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Sanctioning Pakistan can backfire, US lawmakers warned

You are oh so wise! And with your pearls of wisdom flowing I can have an idea of your mental state!
USA used Pakistan against USSR and after latter's disintegration it left a legacy of jihadis in Afghanistan that returned to haunt the US. They again used Pakistan against Al Qaida/Talibans and will continue to use them and so they wont resort to sanctions. They will use Pakistan for Afghanistan as long as they want and Pakistan can not refuse them. US policies are interventionist not withdrawing from a scene. Sacntions are demanded by India mainly to embarrass Pakistan's friends. I dont think even India would want complete isolation of Pakistan and create a North Korea or Somalia on our western borders.
Let them do that and then Pakistan should openly support Taliban and get their stinky existence out of Afghanistan. USA cannot open so many fronts simultaneously but country near the end of their sorry existence do such idiot things that backfire automatically.
Nothing is happening. No such thing I mean, nowadays US wants to please and court India with a little this and that, and hence the 'lofty' statements, LoL
Sanctioning Pak means deleveraging the US influence in the region. Direct outcome will be the dissolution of the KSA and thrusting China into a super power status. Well, mankind is famous for making stupid decisions and lifelong regrets...
USA used Pakistan against USSR and after latter's disintegration it left a legacy of jihadis in Afghanistan that returned to haunt the US. They again used Pakistan against Al Qaida/Talibans and will continue to use them and so they wont resort to sanctions. They will use Pakistan for Afghanistan as long as they want and Pakistan can not refuse them. US policies are interventionist not withdrawing from a scene. Sacntions are demanded by India mainly to embarrass Pakistan's friends. I dont think even India would want complete isolation of Pakistan and create a North Korea or Somalia on our western borders.

See? You are confused. You disagree and agree at the same time. Quite frankly, nobody know what exactly are you trying to make point. Also, a lot of anger in your post.

For the benefit of debate; it could be argued that Pakistan used USA funding [billion dollars] to defeat Indian's ally, USSR, eradicated massive portion of Indian-funded terrorism and now still kicking Indians @$$ with that funding through Zarb-e-Azb mission. :D

Fun fact: In 80s American knew Pakistan was building Nuclear program and yet, USA chose to look otherwise. If USA didn't sanction earlier, then USA is not about to start now since USA is completely left alone with everyone abandoning USA while India is still clinging to USA who have rejected Modi's narrative on Balochistan not long ago with utter humiliation. :D
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Pakistan is ant some spoiled teenage kid, whom can force to change his behavior using his financial dependence on u.

We r a sovereign nation, who r the regional power and had been unchallenged regional power for most of our history. We will continue to do whats in our best of interests and only us will decide what is in our interest or not.

Money or no money AIDE or no AIDE.
Sovereignty is a relative term. Handing over Saksgam Valley to China and letting US drones bomb your own people and territory is also a sovereignty. Its up to a nation to decide what legacy it wants to leave for its future generation.
Pakistan is ant some spoiled teenage kid, whom can force to change his behavior using his financial dependence on u.

We r a sovereign nation, who r the regional power and had been unchallenged regional power for most of our history. We will continue to do whats in our best of interests and only us will decide what is in our interest or not.

Money or no money AIDE or no AIDE.
*AID not *AIDE
US knows sanctions, cutting aid, stopping F-16s had little to no effect and it seems there is a broad consensus developed there, that Pakistan as an ally is being lost and nothing the US can do is going to change that but what seems infuriating is that instead of looking into the mirror and seeing the fault lines within, they are still looking at Pakistan to be blamed for their failures in Afghanistan.
Pakistan is not going to move against Haqqanis and the primary reason for that is because US ignored our genuine strategic interests in Afghanistan and allowed India and others a foot hold into that area which is a direct result of terrorism inside Pakistan. Haqqani is going to be our ace card when shit hits the fan. Others can call it whatever they want, but every country looks for her own interests and Pakistan does too. It should not come as a surprise to anybody the least the americans who have being doing so since many decades.
See? You are confused. You disagree and agree at the same time. Quite frankly, nobody know what exactly are you trying to make point. Also, a lot of anger in your post.

For the benefit of debate; it could be argued that Pakistan used USA funding [billion dollars] to defeat USSR, eradicated massive portion of Indian-funded terrorism and now kicking Indians @$$ with that funding. :D
Can you tell me what was your enmity with USSR? Did you ever lodge a complaint against USSR as to what you did not like about them?
As far as I understand the "user" is the one who pays and the "used" is the one who gets paid. Correct me if I am wrong.
Sovereignty is a relative term. Handing over Saksgam Valley to China and letting US drones bomb your own people and territory is also a sovereignty. Its up to a nation to decide what legacy it wants to leave for its future generation.
stop quoting a 50 years old propaganda of yr country. We never gave any land to anyone which we never controlled. Yr still a new member relatively, it was discussed years ago. And stop watching Ar0b Goswami's programs.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus please take notice.
stop quoting a 50 years old propaganda of yr country. We never gave any land to anyone which we never controlled. Yr still a new member relatively, it was discussed years ago. And stop watching Ar0b Goswami's programs.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus please take notice.
So you don't get Saksgam Valley because you never controlled? Why jumping up and down on Kashmir then? Since you believe what you don't control isn't yours
Can you tell me what was your enmity with USSR? Did you ever lodge a complaint against USSR as to what you did not like about them?
As far as I understand the "user" is the one who pays and the "used" is the one who gets paid. Correct me if I am wrong.

That depends on the definition of user. Pakistan got the contract mean money. In result, Pakistan got American funding to spend on Nuclear program. It is all relative. Otherwise, India is the biggest motherland to be ever used as the whole world uses India like prostitution for outsourcing. :D

USSR invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan could have avoided the unnecessarily war but USSR played vital role in assisting India against Pakistan in 1971. So Pakistan saw the opportunity to take the revenge and made USSR pay big time. Plus, the money was bonus. Pakistan would have done for free given Pakistan did it for revenge. :D
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Actually last time US sanctioned us and india...after nuclear tests ...economies of both countries started booming...our ecenomy only faltered after coming back into their friends list...airforce started jf 17 project.. there was no check on nuclear and missile import (and export)... and army grew extremely distrustful of US...
I think it was so beneficial we should request them to sanction us...
US is getting tough on Pakistan, coming days will be interesting although I don't think much will happen
A lot has changed around the globe, era of uni polar world is almost over, Slapping sanctions may not be a good idea, yes it may be someone's wish but certainly US is not interested since the has their conclusions in 90s.
“They would need to consider the possibility that coercion could backfire, raising tensions and making Islamabad less willing or able to advance any constructive agenda.”

Pakistan is valuable regional player. USA's exit plan depends on Pakistan. Without Pakistan, USA cannot move forward while keeping in mind of the growing diplomatic relationships of Pakistan with Iran, Russia, Turkey and China.

Unfortunately, Indians haven't been able to understand the ground reality that and neither has Trump. :D

Sanctions means we have license to load GCC with nukes...and pull Russia and China closer...tumbling whose American middle east policy!
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