missions and to ensure the safety of their staff, KUNA quoted the source as saying.

The source called on Iranian authorities to abide by all international rules and norms which state the respect of States' sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs.

In addition, the source reiterated Kuwait's support to all measures adopted by Saudi Arabia to maintain its security and stability.
Kuwait Emphatically Condemns Storming of Saudi Embassy in Iran - جريدة الرياض

GCC Condemns Barbaric Attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran

Riyadh- SPA

GCC Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashed Al-Zayani has condemned the barbaric aggression on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Consulate in Mashhad, holding the Iranian authorities fully responsible for these acts of terrorism.

Failure on the side of the Iranian authorities to forestall such aggression constitutes a breach of Iran's commitments to the protection of diplomatic missions according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and the International Law, Dr. Al-Zayani said in a statement.

Dr. Al-Zayani also denounced Iran's hostile and fomenting statements against Saudi Arabia after the Kingdom carried out legitimate rulings against terrorists. He considered the statements blatant interference in the Kingdom's internal affairs. He stressed that the statements prompted the aggression on the Saudi diplomatic missions.

The GCC member states stand side by side with Kingdom in the condemnation of these acts of terrorism that targeted the Saudi diplomatic mission in Iran, and hold the Iranian authorities fully responsible for the attacks, Dr. Al-Zayani said.

He also reiterated the GCC support to the resolutions the Kingdom had made to fight all forms of terrorism and track perpetrators of acts of terrorism, and agitators and bring them to justice.
GCC Condemns Barbaric Attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran - جريدة الرياض
More countries cutting ties with the axis of evil Iran.

Such a shame that the Obama administration saved Iran from collapse. Had he not bailed them out, the regime's end would have surely come sooner or later being financially bankrupt, isolated and sanctioned.

Instead Hussein gave them a cash injection, lifted sanctions and allowed them to continue their hegemony.
UAE Foreign Ministry summons Iranian Ambassador, hands him protest note over intervention in Saudi Arabia's affairs


The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs today summoned Iran's Ambassador to the UAE, Mohammad Reza Fayyad, and handed him a written protest note regarding the Iranian intervention in the sovereign affairs of the fraternal country of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the attacks on the Saudi diplomatic missions in Tehran and Mashhad.

"These acts represent a violation of international charters and norms," according to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al Jarman, Assistant Foreign Minister for Political Affairs handed over the note to the Iranian ambassador who was summoned today. The note confirmed the UAE's condemnation of the flagrant interference by Iran and Iranian remarks pertaining to the sentences handed down by the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against terrorist groups.

The note also emphasised that this Iranian intervention in Saudi Arabia's internal affairs undermines the efforts aimed to build confidence between Iran and the countries of the region and is considered an interference in the internal affairs of these countries as well as violates the regional sovereignty principle.

The note also condemned the provocative and escalatory statements that accompanied this intervention and contributed to fuelling the situation. The note also expressed UAE's condemnation of the Iranian attacks on the diplomatic missions of Saudi Arabia, stressing that Iran has to respect its international obligations regarding diplomatic missions and the protection of diplomats on its land.

In this regard, Al-Jarman said Iran is responsible for the protection of embassies and diplomats, a responsibility that must be borne completely under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which is based on respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, namely the principles that guarantee security and regional stability between Iran and neighbouring Arab countries.

He also emphasised that the UAE stands with Saudi Arabia, supports its stance and respects its sovereignty and institutions, a trend that organises relations between the countries in the region.
UAE Foreign Ministry summons Iranian Ambassador, hands him protest note over intervention in Saudi Arabia's affairs - جريدة الرياض
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