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Saudi Arabia announces 20% defence budget increase

There are examples all over this forum I posted some time ago, feel free to search them.

It would be helpful to start a thread with all of the indigenous developments packed into it. Get your guys together and do it.
It would be helpful to start a thread with all of the indigenous developments packed into it. Get your guys together and do it.

It is alot of work that I am not sure is worth it, considering in this forum new ssaying that Saudi Arabia has been developing its own missiles for a while doesn't get as many views as news saying a Saudi was killed while trying to **** a donkey.
Basically this forum and its people are not worth it.
It would be helpful to start a thread with all of the indigenous developments packed into it. Get your guys together and do it.

I second that yara. We really don't know much about defense industrial capabilities of KSA.
1) I dont buy your reasons for success because success is not what I forsee for the IS. I see it as a threat that SA will have to face sooner or later. I find your arguments on SA's invulnerability to the effects and influence of IS weak.

2) I never said an all out invasion. That is your conclusion and your mistake of looking at IS as expanding everywhere at once. This is not a scenario for tomorrow, it is one for one or five years unless massive intervention is undertaken to defeat IS now. The rapid force by which IS is recruiting and expanding is not to be taken lightly. My vagueness has little to do with your lack of timeframe. At first the argument was about the unsuitability of the desert for guerilla warfare which a basic read through history proves utterly wrong. Then it was about Airpower, which history has also proven utterly wrong. So which of your arguments about KSA's Iron curtain then stands on factual pillars?

3). Essentially, those events in Syria which were backed by KSA in its short sighted move to reduce Iranian influence has resulting in an ideology that is not much different from the flavour pushed by the KSA state itself. Except that unlike the strict regulation of the ideology in KSA to ensure that no one other than the government has the right to use force, here the ability to twist religion into criminal warcrime has been given a free hand. What stops IS then of basically disguising its propaganda in the guise of being compatible with the KSA state's religious projections?

Again, your focus is on assuming that IS is fighting like some ragtag bandit group when it has displayed much more coherency in its organization. Those 40000+ fighters are not going after KSA tomorrow, they will come for KSA once they are through with Syria and Iraq.

As a counter argument and strategy, it may also be that IS could/should be infiltrated and then funded by KSA intelligence. Since their focus lies much more on the elimination of all other ideologies within Islam except theirs..which means that KSA is easily the most safe from IS..whose greater focus will be on the Shia crescent.


I don't understand your first sentence. We are already facing ISIS first of all. I never said anything about KSA being invulnerable to anything I am just countering your dark predictions that I don't believe are based on any factual findings or events.


I know you did not but you implied that ISIS will move toward KSA when they are "done with Syria and Iraq". Something I don't think that they will ever be first of all nor is it something that any regional power or world power (read USA) will allow either.

I am not sure if you are familiar with the geography of the Northern Regions of KSA. Those bordering Al-Anbar to be precise. Those regions are characterized by some highlands, numerous valleys but otherwise desert/steppe/grasslands. It is by no means an ideal place to establish an insurgency or foothold. It's sparsely populated too. Let alone the fact that there are no major cities closer than 40 km from the Iraqi border. KSA is very well prepared to met any threats from the North as I clearly stated. I still stand by that until I see anything proving the opposite.


Yes, so I gather that KSA should be supporting an mass-murderer like Al-Asshead who is mass-killing fellow Arabs and Sunni Muslims and who is put afloat by a mortal enemy in Iran and another unfriendly state in Russia?! Last time I checked it was not KSA that started killing thousands of Syrians just because they were protesting for more rights nor is KSA supporting ISIS or Al-Nusra but rather FSA and the Syrian opposition. Ironically an opposition that not only most fellow Arab countries support (Muslims too) but most of the world. Nor could anyone predict that some shadow organization based in Iraq could suddenly be able to control all of Eastern Syria 3 years into the conflict.

I can only laugh at your comparison between ISIS and KSA. Not even worthy a serious reply.

Also I have never assumed anything about ISIS being a rag-tag organization rather the opposite. I have clearly acknowledged their abilities to cause havoc. Yet they will never succeed in KSA as we see in Syria and Iraq. The reason is that KSA is not a failed state but a regional power. Nothing tells me that they will nor has anything showed me that they can as of now. Rather the opposite.

Anyway we will not agree and time will only tell.
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Bhangi but i though it was maha bharat? Or it become ancient Pakistan only when it comes to defeat? Don't forget ancient Pakistanis have defeated and raped your ancient bhangi ancestors.

mainay kuch aisa khay dena hai ki teri bolti band ho jani, but then i will get banned as moderators are to moderate here

Many here belive they won 1971 and kicked india and india started all wars

why doesn't saudia buy aircraft carrier? they've modern air force, much ships, much budget, large coastline

Laghta hai tujhe is bhangi baba ka jadu char gheya hai.
stupid people hope u teach them true history starting with @Dodo Bobo :D
Nope, they give me negative rating and/or give ban strike.

Or those with no power at all will call be paid Indian and ask mods to check my location.

They fought against Iran during the Tanker War as well as against Iraq during the First Gulf War.
Not to mention, by having military might, you avoid war at the same time.

If Saudi was a weak military nation, many countries would've eyed an adventure. Beside, the citizens of saudi don't really like monarchy anyway.
how could India be threat to Saudi arabia

If you read Indian poster's posts just on here (and I see them on many other forums), they are becoming extremely anti-Islamic. Its very obvious. So if you were Saudia....what would you be thinking???
Aero is right. Majority of these Naval preparations are to deal with a larger naval future foe and that ain't the US. In the next 15 years, India will start to assert itself in a forceful way and these guys will be waiting eye to eye for you as they prepped in advance. Plus Naval expansion would mean the US won't ask the Indian Navy to Patrol this area so much as Saudi is their strongest ally after Israel. So the Arabs will keep the Indian involvement at bay. Air force wise, they are already WAY ahead of India in both quality and quantity. The Navy was lacking and 80 Billion for just a few years is enough to fill that gap and build an internal MIC. Smart plan.
If you read Indian poster's posts just on here (and I see them on many other forums), they are becoming extremely anti-Islamic. Its very obvious. So if you were Saudia....what would you be thinking???
Aero is right. Majority of these Naval preparations are to deal with a larger naval future foe and that ain't the US. In the next 15 years, India will start to assert itself in a forceful way and these guys will be waiting eye to eye for you as they prepped in advance. Plus Naval expansion would mean the US won't ask the Indian Navy to Patrol this area so much as Saudi is their strongest ally after Israel. So the Arabs will keep the Indian involvement at bay. Air force wise, they are already WAY ahead of India in both quality and quantity. The Navy was lacking and 80 Billion for just a few years is enough to fill that gap and build an internal MIC. Smart plan.
I think Musharaf said, if you hit us with nukes dr india, we will nuke you. there will be far less hindus in world then. whereas many muslims all over world.

India has no interest in trolling saudia, seeing how it has some 200m muslims and many muslims in high posts.
India would rather deal with terrorism, Pakistan and China.

You are one sane Pakistani on this forum when even it's staff is a bit loony.
what was loony?

And thanks. Speaking truth isn't very fruity. Get hit by many "anti pakistani, anti state, pro india, go live in india, paid indian."

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