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And what about in Dallas Texas, sir???

Are they all practicing Islam there? :lol::lol::lol:

you are in USA and you are dictating to Pakistanis that only 3-4% are practicing "true Islam" (according to you)

thanks for exposing your level of intelligence, "maulana" saab.

And what about in Dallas Texas, sir???

Are they all practicing Islam there? :lol::lol::lol:

you are in USA and you are dictating to Pakistanis that only 3-4% are practicing "true Islam" (according to you)

thanks for exposing your level of intelligence, "maulana" saab.


Brother your above statement really show level of your intelligent and understanding about Islam. Muslim can practice is deen anywhere in the world. Practicing deen is making his,her relationship stronger with Allah (swt) regardless of where a person lives, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Russia, Canada, Europe or America.
All I am doing is presenting facts about Pakistan. I have discuss with my Indian Muslim friends, believe it or not, Indian Muslim are better Muslim compare to Pakistani.
How Ironic that the country created for Muslim, yet no Islam anywhere in Pakistan.
To understand this you have to look at statistic of People practicing Islam.
I am not making it up. In USA, only 4%-10% Muslims praying Jumma salat. The condition of Muslim are pretty much the same everywhere in the world, except Sri-lanka where 95% Muslims are practicing 100% Islam.

In Indonesia-Malaysia, Philippine more the 24 millions people became murtad in last 10 years, the figure is much higher in Africa. Ask yourself why in Pakistan (Islamic Country) people are converting to Christianity, Qadianism and Ismailism?
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Look at statistic about Pakistan, I am not making it up. In USA, only 4%-10% Muslims praying Jumma salat. The condition of Muslim are pretty much the same everywhere in the world, except Sri-lanka where 95% Muslims are practicing 100% Islam.

and sitting all the way in USA, you know all these fascinating statistics?

how interesting.

where is your proof to back these claims?

In Indonesia-Malaysia, Philippine more the 24 millions people became murtad in last 10 years, the figure is much higher in Africa. Go figure...

congratulations for deviating completely from the thread.

What credential do you have whereby you can label other Muslims as apostates?

Why are you living in the land of "Kaffirs" ? :lol::lol::lol:
and sitting all the way in USA, you know all these fascinating statistics?

how interesting.

where is your proof to back these claims?

I have many friends from SriLanka, India and Bangladesh

congratulations for deviating completely from the thread.

What credential do you have whereby you can label other Muslims as apostates?

I don't waste my time listening to useless Music. I read about history and current events. You can also do that.

Why are you living in the land of "Kaffirs" ? :lol::lol::lol:

Whole Pakistan wants to come to this "Land of Kaffir". It could be "land of Kaffir" for you but it is land of opportunity for others. unlike tunisia, Syria and Egypt, there is no religion restriction in America. There is a freedom of religion, anyone can practice their religion, even Parsi, Hindu. By the way are you Hindu or Barelvi? No offense...just asking.
I have many friends from SriLanka, India and Bangladesh

so living in the U.S. and having friends from those countries makes you an expert on how many practicing Muslims there are in those countries?

Oye "maulana" saab, this is fascinating. :tup:

I don't waste my time listening to useless Music. I read about history and current events. You can also do that.

I asked you a question. You completely dodged it.

I have a dual MA in Economics/Security Policy Studies. I think I don't need somebody like yourself to lecture me about "history and current events"

(which is not even what we were talking about)

Whole Pakistan wants to come to this "Land of Kaffir". It could be "land of Kaffir" for you but it is land of opportunity for others.

it is evident that you haven't heard of something called sarcasm

look it up in your dictionary if you have one

unlike tunisia, Syria and Egypt, there is no religion restriction in America.

so what's your point?

You were talking about music being supposedly 'haram'. Now we are talking about freedom of religion in the U.S.?

This topic maybe got you too excited. :lol:

By the way are you Hindu or Barelvi?

I'm Muslim.

No offense...just asking.

none taken
I have been to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. I have seen the lifestyle of poeple in these countries. Indian Muslim have better understanding of Islam compare to Pakistani and this is fact. Pakistan people, especially, in Punjab there is very little Islam. Have muslim name is not sucess, have Iman is not success but dieing on Iman (with Kalimah) is success. There is effort need to correct of Aqeeeda and practice Islam like the Companion of Rasulullah (saw) did. Abu Bakr Al Siddig, Omar bin Al Khattab, Osman binAfa, Ali ibn Talib, Abdullah ibn Rawah, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, Abdur-Rahman bin Awf, Abudllah ibn Masood, Talha bin Oubaid Allah, Abu Obaida bin Algarah
Saeed bin Zid AlQurashi, these are all example for us to follow.

Those of you live in UK probably heard of Mufti-Mohamad Rafiq (Sufi). One of his lecture (Bayan) he mentioned a beautiful thing. He said before doing any action (amal) think about these 3 things.

1)Is this action (amal) going to benefit me in Duniya & Akhirah? If answer is yes then do it.

2)Is this action (amal) is going to benefit me in Duniya but will not benefit (or will not harm) me in Akhirah? If answer is yes then do it.

3 This action (amal) is going to benefit in Duniya but harm me in Akhirah. If answer is yes then DO NOT DO IT.

4)This action (amal) is not going to benefit in Duniya & Akhira. If Answer is yes then DO NOT DO IT.

Where does Music fit into this?

According to you, there are some benefits of Music. You should ask yourself, is it going to harm me in Akhirah? You can't compare this 50-80 years of life to the life of hereafter (Akhirah) which is foreever.
Do you want to destroy your Akhirah for very little (or any) benefit of Music in Duniya?
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right right, it was Deobandis like you who were even against creation of Pakistan.

Now you have the NERVE to tell Pakistanis here that there is "very little Islam" in our country.

That in itself is an absurd statement. But I am already seeing a pattern from your posts, and therefore it is quite hard for somebody like me to take somebody like you seriously.

not sure about the others here, but I think you might be a bit delusional ;)

p.s. You talk about Aqeeda and Iman. What's with this post you made back in 2007?:


FATA need McDonald's, couple of casinos & club and topless bars

sarcasm? or are you a hypocrite?
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So, are you recommending "freedom of religion"? And what do you mean by land of opportunity - please elaborate?

Whole Pakistan wants to come to this "Land of Kaffir". It could be "land of Kaffir" for you but it is land of opportunity for others. unlike tunisia, Syria and Egypt, there is no religion restriction in America. There is a freedom of religion, anyone can practice their religion, even Parsi, Hindu. By the way are you Hindu or Barelvi? No offense...just asking.
right right, it was Deobandis like you who were even against creation of Pakistan.

You changed the topic again.....Weren't we talking about Music.

Deobandi is not a sect or ideology. It is propaganda by Barelvis against Muslim in India & Pakistan. There is differences of opinion between Muslims and Barlevis on few issues.

It was Islamic ullama who fought against British in British India not the followers of Ahmad Rada Khan. Muslim who believe in pure Islam are labeled as Deobandi by Bidati and grave worshiper.

Fatwa against Barelvism by Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Baaz; Click Here!

I don't want convert this thread to Muslim vs Barelvis (Islam vs Barelivism)

This is a historical fact that Ahmed Rada Khan and Mirza Ahmad Qadian were British agent, need a say more.

If the country was divided correctly, it would have been the most powerful Muslim country in the world. (Total Punjabi Population would have been less then 16%)

[According to 2009 census,
Pakistan total population 173 millions (96% Muslim)
India's Muslim population 161 millions
Bangladesh Muslim population 133 millions]

This is One of the reason Majority of Islamic scholar didn't support it (except Ahmed Rada Khan and Mirza Ahmad Qadian) because those who were pushing the idea of 2 nation theory was incompetent and didn't know anything about Islam. The idea of Muslim moving from their homes (Delhi, Lucknow, Agra, Bopal, and South India (Tamil Nadu, Kerala (30% Muslims ) to a new place with so much uncertainty, it didn't make sense to majority of Muslims living in British India.

This is one of the reason Islamic Scholars were against it. The Idea of dividing the nation should have been planned properly and by Muslims. Islamic scholars didn't trust Jinah as the leader.

Mohammad Ali Jinah was brought up in British system. Because of his family converted from Hindu to Ismaili/Agakhanism, he had very little knowledge of real Islam. Some Islamic scholars believe that Jinnah didn't have correct understanding of "Tauheed-o-Risalat", he didn't know how to pray or even know surah Fatiha.

Mahomedali Jinnah was born to Mithibai and Jinnahbhai Poonja. His father, Jinnahbhai (1857–1901), was a prosperous Gujarati merchant who had moved to Sindh from Kathiawar, Gujarat before Jinnah's birth. His grandfather was Poonja Gokuldas Meghji, a Hindu Bhatia Rajput from Paneli village in Gondal state in Kathiawar. Jinnah's ancestors were Hindu Rajput that converted to Islam.[11] Jinnah's family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi'a Islam, though some people believe that Jinnah later converted to Twelver Shi'a Islam

Pakistan needs to take drastic steps to bring racial harmony. I created new map (4 into 16 provinces) of Pakistan in 2005 and the Idea behind creating this map is to bring racial harmony, ending majoritarianism, balancing the federation, empowering minorities, resolving greviences.

Now you have the NERVE to tell Pakistanis here that there is "very little Islam" in our country.

[If You have Islam in Pakistan then show me. where is the proof? Where is it hiding? Where is Islam? in Music concerts? Is qawali Islam?

Islam should reflect in the lives of Muslims and I didn't see it in Pakistan.

Are you referring to Barelvi version of Islam? Majority of Barelvis dont' know about Islam because Barelvis Imam at good to spreading hatred against Muslims. And they are good at doing bidah]

That in itself is an absurd statement. But I am already seeing a pattern from your posts, and therefore it is quite hard for somebody like me to take somebody like you seriously.

[I am NOT twisting your arms. I don't care what you think, I am going to defend Islam and the teaching of Rasulullah (saw).]

not sure about the others here, but I think you might be a bit delusional ;)

[Rasulullah (saw) said, “Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”]

p.s. You talk about Aqeeda and Iman. What's with this post you made back in 2007?:


sarcasm? or are you a hypocrite?
LOL, Sarcasm...
You went through all me post just to prove me wrong.:rofl::rofl:..very diligent.:woot:. LOL,

I have already written extensively about the mistake Pakistan made and mistake it continue to make. FATA/NWFP should be split into 4 province.
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So, are you recommending "freedom of religion"? And what do you mean by land of opportunity - please elaborate?

I was trying to say that Muslim are not allowed to practice Islam in Libya, Tunisia and Syria. There are some restrictions in these countries, a Muslim men can't grow beard, if he does he get in trouble by state agencies. There is already freedom of religion in America, anyone can practice their religion, even if Hindus what to worship Shiva Lingam (penis) they can NO ONE is going to say anything.
yes i dug into your old posts. And my suspicions of you are confirmed. You're a wahaby hiding in america spreading useless propaganda nobody cares about. As for the countries you mentioned, they all happen to be Muslim majority countries, all of which i respect. Especially Syria. You are nobody to comment or judge anybody on how "Muslim" they are. Just mind your own business and fix yourself first and worry only about yourself.
Abu Hamid al Ghazali (450-1058 AH/505-1111 AD), who was one of the big shaykhs in sufism, and among other things, he was credited for showing that the science of sufism was in accordance with the Quran & the Sunna, ie; it isn't "bida" or a heretical innovation. His big gigantic book, which some claim its importance after the Quran and Hadith, is the Ihya' 'ulum al-Din or Revival of Religious Sciences. It covers a lot of things, worship, faith (Iman), etiquettes (Adab), education of the spirit, ect... In the Second Volume, Book XVIII: On Music and Singing it he also addresses the issues of music and ecstasy, and its permissibility.

Ghazali addresses music in a classically islamic manner, using three ways to determine whether or not it is allowed. First, what does the Quran and Sunna say? This is known as 'nass'. Second, analogy from fixed laws derived from the Quran and Sunna, this is called 'qiyas'. Third, the concept of intention is applied.

Ghazali brings up this hadith to demonstrate 'nass' or what the Sunna says:

Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, "Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ?" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his face towards him and said, "Leave them." When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signalled to those girls to go out and they left. It was the day of 'Id, and the Black people were playing with shields and spears; so either I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked me whether I would like to see the display. I replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my cheek was touching his cheek and he was saying, "Carry on! O Bani Arfida," till I got tired. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked me, "Are you satisfied (Is that sufficient for you)?" I replied in the affirmative and he told me to leave. " Sahih Bukhari, Book 15

The gist of the argument is that because the Prophet, peace be upon him, didn't explicitly prevent singing in these situations, but allowed it to continue, means that it is permitted.

An example of 'qiyas', from the Quran Surah Luqman, XXXI, ayat 19 "And pursue the right course in your going about and lower your voice; surely the most hateful of voices is braying of the *****." Ghazali comments, "(this indicates) praise of a beautiful voice. Further, were it possible to say that such is permitted only on condition that the recital be of the Quran, then that would involve that listening to the voice of nightingales is forbidden, for they do not recite that Quran." Ihya Second Volume, Book 18, pg 209-210, translated by Duncan Black MacDonald.

One more example of proof of permissibility is case of the Prophet David or Daud. "And in tradition by way of praise to Daud (upon him be peace!) is that he was beautiful of voice in bemoaning himself and in repeating the Psalms to such an extent that mankind and jinn and wild beasts and birds were wont to gather together to hear his voice, and there were wont to be carried out of his place of assembly four hundred corpses or thereabouts on occasions. (presumably they succumbed to death because if the ecstasy of listening to his voice!... kevin). Further, he said of Abu Musa al Ashari, "Verily, he has been granted a pipe of the pipes of the family of Daud." ibid, pg209.

So, there you go, according to how Al Ghazali defines it, in a nutshell, the Quran doesn't forbid music, but rather suggests that beauty is desirable; Hadith allows it; and previous revelations attest to the permissibility of singing and music. Now, there is left the question of using instruments...more specifically on the adab of music from this sufi, later.

Acoustics, Health & Sufism: Islam & Music
You did not get my question. Let me re frame. Are you a supporter of religious freedom? You did not answer my second question - What do you mean when you say usa is a land of opportunity?

I was trying to say that Muslim are not allowed to practice Islam in Libya, Tunisia and Syria. There are some restrictions in these countries, a Muslim men can't grow beard, if he does he get in trouble by state agencies. There is already freedom of religion in America, anyone can practice their religion, even if Hindus what to worship Shiva Lingam (penis) they can NO ONE is going to say anything.
You did not get my question. Let me re frame. Are you a supporter of religious freedom? You did not answer my second question - What do you mean when you say usa is a land of opportunity?

1)I do support Religion freedom, all people should have right to practice their religion.

2) Half of Andra is in USA, doing IT jobs. We call it new Hyderabad (Deccan). that's why we call it land of opportunity.
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Abu Hamid al Ghazali (450-1058 AH/505-1111 AD), who was one of the big shaykhs in sufism, and among other things, he was credited for showing that the science of sufism was in accordance with the Quran & the Sunna, ie; it isn't "bida" or a heretical innovation. His big gigantic book, which some claim its importance after the Quran and Hadith, is the Ihya' 'ulum al-Din or Revival of Religious Sciences. It covers a lot of things, worship, faith (Iman), etiquettes (Adab), education of the spirit, ect... In the Second Volume, Book XVIII: On Music and Singing it he also addresses the issues of music and ecstasy, and its permissibility.

Ghazali addresses music in a classically islamic manner, using three ways to determine whether or not it is allowed. First, what does the Quran and Sunna say? This is known as 'nass'. Second, analogy from fixed laws derived from the Quran and Sunna, this is called 'qiyas'. Third, the concept of intention is applied.

Ghazali brings up this hadith to demonstrate 'nass' or what the Sunna says:

Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, "Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ?" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his face towards him and said, "Leave them." When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signalled to those girls to go out and they left. It was the day of 'Id, and the Black people were playing with shields and spears; so either I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked me whether I would like to see the display. I replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my cheek was touching his cheek and he was saying, "Carry on! O Bani Arfida," till I got tired. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked me, "Are you satisfied (Is that sufficient for you)?" I replied in the affirmative and he told me to leave. " Sahih Bukhari, Book 15

The gist of the argument is that because the Prophet, peace be upon him, didn't explicitly prevent singing in these situations, but allowed it to continue, means that it is permitted.

An example of 'qiyas', from the Quran Surah Luqman, XXXI, ayat 19 "And pursue the right course in your going about and lower your voice; surely the most hateful of voices is braying of the *****." Ghazali comments, "(this indicates) praise of a beautiful voice. Further, were it possible to say that such is permitted only on condition that the recital be of the Quran, then that would involve that listening to the voice of nightingales is forbidden, for they do not recite that Quran." Ihya Second Volume, Book 18, pg 209-210, translated by Duncan Black MacDonald.

One more example of proof of permissibility is case of the Prophet David or Daud. "And in tradition by way of praise to Daud (upon him be peace!) is that he was beautiful of voice in bemoaning himself and in repeating the Psalms to such an extent that mankind and jinn and wild beasts and birds were wont to gather together to hear his voice, and there were wont to be carried out of his place of assembly four hundred corpses or thereabouts on occasions. (presumably they succumbed to death because if the ecstasy of listening to his voice!... kevin). Further, he said of Abu Musa al Ashari, "Verily, he has been granted a pipe of the pipes of the family of Daud." ibid, pg209.

So, there you go, according to how Al Ghazali defines it, in a nutshell, the Quran doesn't forbid music, but rather suggests that beauty is desirable; Hadith allows it; and previous revelations attest to the permissibility of singing and music. Now, there is left the question of using instruments...more specifically on the adab of music from this sufi, later.

Acoustics, Health & Sufism: Islam & Music

There is difference between Barelvism and Sufism. I have already explain in my previous mail. A person practicing Sufism could be following Hanafi, Shafi, Malki or Hanbai madhab but Barelvi follow their corrupted bidati believe. They think they are correct and everyone is wrong.

Barelvi and Many Sufi in Pakistan and India hate Muslims who follow Shafi, Hanbali and Maliki Madhab.

Many Barelvis don't have any knowledge about Islam. They are trying to claim that Jihad (Qital) is part of Salafi & Deobandi and not part of Islam. It shows their ignorance about Islam. The word(s) "jihad" appears 23 time(s) in 22 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation. Read English translation Holy Quran.

Nauzubillah hi min zalik many Barelvisies are trying to insinuate that Allah (swt) lied in the Quran and Jihad is something Wahabi and Deobandi created..... No one can change what Allah (swt) has reveled in the Quran and Jihad (struggle and Qital) is part of Our religion. (Off Course...terrorizing and killing innocent people is against Islam)

I guess most of them don't know that Ahmed Raza Khan was against Jihad.

Here is some information abut Sufi Sheikhs:

Abdul-Qadir al-Jailani (R.A) (d. 561) was a noted Sunni Hanbali preacher, Sufi sheikh and the figurehead of the Qadiri Sufi order. His contribution to the Muslim world earned him the title al-Gauth al Azam (the "Supreme Helper").

===> Ignorant Barelvis don't even know that Abdul-Qadir al-Jailani (R.A) follow Hanbali Madhad

* Abu Isma’il al-Harawi (d. 481) – A celebrated Hanbali jurist and a theologian, known for his awe-inspiring personality, and ardent enmity towards the Ash’arites. He was one of the great Sufi figures in history, who authored Manazil al-Sa’irin – a manual in Tasawwuf – which was later expounded by Ibn al-Qayyim in Madarij al-Salikin. He was a fearless defender of the Hanbali faith such that he would often say:
Ana Hanbaliyun Mahayiytu fa in amut
Fa wasiyati li al-Nasi an yatahanbalu
I am a Hanbali as long as I live, and when I die
My legacy to the people is to become Hanbalis

Nuh Ha Mim Keller (born 1954) is an American Muslim translator of Islamic books and a specialist in Islamic Law as well as an authorised sheikh in tasawwuf in the Shadhili Sufi order and in the Shafi`i Madhhab who currently lives in Amman, Jordan.

Other Sufi Sheikhs----

Bayazid Tayfur al-Bistami
Ibn Arabi

Here is a list of 13 of 35 Hanbali Scholars who were on the path of Tasawwuf

Abdul Ghani ibn Abdil Wahid ibn Ali ibn Surur ibn Hasan ibn Ja’far al-Jama’ili al-Madisi

* Born 541 Hijri
* The Hafidh, the Muhaddith, jurist, ascetic.
* Ibn an-Najjar said of him: “He narrated form many and authored beautiful works in the field of Hadith, and he was strong in memory and from the people of mastery and Tajwid. He was well grounded in all of the sciences of Hadith, knowing its rules, its fundamentals, its hidden defects, its authentic and inauthentic, its abrogating and abrogated, its rare wordings and its proper pronouciation, its Fiqh and its meanings, and (he was well grounded) in precision with narrators and their conditions.
* Al-Imam al-’Ulaymi said in his work, al-Manhaj al-Ahmad (2/191): “al-Muwaffaq (Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi) said: ‘al-Hafidh Abdul Ghani and I both donned the Khirqah upon the hand of Shaykh ul Islam Abdul Qadir (al-Jilani), and the both of us obtained Fiqh from him and benefit from his companionship, even though we only saw him for fifty nights of his life.”

Muwaffaq ad-Din Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Qudamah ibn Miqdam ibn Nasr ibn Abdillah al-Maqdisi ad Dimashqi as-Salihi

* Born 541 Hijri
* Al-Imam al-Ulaymi said in al-Manhaj al-Ahmad (2/361): “The jurist, the ascetic, the Imam, the Rabbani, the Imam of Ahlus Sunnah, Mufti of the Ummah, Shaykh ul Islam, leader of the notable scholars, the notable of the devout worshippers and ascetics, the Imam of the Muhaddithun and the last of the Mujtahidun.”
* Shaykh ul Islam Ahmad ibn Taymiyah said: “No one after al-Awza’i has entered the Levant (Sham) possessing more fiqh than ash-Shaykh al-Muwaffaq.”

Muhammad ibn AHmad ibn Abdillah ibn ‘Isa ibn Rijal Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Yunini al-Ba’li

* Born 572 Hijri
* Imam Ibn Kathir said in al-Bidayah wan Nihayah: “Taqqiyuddin, the jurist, the Hanbali, the Hafidh, the benefitial, the well versed, the pious worshipper. He heard from al-Khushu’i, Hanbal, Kindi, and al-Hafidh Abdul Ghani al-Maqdisi – who used to compliment him. He gained Fiqh from al-Muwaffaq (Ibn Qudamah), stuck with Shaykh Abdullah al-Yunini, bring him in the front (of the gatherings) and follow him in legal verdicts. He donned the Khirqah from the Shaykh of his Shaykh; Abdullah al-Bata’ihi, and became renowned in the science of Hadith…”
* Imam Ibn Muflih said in al-Maqsad al-Arshad (2/357): “And he donned the Khirqah of Tasawwuf from Shaykh Abdullah al-Bata’ihi – a companion of Shaykh Abdul Qadir (al-Jilani). He stuck closely with Shaykh Abdullah al-Yunini, the ascetic, the possessor of states (Ahwal) and miracles who was called the lion of Sham.”

Yusuf ibn Abdir Rahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hammad ibn al-Jawzi al-Qurashi at-Tamimi al-Bakri al-Baghdadi

* The Jurist, the Scholar of Usul, the Exhorter, Born 580 Hijri
* Al-Ulaymi said: “He donned the Khirqah from Shaykh Diya’ ad-Din Abdul Wahab ibn Sakinah.”

# Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abdillah ibn ‘Isa

* Burhanuddin said in al-Maqsad al-Arshad (2/356): “He was a possessor of states (Ahwal), miracles, litanies (Ar. Awrad), and acts of worship that he never left off or delayed past their time by anyones appearance-even if that person was from the kings. He did not believe in manifesting miracles. He used to say: ‘Just as Allah ordered the Prophets to manifest their miracles (Mu’jizat), he ordered the Awliya’ to conceal their Karamat.”

# Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Waddah ibn Abi Sa’d

* Ibn Muflih said in al-Maqsad al-Arshad (2/261): “The jurist, the Muhaddith, the grammarian, the ascetic, the writer and linguist…”
* Then he said: “…He heard from the Gnostic Shaykh Ali ibn Idris al-Ya’qubi, and donned the Khirqah from him.”
* al-Ulaymi said about him: “He accompanied the righteous and donned the Khirqah of Tasawwuf.”

# Muhammad ibn Abdillah ibn ‘Umar ibn Abil Qasim al-Baghdadi

* Born 623 Hijri
* Ibn Muflih said in al-Maqsad al-Arshad (2/424): “…and he donned the Khirqah of Tasawwuf.”

# Muhammad ibn Abdillah al-Ba’li

* Born 1104 Hijri
* In an-Na’t al-Akmal it states about him: “…the Shaykh, the righteous, the Sufi, Abus Sa’adat.”

# Ahmad ibn Ibrahim ibn Nasrillah ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil Fattah ibn Hashim al-Qadi al-Kinani al-Asqalni

* Born 800 Hijri
* Ibn Humayd said in as-Suhab al-Wabilah (1/87): “And he donned the Khirqah of Tasawwuf with Talqin of Dhikr from az-Zain Abu Bakr al Khawwafi. He also accompanied al-Burhan al-Adkawi and donned it (the Khirqah) from his maternal uncle.”

# Abdul Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Abdir Rahman ibn Yusuf ibn ‘Isa ibn Taqiyyuddin Abdul Wahid ibn Abdil Rahim ibn Hamad ibn Abdil Majid al-Qurashi al-’Umari al-’Ulaymi

* Born 860 Hijri
* The author of the book al-Manhaj al-Ahmad fi Tarjim Ashab al-Imam Ahmad
* Ash-Shaykh al-’Ulaymi said in his above-mentioned book that he donned the Khirqah with a high connected chain all the way to Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. He said: “And I took the nobel Khirqah with a high and connected chain from as-Sayyid al-Jalil Muhyiuddin Abdul Qadir al-Jili (radiaAllahu ‘anhu) from our Shaykh- the Shaykh and Imam, the remnant of the notable scholars, the blessing of the era and worshippers, the Shaykh of the reciters in al-Quds ash-Sharif and in all of the other lands: Shamsuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Musa ibn ‘Imran al-Muqri al-Hanfi – May Allah envelop him in His mercy and enter him into His spacious gardes. He clothed me with it (the Khirqah) with his own two blessed hands on Yawm al-Ahad (i.e. Sunday) after Dhuhr, the 16th of Sha’ban, in the year 871 in the noble Masjid al-Aqsa – may Allah honor it and magnify it – at the gate of al-Hadd from the western side…”

# Ahmad ibn ‘Abdil Aziz ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Rashid ash-Shihab al Qahiri

* Born 861 Hijri
* In ad-Daw’ al-Lami’ (1/349): “He was born approximately on one of the two Jumadas (Jumad al-Uwla or Jumad ath-Thaniyah) in the year 861. He grew up on the outskirts of Akka in Cairo. There, he grew up and memorized the Qur’an and other books suck as: al-’Umdah, al-Mughni, the Alifyah in grammar, the Mulhah, most of at-Tufi and the Shatibiyyah.”
* ash-Sha’rawi said, as quoted by Ibn Humayd in as-Suhab al-Wabilah (1/159): “In the beginning of his days, he used to censure the Sufis, but when he gathered with Sidi Ali al-Khawwas and others, he listened to them attentively and believed them. After that, he used to severely regret not formerly gathering with them in the beginning of his days. After this, the path was opened for him and he was given a mighty Kashf (unveiling-disclosure) before his death.”

# Ahmad ibn Abdillah ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Halabi al-Ba’li ad-Dimashqi

* Born 1108 Hijri
* Al-Imam al-Muradi said of him in Sulk ad-Durrar (1/131): “He is the Shaykh, the Imam, the ascetic, the abstemious, the jurist. He was a virtuous scholar acting according to his knowledge. He was a devout worshipper, humble, submissive, the remnant of practicing scholars, a scholar of inheritance and Usul. There was no one that we reached that was on his path despite the virtue which is undeniable…”
* Then he said: “He took the Khalwatiyyah path from the Ustadh, the Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Isa al-Kinani as-Salihi al-Hanbali and Shaykh Muhammad Aqilah al-Makki and Shaykh Abdullah al-Khalili…”

# Ahmad ibn Atiyyah ibn Abdil Hayy al-Qayyum ibn Abi Bakr ibn Dhahirah al-Makki

* Born 879 Hijri
* Shaykh Jarullah ibn Fahd said, as quoted by Ibn Humayd in as-Suhab al-Wabilah (1/187): “He took the path of Tasawwuf and for it, he travelled to the Mashayikh of Yemen, taking from Shaykh Isma’il al-Mushir’, and his brother Shaykh Junayd. He obtained Jadhab (divine pulling – a sufi term) and then he came to- and then his clothing became tattered. He stuck to the Mashayikh of Dhikr with seriousness and contentedness.”

To show your love for Rasulullah you can celebrate Rasulullah (saw) birthday by taking a gusal in the morning, fast on that day, praying all five salat, give charity, if no money then atleast smile! Be good to your parents, sibling and neighboors. Cook something good and give it to your neighboor.

Don't close shops, block roads (to cause traffic problems) for Milad, don't use loud speaker in Milad, Don't have JAloos. (Shabah (R.A), Tabain, Taba-Tabain didn't do it.....in more then 1400 years no one did what Barelvis are doing these days)
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