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Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

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Very interesting. So you decide what "rejection" means, i.e. a different interpretation or different opinion about something. And then labeling that difference of opinion, a "rejection of sunnah", you pass the fatwa of evicting someone from the fold of Islam.

Thank you for your fatwa, mullah/qari/maulvi sb. As with all other such fatwas, in one ear and out the other. Good day to you. Lakum dinakum waliddin.

These are not my words, this is more or less what Allah (swt) said in Quran. I wrote it here so everyone can understand it.

""You are going to a people from the People of the Book. Let the first thing that you call them to be the worship of Allah. If they acknowledge Allah, then inform them that Allah has obligated upon them five prayers during their days and nights." [Al-Bukhari, Muslim]

This hadith is clear. It does not require much of an explanation. The Prophet (peace be upon him) applied this principle in his practical calling to Islam. He stayed in Makkah for thirteen years to teach the people iman and to educate his Companions on this point and to correct the beliefs of the people. That is the pattern upon which the Companions were brought up.

Jundub Ibn Abdullah al-Bajaly said, "We learned iman (faith) and then we learned the Quran and it increased our iman."

Brother, you can follow whatever you want to Budda, Jesus, Agakhan or whatever is else is out there, but remember if you die with wrong Aqeeda then know one will be able to save you. May Allah (swt) have mercy on your poor lost sole.
Brother, you can follow whatever you want to Budda, Jesus, Agakhan or whatever is else is out there, but remember if you die with wrong Aqeeda then know one will be able to save you. May Allah (swt) have mercy on your poor lost sole.

Brother no offence but just one question. What happened to triilions of people who died before Islam was introduced?

They died non-muslims, so now who would save those poor lost souls ? Tricky, isnt it?

Religion without logic is what makes this cult of Islamic Terrorists.
Brother no offence but just one question. What happened to triilions of people who died before Islam was introduced?

They died non-muslims, so now who would save those poor lost souls ?

Religion without logic is what makes this cult of Islamic Terrorists.

terrorism is not confined to one religion.

I don't believe in this term "Islamic terrorist".....its nonsense used by media (and lately, indians).

There is nothing Islamic about terrorism
Brother no offence but just one question. What happened to triilions of people who died before Islam was introduced?

They died non-muslims, so now who would save those poor lost souls ? Tricky, isnt it?

Religion without logic is what makes this cult of Islamic Terrorists.


Islam is not something introduce just few days, years or centuries ago. Prophet Adam (A.S) was 1st Prophet and 1st Muslim on this earth and Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last prophet.

Those who followed their prophet and prophet shariat (laws of Allah) they were successful. For example, Prophet LOT and his follower were successful, Noha (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Mosa), David (Dawood) and Jesus (Esa) (A.S) and there followers were successful. Since Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet and no prophet is going to come after him, each and every human being should follow is Shariat (Laws and order were sent by Allah (GOD)).

Since Prophet Muhammad brought new Shariat (Laws of Allah (swt)) we muslim can't follow the laws were brought by David, Moses and Jesus. In fact when Jesus came back to earth he will also follow the Shariat of prophet Muhammad (saw).

Muslim are divide into groups because of weak Imam. Major split happens during the British rule of India, 3 separate Muslim group were created by British.

When British came to India, they brought forward some individuals to divide the Muslims and strengthen their rule. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani and Ahmed Raza Khan Beralwi were among those individuals. Both gave fatwas that it is haram to fight the British. Anyone who was against the British rule, Ahmed Raza Khan & co made their takfeer. These individuals also supported the British in their fight against the Ottoman Empire. These people wrote books in support of Sharif of Makkah while he was revolting against the Ottomans. They opposed any movement that was set up for the benefit of Muslims. Ahmed Raza opposed Khilafat Movement which purpose was to save the Ottoman Empire. He also opposed Non-cooperation Movement.
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Brother, you can follow whatever you want to Budda, Jesus, Agakhan or whatever is else is out there, but remember if you die with wrong Aqeeda then know one will be able to save you. May Allah (swt) have mercy on your poor lost sole.

Thank you. My sole needs to be replaced. Bata just doesn't make them like they used to :-)
You will really have to explain above. I am completely lost, what are you trying to say? Are you saying that all the Mohadis were wrong?

Do you even know anything about Hazrat Dawood Poetry (Songs) and what they were about? His songs were about Glorify Allah (Swt) and some of them are in Bible (book of psalms). If you care so much you should read them. (They are not about songs of today)

We respect Hazrat Dawood, Musa, Esa (A.S) but we don't follow their Shariat. When Hazrat Esa will come back to the earth he will not bring his own Shariat, he will follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W).

Don't make statement that will take you out of fold of Islam. We all know that there was no Islamic extermism/Terrorism before 1st Afghan war. These extremist were brought by West to defeat Soviet Union and promoted by Genral Zia in 80s.

One should be very careful about making statement about Islam. We must respect our Ullama Ikrams, without them we will all go stray. (If we do what ATA Turk did to Turkey then people in Pakistan will be Worshiping Idols (jobs, Businesses, culture, creed, Language, ethnicity), graves, singing songs and dancing, getting drunk).
I guess I am wrong, it's already happening in Pakistan

We need Ullama Ikrams to teach us real Islam and motivate us to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah (S.a.w).

Fatwa by 64 Islamic scholars (Ulama) in Pakistan against suicide bombing and terrorism - Aamir Liaquat Hussain
col6a.gif (image)

The divine words of the Quran need to be understood and interpreted in context. The context includes not only the situation and circumstances at the time of the revelation and the purpose of the revelation, as well as the modern context for their applicability. It's in the interpretation that differences have arisen among different fiqhs and sects within Islam. The interpretation can not and should not be rigid and static.

For example, the basics of Islam include praying five times a day and fasting in Ramadan during the daylight hours. That was very clear and obvious in countries near the equator where Islam first began. But now, Muslims live in places near the North Pole, such as Greenland and Alaska. So how do you apply the prayer times and fasting times where days and nights are not clearly separated in summer and winter? You re-interpret and do Ijtihad to decide these things, as has been done by arbitrarily choosing 12 hr days regardless of the sun.

Your interpretation essentially represents the Talibans' extreme interpretation of Islam that would guarantee war without end among Muslims and with non-Muslims alike, something that US is often rightly accused of.

Remember what George W. Bush said after 911: "You are with us, or you are with the terrorists." Al Qaeda, Taleban and Bin Laden also say the exact same thing: "You are with us, or you are with the infidels." No one, not you, not bin Laden, should not be deciding who is within the fold of Islam and who is not.

Tariq Ali correctly pointed out in his book "The Clash of Fundamentalisms" that George Bush and Osama Bin Laden represent two sides of the same coin. His book's front cover carries a picture of Bush dressed as Bin Laden, and the back cover has a picture of Bin Laden dressed as Bush.
The divine words of the Quran need to be understood and interpreted in context. The context includes not only the situation and circumstances at the time of the revelation and the purpose of the revelation, as well as the modern context for their applicability. It's in the interpretation that differences have arisen among different fiqhs and sects within Islam. The interpretation can not and should not be rigid and static.

For example, the basics of Islam include praying five times a day and fasting in Ramadan during the daylight hours. That was very clear and obvious in countries near the equator where Islam first began. But now, Muslims live in places near the North Pole, such as Greenland and Alaska. So how do you apply the prayer times and fasting times where days and nights are not clearly separated in summer and winter? You re-interpret and do Ijtihad to decide these things, as has been done by arbitrarily choosing 12 hr days regardless of the sun.

Your interpretation essentially represents the Talibans' extreme interpretation of Islam that would guarantee war without end among Muslims and with non-Muslims alike, something that US is often rightly accused of.

Remember what George W. Bush said after 911: "You are with us, or you are with the terrorists." Al Qaeda, Taleban and Bin Laden also say the exact same thing: "You are with us, or you are with the infidels." No one, not you, not bin Laden, should not be deciding who is within the fold of Islam and who is not.

Tariq Ali correctly pointed out in his book "The Clash of Fundamentalisms" that George Bush and Osama Bin Laden represent two sides of the same coin. His book's front cover carries a picture of Bush dressed as Bin Laden, and the back cover has a picture of Bin Laden dressed as Bush.

^^ All I have mentioned is music haram, there is fatwa from many Islamic scholars and statement of student of Islam against Music.

Is Music Haram in Islam? (Dr Zakir Naik)[/URL]

As far as, Bin Laden, 9/11 and George Bush is concerned, These all are front cover stories...there also some background stories. We must investigate the reason for these events, we can't just trust the western media.

This war on terror is nothing more then protecting Oil in middle east and war against Taliban is to control the land and production of Drugs. Bin Laden could also be working as double agent of USA.

Pakistani government, Saudi Royal family, CIA/Mossad, American/British are all involve this billion dollars drug business. Pakistani government officials are involve in this deal otherwise they would have handle this whole situation differently. Pakistan people are rallying behind these corrupted leaders who have no love for Pakistan and Pakistani people.
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The divine words of the Quran need to be understood and interpreted in context. The context includes not only the situation and circumstances at the time of the revelation and the purpose of the revelation, as well as the modern context for their applicability. It's in the interpretation that differences have arisen among different fiqhs and sects within Islam. The interpretation can not and should not be rigid and static.

For example, the basics of Islam include praying five times a day and fasting in Ramadan during the daylight hours. That was very clear and obvious in countries near the equator where Islam first began. But now, Muslims live in places near the North Pole, such as Greenland and Alaska. So how do you apply the prayer times and fasting times where days and nights are not clearly separated in summer and winter? You re-interpret and do Ijtihad to decide these things, as has been done by arbitrarily choosing 12 hr days regardless of the sun.

Your interpretation essentially represents the Talibans' extreme interpretation of Islam that would guarantee war without end among Muslims and with non-Muslims alike, something that US is often rightly accused of.

Remember what George W. Bush said after 911: "You are with us, or you are with the terrorists." Al Qaeda, Taleban and Bin Laden also say the exact same thing: "You are with us, or you are with the infidels." No one, not you, not bin Laden, should not be deciding who is within the fold of Islam and who is not.

Tariq Ali correctly pointed out in his book "The Clash of Fundamentalisms" that George Bush and Osama Bin Laden represent two sides of the same coin. His book's front cover carries a picture of Bush dressed as Bin Laden, and the back cover has a picture of Bin Laden dressed as Bush.

Riaz Saab, well said brother, well said. :tup::tup:
jupiter, what about sports? leisurely reading? poetry?

you need to do more to convince me that music is "haram" in Islam. Me personally, I think that's utter garbage.
^^ All I have mentioned is music haram, there is fatwa from many Islamic scholars and statement of student of Islam against Music.

If I knew this debate would have ended in videos of the insufferable ***, Zakir Naik, I would never have indulged in it. The man and his nonsense rhetoric are enough to make one throw up. The rabble rouser can take his so-called 'fatwa' and stuff it.

Islam is not something introduce just few days, years or centuries ago. Prophet Adam (A.S) was 1st Prophet and 1st Muslim on this earth and Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last prophet.

Those who followed their prophet and prophet shariat (laws of Allah) they were successful. For example, Prophet LOT and his follower were successful, Noha (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Mosa), David (Dawood) and Jesus (Esa) (A.S) and there followers were successful. Since Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet and no prophet is going to come after him, each and every human being should follow is Shariat (Laws and order were sent by Allah (GOD)).

Since Prophet Muhammad brought new Shariat (Laws of Allah (swt)) we muslim can't follow the laws were brought by David, Moses and Jesus. In fact when Jesus came back to earth he will also follow the Shariat of prophet Muhammad (saw).

Muslim are divide into groups because of weak Imam. Major split happens during the British rule of India, 3 separate Muslim group were created by British.

Sir, this is in reference to your comment that only those who die muslim would be accomodated in the so called heaven.

I am not talking specifically about Islams last prophet. Instead I am interested to know the fate of all those "by-default infidels" who died before the last or first prophet brought their respective versions of religion. What about Homo-sapeains and homo-erectus? What could be their fate? They never fasted in Ramadan.

Every new prophet as you pointed out introduced new version of belief system. The one who follows not the last one but second last prophet is technically an infidel and does not deserve "Heaven" (should be killed ("kafirs") etc ). Simply unaccomodative of previous prophets versions, and at times over riding and hijacking their legacy.

I also wonder that the otherwise empty heaven started getting filled only some 1500 years ago since the first batch of believers started rolling out only from that time onwards.

P.S. I do not intend to flame and I have equal respect for all religions. Interested to know what invokes blind faith in some logically incorrect assumptions. Thanks
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This is in reference to your comment that only those who die muslim would be accomodated in the so called heaven.

I am not talking specifically about Islams last prophet. Instead I am interested to know the fate of all those "by-default infidels" who died before the last or first prophet brought their respective versions of religion. What about Homo-sapeains and homo-erectus? What could be their fate? They never fasted in Ramadan.

Every new prophet as you pointed out introduced new version of belief system. The one who follows not the last one but second last prophet is technically an infidel and does not deserve "Heaven" (should be killed ("kafirs") etc ). Simply unaccomodative of previous prophets versions, and at times over riding and hijacking their legacy.

I also wonder that the otherwise empty heaven started getting filled only some 1500 years ago since the first batch of believers started rolling out only from that time onwards.

P.S. I do not intend to flame and I have equal respect for all religions. Interested to know what invokes blind faith in some logically incorrect assumptions. Thanks
Here we go again. Islam respect and accept all previous prophets before Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Thats why when some Christian or jew abuse islam we dont abuse back to their prophets. All those who came before Islam and accepted the religion of the prophet which came in their Era. They all are close to Allah.

P.S. I dont want to intend to flame but there are also many question in my mind about Hinduism but forget it.
jupiter --those scholars are welcome to say as they please. Doesn't affect me, does it? They arent supreme mighty authorities. Why you give them so much importance?

Don't engage in 'shirk' :woot:
I just amazed to see that Many members are in favor of music, in spite of many proofs against music in Islamic books.

Just because it give us Temporary Pleasure and fame so we always in search of some thing that not against Music.

Are we not selfish enough that for our own interests we always want to prove that it is right thing...even we are not sure bout it. ?
I just amazed to see that Many members are in favor of music, in spite of many proofs against music in Islamic books.

Just because it give us Temporary Pleasure and fame so we always in search of some thing that not against Music.

Are we not selfish enough that for our own interests we always want to prove that it is right thing...even we are not sure bout it. ?

Let me ask you one thing. With all the proof agaisnt "music" in Islamic books.... can you imagine what those books would say about the use of internet?? Internet would be the mother of all haraams!!

What does music do on its own? Either it will make you feel good or give you a headache. Lyrics on the other hand that preach violence, hatred or vulgarity.... I can understand to be haraam. But music on its own?? You think listening to music will make you do something bad or change your habits? It's not the music... it's the person.

What's the saying.... "Guns don't kill people. People kill people".
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