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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

Saudi Arabia has shown itself as the most disgusting, despicable, secterian, criminal pieces of shits throughout history. They are responsible for the creation of the worst ideologies to roam this earth from Abu sayaf, Boko haram, Al Shabab, alqaeda, Daesh and many other similar terrorist organizations which emerged from the neo-ummayid/ Wahhabism/ salafist ideologies. They praise the killers and blame the victims. if hypocracy was a man, he would be saudi.

They funded alqaeda in syria in Iraq and now try to present themselves as the good guys. They suppressed the call for democracy in Bahrain while supporting "democratic Islamic" terrorists in Syria. They destroyed and transgressed against the people of Yemen simply because they wanted to live as free men, and not slaves for saudi Wahhabism.

Saudis are some of the most corrupt people on earth with a big percentage of them practicing homosexuaity, going for pleasure vacations and partying in Europe and America while calling for an "Islamic state" for others.

The funded Saddams 8 year war against Iran and now somehow blame iran for causing hate, funny coming from the kingdom of hate and terrorism.

Some might say that we Iraqis suck up to iran. Here is just a small list of recent saudi history with Iraq.
1- paid their hired goons for the complete destruction of iraq in 1991.
2- allowed the us to continue bombing iraq from 1991-2002 from their land and enforced a complete blockade on a starving iraq... whilst even iran traded with the iraqis despite the UN embargo.
3- their hate preachers called on the killing of the majority of iraq's populace after 2003.
4- their terrorists came by the thousands and killed tens of thousands of iraqi citizens between 2003-2015
5- and in all that, the only thing their government was worried about is the "repatriation" and "rehabilition" of saudi terrorists from iraq.
6- saudi continued fighting against iraq post 2003 through their propaganda channels and via their terror-preachers.
7- whilst most countries wrote off the iraqi "odious debt" from the saddam era... saudi and kuwait are the only countries who want iraqis today to repay that blood money (which was originally given to saddam to fight a war on their behalf against iran) to the last cent.

While real terrorists are taken to rehab before getting out and leaving to Iraq and syria to commit suicide attacks. The people who protests are executed and crucified for "causing corruption"

A 17 year old terrorist who joined Daesh in syria and killed a few people in Syria returned to saudi Arabia and taken to rehab as he was a "irresponsible brainwashed minor".

While the 17 year old nephew of shiek Nimr may Allah rest his soul has been sentenced to death simply for protesting.

Anyone who doesn't see the flaw in all this is blind, dictated by hate and secterianism. I truly hope all those who read this use their conscience and choose to let their minds be free from the secterian ideology and just consider these facts even if only for a bit. Ask yourselves, is this right and justice?
Arab League condemns attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran

The Arab League has condemned "in the strongest words" the aggression on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Kingdom's Consulate in Mashhad.

In a statement on Sunday, the League's Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby considered the attacks "a blatant violation of the international charters and conventions,: holding the Iranian government fully responsible for the protection of the premises, according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961.

He stressed the fact that Iran must respect the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries which have the legitimate right to maintain the safety of their citizens, civil peace and the integrity of social fabric.

In addition, Al-Araby said that no party has the right to comment on judicial rulings in other countries.

He lauded the Saudi efforts to counter terrorism and realize security and stability in the Kingdom, reiterating that the League stands side by side with the country.

Iranian protesters stormed the embassy in the Iranian capital, and attacked the consulate in Mashhad late Saturday.
Arab League condemns attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran
KSA responded sharper than I thought they would. Tensions are sure to rise even higher than they have, unfortunately. In the end Iran has more to lose than GCC states if it escalates further. Especially if UAE conduit for Iran is shut, it will hit Iran hard economically and otherwise.
Egypt condemns attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran

Attacks on Saudi missions in Iran came after Riyadh executed 47, including prominent cleric Nimr Al-Nimr


Flames and smoke rise from Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran, Iran, January 2, 2016 (Reuters)
Ahram Online , Sunday 3 Jan 2016

Egypt Sunday condemned attacks on Saudi Arabia's embassy and consulate in Iran following the Sunni kingdom's mass execution of dozens, including a prominent Shia Muslim cleric.
"Egypt condemns the torching of the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Saudi consulate in the city of Mashhad in Iran," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Saudi Arabia announced Saturday it had executed 47 men on terrorism charges, including prominent Shia cleric Nimr Al-Nimr and dozens of Al-Qaeda members.

Those executed include one Egyptian and a man from Chad. The rest are Saudis.

Egypt stressed the need for "respecting the inviolability of the premises of diplomatic and consular missions and the safety of personnel," the statement added.

At least 44 people were arrested late Saturday for storming the diplomatic missions in Tehran and Mashhad.
Egypt condemns attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Arab states unite in condemnation over attack on Saudi diplomatic missions
12:26 am - 4 January، 2016

Flame and smoke rise from Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran
Riyadh__Gulf Magazine
Arab states joined together on Sunday to condemn the attack on Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Masshad, and particularly Iran’s failure to abide by international norms and conventions to protect foreign diplomatic missions.

The Arab League strongly condemned the attacks on the Saudi diplomatic missions, with Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby describing it as a “blatant violation of international conventions,” according to a statement.

While a number of Arab states also came out to unilaterally condemn the attacks.

Tunisia condemned the attack on the Saudi Embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran, calling it a violation of international conventions and norms, stressing the need to provide protection to diplomatic and consular missions against such acts.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the attack on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and general consulate in Mash-had, yesterday, is a grave violation of Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations and relevant international treaties and norms.

The statement stressed the need to avoid anything that would lead to more tensions in the region in order to preserve its security and stability.

Sudan also denounced attacks on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and its Consulate in the city of Mashhad yesterday by some of the protesters.

Spokesperson of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al-Saddiq said that Sudan condemned these hostile practices and called at the same time Iran to respect the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations regarding ensuring the security and protection of diplomatic missions and their members.

While the Yemeni foreign ministry expressed the Yemeni government’s condemnation and denunciation of the operations of breaking into the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate in Mashhad.

In a press statement, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi stressed that these attacks in Iran represent a crime and violation of the international and regional norms and conventions as well as a continuation of the Iranian hostile policies towards the Arab world.

He confirmed Yemen’s supportive stance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in maintaining its security and stability in accordance with its laws.

The Foreign Ministry of the Libyan interim government headed by Abdullah Al-Theni condemned the attacks on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi consulate in the Iranian city of Mash-had.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Libyan Foreign Ministry said that these assaults are a violation of diplomatic norms, particularly the Vienna Convention, stressing that the Iranian authorities would be held responsible for these acts.

While Egypt had earlier expressed its condemnation of the incidents of attacking Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate in the city of Mashhad, Iran. In a statement issued today, the spokesman of Egyptian Foreign Ministry Adviser Ahmed Abu Zaid stressed on the need to respect the premises of diplomatic and consular missions, guarantee the safety of personnel, implement Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations.

Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a number of other Arab states also made clear their rejection of the attacks and condemnation of Tehran’s failure to protect Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic missions in the country.
Arab states unite in condemnation over attack on Saudi diplomatic missions | Gulf Magazine

Kuwait Emphatically Condemns Storming of Saudi Embassy in Iran

Kuwait- SPA

Kuwait sharply condemns attacks by Iranian demonstrators on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, and the Saudi Consulate in Mashhad, an official source at Kuwait's Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

Iranian authorities should shoulder responsibility for protecting the embassy and ensuring the safety of its staff, the source said.

Such attacks are a flagrant violation of Vienna Convention that requires States to protect and safeguard diplomatic missions and to ensure the safety of their staff, KUNA quoted the source as saying.

The source called on Iranian authorities to abide by all international rules and norms which state the respect of States' sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs.

In addition, the source reiterated Kuwait's support to all measures adopted by Saudi Arabia to maintain its security and stability.
Kuwait Emphatically Condemns Storming of Saudi Embassy in Iran - جريدة الرياض

GCC Condemns Barbaric Attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran

Riyadh- SPA

GCC Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashed Al-Zayani has condemned the barbaric aggression on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Consulate in Mashhad, holding the Iranian authorities fully responsible for these acts of terrorism.

Failure on the side of the Iranian authorities to forestall such aggression constitutes a breach of Iran's commitments to the protection of diplomatic missions according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and the International Law, Dr. Al-Zayani said in a statement.

Dr. Al-Zayani also denounced Iran's hostile and fomenting statements against Saudi Arabia after the Kingdom carried out legitimate rulings against terrorists. He considered the statements blatant interference in the Kingdom's internal affairs. He stressed that the statements prompted the aggression on the Saudi diplomatic missions.

The GCC member states stand side by side with Kingdom in the condemnation of these acts of terrorism that targeted the Saudi diplomatic mission in Iran, and hold the Iranian authorities fully responsible for the attacks, Dr. Al-Zayani said.

He also reiterated the GCC support to the resolutions the Kingdom had made to fight all forms of terrorism and track perpetrators of acts of terrorism, and agitators and bring them to justice.
GCC Condemns Barbaric Attacks on Saudi Embassy, Consulate in Iran - جريدة الرياض

In case you didn't notice, all Iranians are happy over severing ties between Iran and Saudi. And yet you think we give a shit what some smaller banana dictatorships have to say about this? :lol:
'After cutting Iran ties, Saudis don't care if they anger White House'

Saudi Arabia used an attack on its embassy in Tehran as a pretext to fuel tensions, Iran's foreign ministry said on Monday.

US President Barack Obama (R) welcomes Saudi King Salman to the White House. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Saudi Arabia used an attack on its embassy in Tehran as a pretext to fuel tensions, Iran's foreign ministry said on Monday after Riyadh severed diplomatic relations.

Iran was committed to protecting its foreign diplomatic missions, the ministry added.

Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in the early hours of Sunday after Saudi Arabia executed Shi'ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, prompting Riyadh to withdraw its diplomatic staff and order Iranian diplomats to leave the kingdom.

The protesters lit fires and smashed furniture in the embassy before being cleared out by the police, who made 40 arrests. No Saudi diplomats were in the embassy. Iranian officials condemned the attack as well as Nimr's execution.

"Iran has acted in accordance with its (diplomatic) obligations to control the broad wave of popular emotion that arose," foreign ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said in televised remarks.

"Saudi Arabia benefits and thrives on prolonging tensions... (It) has used this incident as an excuse to fuel the tensions," he added.

Ansari said Iranian diplomats had not yet left Saudi Arabia. They were given 48 hours to leave late on Sunday night.

Saudi Arabia's position toward Iran is that "enough is enough," a source familiar with the Saudi government's thinking said on Sunday after protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran over the execution of a Shi'ite Muslim cleric and Riyadh cut diplomatic ties with Tehran.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, suggested the Saudi government was upset not merely with Iran but also with the United States for a perceived failure to respond to what Riyadh sees as Tehran's interference throughout the region.

The United States and five other powers struck an agreement with Iran on July 14 by which Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. Some Gulf Arab officials fear Washington may neglect their interests in the service of implementing the nuclear deal.

Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran early on Sunday, a day after the kingdom said it executed 47 people for terrorism, including the prominent Shi'ite Muslim cleric Nimr al-Nimr.

The cleric's execution was condemned by Shi'ite-majority Iran and is the latest collision between the two regional rivals who in recent years have found themselves on opposite sides of conflicts everywhere from Syria and Yemen to Lebanon and Iraq.

Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia, one of the most religiously conservative countries in the world, largely follows the strict Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam. Traditional Wahhabi doctrine is ultra-conservative and views Shi'ites as heretical.

"Enough is enough. Again and again Tehran has thumbed their nose at the West. They continue to sponsor terrorism and launch ballistic missiles and no one is doing anything about it," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"Every time the Iranians do something, the US backs off. In the meantime, Saudi (Arabia) is actually doing something about it in Syria, in Iran and in Yemen," the source added. "The Saudis really don't care if they anger the White House."

The source later said he had mischaracterized the Saudi position toward the White House, saying that Riyadh was not indifferent to the Obama administration's views but felt it had little choice but to defend its interests where necessary.

"It isn't that they don't care what the White House thinks," the source said. "Obviously the Saudis and the US need to work together on quite a few issues. But it's an instance in which the Saudis (feel they) need to forge ahead on their
own in their own best interests in terms of dealing with Iran in the region."

It is good to see that most of the Arab countries and the Arab League is condemning the uncivilized behavior by the Iranian protestors.

The Iranian regime has proven continuously that it cannot be trusted and its negative meddling in numerous Arab countries should be obvious for everyone.

I am very happy that my country Egypt has no relationship with the current Iranian regime.
KSA responded sharper than I thought they would. Tensions are sure to rise even higher than they have, unfortunately. In the end Iran has more to lose than GCC states if it escalates further. Especially if UAE conduit for Iran is shut, it will hit Iran hard economically and otherwise.

Problem is that Iran has fooled the Obama administration and much of the west are now pouring into Iran to make some coin, despite Iran's human rights record and support for terrorism.

Whereas there are growing voices by leftists in the west to cut ties with Saudi.

You see leftists in the west like Iran because it's belligerent towards the west/USA/Israel. They hate Saudi because it's allied to the west.
They both need to stay away from one another.

And a humble request to "Pakistanis" that don't became Irani shia or saudi wahabi ... Please remain Pakistani one.:pakistan:
This is the perfect time for other Arab countries to cut their relations with Iran. Keep it an outcast.
This is the perfect time for other Arab countries to cut their relations with Iran. Keep it an outcast.

Arab unity is a myth.

Even if KSA gives incentives for other Arab countries to join, I don't think they will.

Oman for example has many Iranian citizens.

Also the USA which is now a friend of "death to America" Iran will put pressure on Arab countries not to sever ties with Iran.
Arab unity is a myth.

Even if KSA gives incentives for other Arab countries to join, I don't think they will.

Oman for example has many Iranian citizens.

Also the USA which is now a friend of "death to America" Iran will put pressure on Arab countries not to sever ties with Iran.
oman is neutral, they dont want problems. that's what i like about them
I am shocked to see Arabs and Iranians are celebrating this most tragic event in history.It would have been much better if they have continued to pursue peace settlements with each other.
Now cutting ties means that there are zilch chances for any possible agreement doorway,and I know that who will enjoy and exploit this situation the most.

what a shame.
I am shocked to see Arabs and Iranians are celebrating this most tragic event in history.It would have been much better if they have continued to pursue peace settlements with each other.
Now cutting ties means that there are zilch chances for any possible agreement doorway,and I know that who will enjoy and exploit this situation the most.

what a shame.

I don't think it's that serious. There will still be dialogue when needed by intermediaries just like there always was between Israel and Arabs.

The UK broke all relations with Iran after the storming of their embassy. 4 years later they're best friends again signing business deals.
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