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Saudi Arabia becomes latest buyer of Russian S-400 system


Russian President Putin and Saudi King Salman: Sputnik Photo

The Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense signed contracts with the Russian government to procure the S-400 air defense system, the Kornet-EM system, the TOS-1A, the AGS-30 and the Kalashnikov AK-103.

As part of the agreement signed in Moscow today, Russia will transfer technology and localize the manufacturing and sustainment of these armament systems in the Kingdom, a press statement from the Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) said.

Consequent to the agreement, SAMI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a General Terms and Conditions Contract with ROSOBORONEXPORT, Russia’s state company for exporting military products.

The MOU focuses on localizing the manufacturing and sustainment of advance armament systems in Saudi Arabia. The MOU includes the transfer of technology for the local production of the Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system, the TOS-1A advanced multiple rocket launcher and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers with grenades.

In addition, the parties will cooperate in setting a plan to localize the manufacturing and sustainment of parts of the S-400 air defense system.

The General Terms Contract covers the local production of the Kalashnikov AK-103 and its ammunition which will contribute to raising the local content and enhancing self-sufficiency in line with the Saudi government's Vision 2030.

The agreements also include educational and training programs for Saudi nationals to ensure the sustainability and development of the military industries sector in Saudi Arabia. These agreements are expected to have tangible economic contributions and create hundreds of direct jobs.

It will also transfer cutting edge technologies that will act as a catalyst for localizing 50% of the Kingdom’s military spending as targeted by Vision 2030.

Brother @Zarvan already created a thread on the Arab section (where this news belongs to as the Arab section is solely intended for military matters related to the Arab world).

@The Eagle kindly merge the threads and move this one to the Arab section of PDF. Thanks.

Saudi Arabia Signs Agreement With Russia To Buy S-400 Air Defence System, Other Weapons


Russian President Putin and Saudi King Salman: Sputnik Photo

The Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense signed contracts with the Russian government to procure the S-400 air defense system, the Kornet-EM system, the TOS-1A, the AGS-30 and the Kalashnikov AK-103.

As part of the agreement signed in Moscow today, Russia will transfer technology and localize the manufacturing and sustainment of these armament systems in the Kingdom, a press statement from the Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) said.

Consequent to the agreement, SAMI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a General Terms and Conditions Contract with ROSOBORONEXPORT, Russia’s state company for exporting military products.

The MOU focuses on localizing the manufacturing and sustainment of advance armament systems in Saudi Arabia. The MOU includes the transfer of technology for the local production of the Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system, the TOS-1A advanced multiple rocket launcher and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers with grenades.

In addition, the parties will cooperate in setting a plan to localize the manufacturing and sustainment of parts of the S-400 air defense system.

The General Terms Contract covers the local production of the Kalashnikov AK-103 and its ammunition which will contribute to raising the local content and enhancing self-sufficiency in line with the Saudi government's Vision 2030.

The agreements also include educational and training programs for Saudi nationals to ensure the sustainability and development of the military industries sector in Saudi Arabia. These agreements are expected to have tangible economic contributions and create hundreds of direct jobs.

It will also transfer cutting edge technologies that will act as a catalyst for localizing 50% of the Kingdom’s military spending as targeted by Vision 2030.


KSA's largest trade partner is China (we have close military ties with them too and most importantly growing ones - people will soon hear more about this), the US and now Russia. That's what influence, money, pragmatism and wise leadership can lead you to. So much for the usual "puppet" nonsense by the ignorant fools whose countries of origin influence is mostly nowhere near that of KSA. Let them bark, post propaganda, nonsense while we keep improving on all fronts as a nation and as a people.

THAAD, Patriot and now this. A certain barking entity will think twice before using their North Korean missiles (based on old USSR technology) and having daydreams and fantasies. They will get burned badly. Let us hope that they will act wisely.
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I presume Iran will not be pleased by this. Thought Russia was in their corner, from weapons to Syria. Are the Saudis no longer interested in ousting Assad too? Interesting times.

A certain barking entity's North Korean (using USSR technology) missiles will be burned badly in case of them having stupid dreams and fantasies.

You need to do your proper homework and return.


I think Saudi Arabia should also consider getting Iskander Ballistic Missiles from Russia
Saudi Arabia agrees deal for Russian S400 missile defense systems


Saudia Arabia have agreed a deal to purchase S400 missile defense systems from Russia on Thursday during the state visit of King Salman Bin Abdulaziz to Moscow.

The deal will allow the kingdom to acquire one of the most advanced missile defense platforms in the world.

The S-400 Triumf is an anti aircraft, anti ballistic missile and anti cruise missile defense system that has been in service with the Russian Army since 2007.

The system uses four missiles, a very-long-range 400 km missile, a long-range 250 km missile, a medium-range 120 km missile and a short-range 40 km missile.

The System gives Saudi Arabia a multi-layer defense ability against aerial threats.

The S-400 is utilized by The Russian, Belarussian and Chinese armies. Turkey and India are awaiting delivery.

Although the kingdom utilizes an American-European missile defense base depending heavily on Raytheon’s Patriot missile systems, the inclusion of the Russian system will not affect but enhance the system in place according to Riad Kahwaji, Chief Executive of the Institute of Near East and Gulf Military Analysis in Dubai.

“The S400 is an effective missile platform that can be effectively utilized as long as the communications network is in place,” he said. “As long as your command and control can talk to each other and see any emanating threats you are fine with this system in place,“ he added.

Saudi Arabia already has an established early warning system with radars, early warning aircraft and missile defense systems, Kahwaji added.

Money is a powerful tool, wouldn't be the first time a friendship would be broken over money, altough I doubt that Russia and Iran would have a fall out, but still, Iran won't be too happy, I think.

Russia kind of needs money, Saudis are playing it smart.

THAAD, Patriot, and the S-400. You can't just ask for better combination.

That should certainly make potential hostile daydreamers think twice before doing something that they will regret!

I presume Iran will not be pleased by this. Thought Russia was in their corner, from weapons to Syria. Are the Saudis no longer interested in ousting Assad too? Interesting times.

You need to do your proper homework and return.



Saudi arabia will not buy kornet nor tos-1 just s-400 the saudis also wanted joint ventures which informations will be given price in the next 2 days so god will
I presume Iran will not be pleased by this. Thought Russia was in their corner, from weapons to Syria. Are the Saudis no longer interested in ousting Assad too? Interesting times.
What's the problem? Russia does not make political conditions for the buyers of its weapons. At the same time, Russia, of course, does not consider Assad and Syria the subject of bargaining.
I presume Iran will not be pleased by this. Thought Russia was in their corner, from weapons to Syria. Are the Saudis no longer interested in ousting Assad too? Interesting times.

Why are you so upset?

More jobs for us Pakistanis now. We will be the one operating it for KSA.

What's your profile and nationality?
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