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Salman Rushdie Knighted

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Pakistan turns to OIC on Rushdie

Nirupama Subramanian


Near-isolation in Islamic world for Islamabad

More heat in Parliament than on the streets


ISLAMABAD: Finding itself in near-isolation in the Islamic war over the Rushdie knighthood affair, Pakistan is trying to rope in the Organisation of Islamic Conference to take a stand on the issue. Pakistan started a diplomatic row with the United Kingdom over the British Government’s honour to the author, and Iran quickly followed, but other countries in the Muslim world have been quiet.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said at her weekly briefing on Monday she could not comment on the silence of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia or Indonesia. But she said Pakistan had “formally approached the Organisation of Islamic Countries to take a position” on the knighthood.
Pakistan’s National Assembly adopted a second resolution last Friday against the knighthood to author Salman Rushdie, with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz joining in the growing chorus of condemnation of the British Government for refusing to withdraw the honour.

The second resolution by the parliamentary Lower House said the British Government had “not only disappointed the Pakistani people but also injured their sentiments” by ignoring the National Assembly’s first resolution on June 18 asking that the title of “Sir” to Mr. Rushdie be withdrawn, and renewed the demand. The Senate also passed a resolution making the same demand.

Mr. Aziz said on the floor of the House that the British decision “has hurt the feelings of Muslims”. He said Muslims “will never tolerate derogatory remarks” against Prophet Muhammad.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the resolutions in the National Assembly and the Senate represented the sentiments of the people of Pakistan.

But the knighthood controversy seems to have generated more heat in Parliament and in the corridors of Government than on the streets. Unlike at the time of the Danish cartoons controversy, there were only sporadic protests against the award to Mr. Rushdie, and they had died down completely by the end of the week.

Indian Muslims condemn Rushdie knighthood

LUCKNOW: The British government has offended Muslims all over the world by bestowing a knighthood on novelist Salman Rushdie, the top Indian Muslim clerics said Monday.

The Ulema Council of India said the decision to honour Indian-born Rushdie reflects the anti-Islamic attitude of the British government. “Salman Rushdie is a detested figure among Muslims. The British government has hurt Muslim feelings by honouring a person who is facing a fatwa for blasphemous writings,” Maulana Abul Hasan of the Ulema council said. In 1989, Iran’s then-spiritual leader, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie for his book, “The Satanic Verses,” saying the work of fiction insulted Islam.

The threat forced Rushdie, who lives in Britain, into hiding for a decade. Several Muslim organisations, including the Islamic Centre of India, All India Sunni Board and the Ulema Council of India, sent a joint statement to the British High Commission in New Delhi on Sunday, condemning Rushdie’s knighthood.

Britain has defended its decision to honour Rushdie, one of the most prominent novelists of the late 20th century. His 13 novels have won numerous awards, including the Booker Prize for “Midnight’s Children” in 1981. ap

I think the Muslim communities should have been very patient/tolerant......by making a protest...we are highlighting Rushdie and his book....giving him undue publicity. It is worth noteing that the earlier books he had written in which he was given.....the opportunity to knight him was never considered. Only when 'satanic' verses was written and had inflamed the Muslim Communities.....did the 'evil' schemers within the British establishment.....considered honoring him..........

Rushdie is not the first....other so called writers in Europe have done the same...to get publicity......Whether you believe it or not....but it is a PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE being waged against the Muslims........We Muslims need to use Hikmat (Wisdom) in dealing with sensitive issues......not making a scene!

...Remember.....In the Prophets (PBUH) time.....he was ridiculed...abused....called a all bad names......BUT HE NEVER RETALIATED....or caused a scene.....WE should be following his 'Sunna' - way.
...Remember.....In the Prophets (PBUH) time.....he was ridiculed...abused....called a all bad names......BUT HE NEVER RETALIATED....or caused a scene.....WE should be following his 'Sunna' - way.

Exactly, if you feel you are being provocated. The dont feed them, just ignore thats the way out.

1977, he wrote a book called grimes, which was very bad on teh HIndu's....He criticized the Hindu culture, religious mentality...etc etc...
Nobody is bothered is there,
Salman Rushdie does have a Booker Prize for Midnights children, as well as lot of other's, i believe he is a testament for free speech(i am not bothered about the content, wether it is anti-muslim or anti-hindu)

PS: you dont know wether it is to insult muslims, british honoured,as i said he does have other great work to his name. Muslims should develop a thicker skin, as you said the great Prophet, Allah, good muslims is not going to be insulted by him, cuz their faith is strong.
Adux - 1977, he wrote a book called grimes, which was very bad on teh HIndu's....He criticized the Hindu culture, religious mentality...etc etc...

The point here is that why was Salman not nominated for knighthood then? The book did give him the bookers prize.....it was only after satanic verses that the British establisment started considering......probably aiming to cause more mayhem within the muslim communities.

There is nothing wrong with freedom of expression....However....as in Spiderman (the movie)...the quote given was.....with POWER COMES RESPONSIBILITY. Freedom of expression is a form of power one can exercise......however RESPONSIBILITY should be the utmost thing on one's mind. yes you have the power to express but not necessarily by calling you all the names under the sun/insulting....I mean if i started shouting to other peole...that your mom's a whore and your sister is a 'slapper' and your dad is paedophile...C**k sucker (I mean this is my freedom to express myself)...then I can guarantee you that some one will kick my sorry 'butt'.......

Again responsibility needs to enhanced.....
yes, someone will kick your sorrybutt, but that doesnt mean it is lawfull. It is your moral judgement to
You dont give someone a knighthood on just one book, 1980 he wasnt some one...
The muslims made him an icon of freedom of speech, otherwise he would have faded into abyss.
Rabrinath Tagore, a freedom fighter and a poet was awarded a knighthood by the British. I have healthy respect for them, they are even ready to give the knighthood to a person like a tagore, who was trying to have an independent india. That doesnt mean they would give it to Osama. There is a difference. As long as muslims dont see the difference, they will never understand. I think salman deserves a Knighthood for what he stood for, who he stood against those mullah's...
Exactly, if you feel you are being provocated. The dont feed them, just ignore thats the way out.

hey, great idea

Can some one please post the "Hinduism" thread from PDF? I am pretty sure that Bull will say out of it :enjoy:
hey, great idea

Can some one please post the "Hinduism" thread from PDF? I am pretty sure that Bull will say out of it :enjoy:

Please by all means, talk say it is wrong..Nobody told you to be quiet. Muslims are the one who made him a icon of free speech, The problem is only with when you go rioting and start saying death to him and giving out fatwa's. I support MF hussien's paintings as well as the vadorra guy who drew hindu gods in sexual position for his art project, both these people one a muslim other a hindu, is under threat from VHP and Sena not on to death though. Everyone should have the right to express good or bad.
Please by all means, talk say it is wrong..Nobody told you to be quiet. Muslims are the one who made him a icon of free speech, The problem is only with when you go rioting and start saying death to him and giving out fatwa's. I support MF hussien's paintings as well as the vadorra guy who drew hindu gods in sexual position for his art project, both these people one a muslim other a hindu, is under threat from VHP and Sena not on to death though. Everyone should have the right to express good or bad.

If it wasn't against the forum rules I would have posted some; and you would have been the first one to report.

O believe me you don't want to see my bad side :flame:
Poof off dude, I have no problem!!!

Remember there is no dearth stuff on the internet which can be used very effectively against you too....

Stop being gung-ho in a internet forum, it makes you look real stupid and kiddish..
Stop being gung-ho in a internet forum, it makes you look real stupid and kiddish..

Atleast I don't hide behind the curtain of "I-m-secularist" & vote for BJP at polls.

All the members have tried to explain you that salman rush-die's actions have hurt the sentiments of muslims worldwide; yet you endorse this activity & fully support him. Freedom of speech has its limit.

Jyllands-Posten refused to publish Jesus caricatures produced by Christoffer-Zieler.Editor Jens Kaiser rejected this in April 2003 in order not to hurt Christians sensitivity. But no one cared about Muslim's sensitivity.

The freedom of speech cannot be used as an excuse to hurt or insult others. [ unlike salmanrush-die & the dasnish cartoons]

There exists double standards in this matter among most European and American journalists working for big media corporations. Most of these "advocates of freedom of speech" do not dare write against the foul practices of multinational corporations that often provide bread and butter to most working journalists. Most of them do not dare to expose the dirty trade practices, excessive exploitation and other violation of human rights of people working in such corporations. Most of them would not even touch the so called issues of national security even if the position of the power elite is against national interests. A case in point is the War in Iraq.

The majority of the European and American journalists working for big corporation controlled media have not questioned the rationale behind going to war in Iraq.

In fact, their anti-Islamic writings betray their loyalty to the power elites who are keen in promoting a hateful agenda against Muslims. Muslims ought to be cognizant of these facts. Our response to such Insults and humiliation should be based on the divine teachings and the lifestyle of our Prophet. We must not give in to our emotions.

We could have done much better if our response was controlled by the Divine teachings. We could have asked the Danish and other newspapers to allow us to introduce our Prophet to their audience the way we see him. We should have engaged the Dane's and others in a meaningful dialogue and discussion on the true nature of our faith and the true personality of our Prophet.

We should rise above our emotions to use this moment to educate others about Islam in an objective manner. It is the responsibility of our religious and intellectual leaders to direct our masses in developing a meaningful response to incidents of hate and racial bigotry.

No doubt, each of us feels hurt when we see an offensive depiction of our faith or our Prophet. However, rather than reacting in an emotional manner, we should use the opportunity to demonstrate true Islamic values of patience and persuasion. We showed our weakness in controlling our emotions when Salman Rushdie insulted our Prophet. We have repeated the same mistake. By now we should have learned about the teachings of our prophet in dealing with such cases. Perhaps we need to go back to study the life of our Prophet in more detail to develop a better understanding of his character and teachings as well as his mission in the world. After all, we accept him as a Mercy to Humankind.
I will get a kick from my family if i ever did that, and I dont like BJP. Compleltly hate that slobs

My dad was a congress man till he died, all the way, He was State President for Congreess Worker's Association and also the creator of the group for welfare of my caste called Dheevara Sabha and alos an Member of the Legislative assembly of Kerala.

PS: A secualrist doesnt mean supporting Muslims to all their whims and whams
hey, great idea

Can some one please post the "Hinduism" thread from PDF? I am pretty sure that Bull will say out of it :enjoy:

That advice was for foxhound, not for my own consumption.
A.Rahman said:
O believe me you don't want to see my bad side :flame:

You mean what we have seen till now was your good side???:azn:
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