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Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

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yes i dug into your old posts. And my suspicions of you are confirmed. You're a wahaby hiding in america spreading useless propaganda nobody cares about.

I didn't label you anything. You called me Moulana and wahaby (whatever that mean).

There is not such thing as Wahabisim. This is just a propaganda against Saudi Arabia and Islam. Since west can't attack Mecca & Medina directly they want to attack the believe of Muslim.
Islam is what Allah revealed to his prophets, Abrahim, Dawood, Mosa and Esa (a.s) and his last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), nothing more and nothing less.

Only Shia, Ithna Ashari, Isma’ili, Barelvi oppose the teaching of Rasulullah (s.a.w).
Hazrat Wahab (may Allah have mercy on him) stop people for innovation (shirks and bidah) which currently doing by people in pakistan and india.He did jiahad aganist all these type of things and if he did not do This then in makkah and madina todays people do LUNGARS, URUS, ETC.

Barevli deviated from the true path, they have innovated Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Birthday), Anniversary, Barsi, Soyem, Chelum, Gyarweeh Sharif, Koonday-e-Niyaz.

If the birthday of Rasool Allah (saw) was such an important celebration, surely they would have remembered it and noted it down. Further more, there is also no proof from history that Prophet Muhammad (saw) mentioned his exact date of birth nor encouraged his followers to hold milads or recite durood loudly on this day.

Neither is it recorded from any Sahaba that they celebrated his date of birth.

Hadith - Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861. Narrated Aisha, r.a.

Allah's Apostle SAAWS said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

Hadith - Abu Dawud, Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib

The Prophet said, If anyone introduces an innovation in the religion, he will be responsible for it. (Good or bad). If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in the religion) he is cursed by Allaah, by His angels and by all the people.

West is supporting corrupted believe of Barevlism (Bidat-e-Siyah) and Ahemadi movement in Pakistan and rest of the world. These Barevis have divided people, they don't want people to learn Islam and reject Barevlism. ***** Barevli mullahs divided People and spread lies against other Muslims, especially linking Tablighi Jamat (It is effort of deen. It is not a sect or organization) to Wahabism and terrorism.
Check out Youtube, they have created these fake videos about Moulana Tariq Jameel, Haji Abdul Wahab Sahib, Mufti Taqi usmani, Dr Zakir Naik and many others.

Hadith - Bukhari 9:391, Narrated Abu Huraira
The Prophet said, "Leave me as I leave you, for the people who were before you were ruined because of their questions and their differences over their prophets. So, if I forbid you to do something, then keep away from it. And if I order you to do something, then do of it as much as you can."

One think I have noticed that Shia and Barelvis don't pray behind the Imam in Mecca and Medina. Barelvis calling Imam Kafir and qustaq-e-Nabi. They also doing sajdah to roza-e-mubarak.

Barelvi total population is decreasing in Pakistan because of the effort by Dr. Israr ahmed and others who want to educated people about Islam. (Dr. Zakir Naik, even though I don't agree with him on many issues, I still think he is doing good Job educating Muslims.)

Barelvis are mainly in Punjab and very few in Sindh, NWPF and Balochistann has been saved because of the effort by Tablighi-e-Jamat. Punjabi Barelvi have taken this corrupted believe to UK and USA.

Noble Qur'an - An-Nur 24:54

Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (Messenger Muhammad ) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way (i.e. to preach in a plain way)."

Do Barelvi follow the messenger of Allah? This is not sunnah to color your masjid green. Sunnah is to bring 100% deen in our life, as Muslim we need to follow the sunnah completely, life style of Rasulullah (s.a.w).
We need to love everyone as human being, even Jews and Hindus (not their religious practice) because Rasulullah (s.a.w) respected everyone (Jews, Christian and kuffar). There is misconception that Muslim Hate Jews. We only hate Zionist who want to destroy Islam.

After the conquest of Mecca, Meccan thought they will be killed because Muslim have conquer Mecca. But Rasulullah (s.a.w) made announcement to Meccan that they have 4 months, if they don't accepted Islam then they can leave mecca peacefully. Because of Amals (Dawat-E-Illallah, Teaching and learning, Zikr and ibadat, and Khadmat) and the effort made by Muslims everyone in Mecca accepted Islam.

Let me ask you one more time, do Barelvi follow Rasullallah (S.a.W)? Barelvi's hate everyone, anyone that doesn't believe what they believe they hate him and call him Kafir.

Now I am spreading propaganda.....just because you can't answer my question. What propaganda?

I received this private message from Abu Zolfiqar
Abu Zolfiqar said:
just admit you're an indian in that thread

dont be so ... ...

self-hating!!!! :wave::rofl:
Don't bother sending me private messages....call me Indian. WoW, that the best you can do! you disgust me, I feel sorry for you that you have to call names instead of responding to me.
I have traveled to many countries and including Canada, UAE, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh (Dhaka and Kulna) but I am not Indian. One thing I have seen in India that I haven't seen in Pakistan. It's ISLAM and people practicing Islam. also there are only 20% practicing Barelvism in Bangladesh.

As for the countries you mentioned, they all happen to be Muslim majority countries, all of which i respect. Especially Syria.

As far as these countries are concern, there are serious restriction in these countries. I bet you been to all these countries and you know people from these countries. How many people do you know from Syria?

The Constitution provides for freedom of religion; however, the Government imposes restrictions on this right. While there is no official state religion, the Constitution requires that the president be Muslim and stipulates that Islamic jurisprudence is a principal source of legislation. The Constitution provides for freedom of faith and religious practice, provided that religious rites do not disturb the public order; however, the government restricts full freedom of choice on religious matters.

You are nobody to comment or judge anybody on how "Muslim" they are. Just mind your own business and fix yourself first and worry only about yourself.

If companions (sahabah, tabian and taba-tabian) of Rasulullah (saw) followed your advise then Muslim in south Asia would have Hindu or Buddist.
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There is difference between Barelvism and Sufism. I have already explain in my previous mail. A person practicing Sufism could be following Hanafi, Shafi, Malki or Hanbai madhab but Barelvi follow their corrupted bidati believe. They think they are correct and everyone is wrong.

By dismissing Imam Ghazali who is generally recognized as a great scholar of deen and a revered imam, you are doing essentially what you are accusing others of : "They think they are correct and everyone is wrong." Isn't this hypocritical?
its this whole "i'm right, you are wrong" mentality of intolerance that is keeping Muslims from being 100% united
I couldnt care less what these lizard-eaters say. I'll sit back, and enjoy some Nustat Fateh Ali Khan one day, some Beatles or U2 or Zeek Afridi on the next day......

never pay attention to these goddam lizard-eaters, they don't want you to be human. They dont want your minds to be stimulated. They dont want you to express yourselves, or hear others express themselves.

goddam lizard eaters.....
I have been to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. I have seen the lifestyle of poeple in these countries. Indian Muslim have better understanding of Islam compare to Pakistani and this is fact. Pakistan people, especially, in Punjab there is very little Islam.

Ah, so you are a Deobandi extremist from India!!! That explains everything. Your binary thinking, your use of questionable quotations that spread intolerance and your desire to constantly pass judgement on others. All fits together perfectly now!

Most sunnis in Pakistan actually follow the Barelvi school of thought. Deobandis were a much smaller minority prior to Zia, but since he funded right wing extremists, he pumped money into Deobandi hate organizations like the Sipah Sahaba (aka TTP). That increased numbers somewhat, but never enough to make the sick Deoband mindset anywhere near a majority even amongst Pakistanis who follow Ahle-Sunnat.

You are completely wrong about your assertions about Barelvi numbers.

In addition to a significant Hindu minority and the largest Parsi population in Pakistan, Sindh has a high percentage of Maulais, Shias and pretty much the entire remaining numbers are made up of Barelvi Sunnis who celebrate the likes of Laal Shahbaz Qalandar, Sachal Sarmast, Abdullah Ghazi and many others.

Afflicted with the hate, myopia and lack of logic that you are, who the hell are you really to comment on who understands Islam better? Go read your Deoband hate literature and put on your ear muffs in case you accidentally hear music as you live your hypocritical life in the US - hating music, praising Saudi Arabia and condemning people for their lack of faith, while enjoying economic opportunities in the US? THAT is hypocritical. After all, you are living in a country and society where it is impossible for you to NOT see a woman dressed in the way that your perverted version of Islam forbids, or hear music that you think is the work of the devil. You live here knowingly that these Great Sins are unavoidable by you. You are surely going to fry in the frying pan, going by your own beliefs!!! Why don't you live in Saudi Arabia? Since you like that flavour of Islam, I am sure you'll be able to convince them to grant you citizenship? Because they believe in one ummah and that all land is God's, right? I'm sure they'll instantly give a passport to a good wahhabi extremist brother like you... No?

In case your delusions prevent you from comprehension, let me put it very simply. You views are truly repulsive and disgusting.
If companions (sahabah, tabian and taba-tabian) of Rasulullah (saw) followed your advise then Muslim in south Asia would have Hindu or Buddist.

And since we're in the judgmental fatwa passing mood, don't you know that God loves Buddhists immeasurably more than the Yazids who claim to be muslim, but slaughter innocent people while claiming the mantle of leadership...
By dismissing Imam Ghazali who is generally recognized as a great scholar of deen and a revered imam, you are doing essentially what you are accusing others of : "They think they are correct and everyone is wrong." Isn't this hypocritical?

Of course it is. This guy is a nut job... if that hasn't become completely apparent by now.
I couldnt care less what these lizard-eaters say. I'll sit back, and enjoy some Nustat Fateh Ali Khan one day, some Beatles or U2 or Zeek Afridi on the next day......

never pay attention to these goddam lizard-eaters, they don't want you to be human. They dont want your minds to be stimulated. They dont want you to express yourselves, or hear others express themselves.

goddam lizard eaters.....
You can't respond to my above post.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::woot: You had to restore to this low:rofl::rofl: You have no ANSWER.
Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Baaz was very well respected Scholar of Islam, disrespecting hims is disrespecting Rasulullah. You don't have to agree with him but disrespect by call him "goddam lizard-eaters". May Allah have mercy on you.

Fatwa against Barelvism by Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Baaz; Click Here!

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Ah, so you are a Deobandi extremist from India!!! That explains everything. Your binary thinking, your use of questionable quotations that spread intolerance and your desire to constantly pass judgement on others. All fits together perfectly now!

Most sunnis in Pakistan actually follow the Barelvi school of thought. Deobandis were a much smaller minority prior to Zia, but since he funded right wing extremists, he pumped money into Deobandi hate organizations like the Sipah Sahaba (aka TTP). That increased numbers somewhat, but never enough to make the sick Deoband mindset anywhere near a majority even amongst Pakistanis who follow Ahle-Sunnat.

You are completely wrong about your assertions about Barelvi numbers.

In addition to a significant Hindu minority and the largest Parsi population in Pakistan, Sindh has a high percentage of Maulais, Shias and pretty much the entire remaining numbers are made up of Barelvi Sunnis who celebrate the likes of Laal Shahbaz Qalandar, Sachal Sarmast, Abdullah Ghazi and many others.

Afflicted with the hate, myopia and lack of logic that you are, who the hell are you really to comment on who understands Islam better? Go read your Deoband hate literature and put on your ear muffs in case you accidentally hear music as you live your hypocritical life in the US - hating music, praising Saudi Arabia and condemning people for their lack of faith, while enjoying economic opportunities in the US? THAT is hypocritical. After all, you are living in a country and society where it is impossible for you to NOT see a woman dressed in the way that your perverted version of Islam forbids, or hear music that you think is the work of the devil. You live here knowingly that these Great Sins are unavoidable by you. You are surely going to fry in the frying pan, going by your own beliefs!!! Why don't you live in Saudi Arabia? Since you like that flavour of Islam, I am sure you'll be able to convince them to grant you citizenship? Because they believe in one ummah and that all land is God's, right? I'm sure they'll instantly give a passport to a good wahhabi extremist brother like you... No?

In case your delusions prevent you from comprehension, let me put it very simply. You views are truly repulsive and disgusting.

1st of all I am not from India.
2nd, In my personal opinion Deobandi is not a sect or Ideology, it is propaganda by Barelvis.
Scholars at Darululoom Deoband follow Hanfai Madhad. How can some be called Deobandi if he doesn't follow Hanafi Madhab?

3rd, In my personal opinion Barelvism is a cult but thanks to Dr Israr, Dr. Zakir Naik and many others, people are learning about real Islam and rejecting Barelvism.

By Ibn Abi Sadiq
Deobandi and Barelvi are not necesarily "sects" , they are two different schools of thoughts withing the Hanafi following of the Mainstream Sunni Muslims.

Deobandis follow the ideology set forth by the scholars of Delhi, which comes down gradually from Shah Waliullah Rahimahullah and his descendents.

Barelvis, on the other hand, are linked to the ulama of Rampur, India.Their major source of Information and inspiration is Maulana Ahmed Rida Khan ( b. 1856 ) . Since he studied under the scholars who had strong issues with Shah Waliullah (Rahimahullah)'s descendents, and were involved in several innovative practices, this very mentality was transferred into the midset of Ahmed Rida Khan sahib as well.

As a result of this, he started accusing the scholars of delhi with baseless beleifs which they never held. This created a difference among the Muslims then, and those who beleived Ahmed Rida, were called Barelvis. Since many of the Scholars who followed the teachings of Shah Waliullah (Rahimahullah) and his descendants were teaching at the newly formed Madrassah in Deoband, Saharanpuri, UP (est. 1867), they appointed a few scholars to answer Ahmed Rida's accusations and allegations.

Now , since the source of the refutation of Ahmed Ridha's allegations had become Darululoom Deoband (Darululoom-Deoband-Welcome Page), those who adhered to the teachings of the ulama of Delhi, were automatically named "deobandis". For more information on Darululoom Deoband's teachings, you can also visit their darulifta website (Darul Ifta Deoband - India).

On the outset, the major differences between deobandis and barelvis can be of a few beliefs and innovative practices. For more details, you can read "Differences in the Ummah and the Straight path" by Maulana Yousuf Ludhyanvi Shaheed Rahimahullah , or the original Urdu version "Ikhtilaf-e-Ummat aur Siraat-e-Mustaqeem".

By Brother D@!Z
Deobandis are close to Salafies,
Baralvies are close to Shias(their practices,when the revere their religious personalities)

Though both are Sunnis,
I am not abusing any one of them,
just telling you my personal experience,

India has Darululoom in many states, Gujrat, Andra, Karnataka and they don't associate themselves with Ullama of deoband but they follow Sunni religion and rejected Barelvism.

Barelvis have already lost NWFP to Tabligh-e-Jamat, Baloch are sunnni and they don't follow biditi Barelvism. Barelvism is only in Punjab. Thanks to Dr Israr, Dr. Zakir Naik and many others, people are learning about real Islam and rejecting Barelvism.

I don't agree with Mr.Ghamidi on many issues but I love his answer about Milad.

I am going to open a seperate thread which will discuss.
Rasulullah (saw) vs Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi
Islam vs Barelvism (their corrupted believe and Aqeeda which is against Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat)
Muslim(Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali) vs Barelvi
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By dismissing Imam Ghazali who is generally recognized as a great scholar of deen and a revered imam, you are doing essentially what you are accusing others of : "They think they are correct and everyone is wrong." Isn't this hypocritical?

Just check the fake video they have posted on youtube, insulting anyone and every who is not following Barelvism.

Fake video of Haji Abdul wahab sahib, Tariq Jameel, Junaid Jamshed, Shaikh Ibn baaz (r.a), etc.
3rd, In my personal opinion Barelvism is a cult but thanks to Dr Israr, Dr. Zakir Naik and many others, people are learning about real Islam and rejecting Barelvism.

The very same Doctor Zakir Naik that was praising Yazid in front of a audience......who murdered Imam Husayn the grandson of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). And you call that real Islam....because if you do, that is insulting the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).
The very same Doctor Zakir Naik that was praising Yazid in front of a audience......who murdered Imam Husayn the grandson of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). And you call that real Islam....because if you do, that is insulting the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).

This is what you think there is no proof that he order the killing of Sayyiduna Husain (r.a).

Is it permissible to curse Yazid or any sahaba? What does Imam Ghazali say? The Sunni Perspective

#1 According to Tabari this unfortunate and avoidable incidence occured on 22nd Safar 61 Hijra [680 CE]. In 352 Hijra [963 CE] Mu’izud Dowlah Dailami[after 291 years] laid foundation of mass mourning and fixed the date as 10th of Moharram.
#2 According to Imam Ghazali” The person who entertain the idea that Yazid had given orders to Kill Hussain is a fool. The details of this incidence cannot be fully ascertained as the facts are shrouded by narrow mindedness.”
#3 Imam al-Ghazali (Allah have mercy on him) states that it is not even impermissible to say that Yazid killed or ordered the killing of Sayyiduna Husain (Allah be pleased with him) let alone curse him, as attributing a Muslim to a sin without decisive evidence is not permissible. (See: Sharh Bad al-Amali by Mulla Ali al-Qari, P. 123-125).
One can also argue the age of Hazrat Aisha at the time of Marriage to Rasulullah (S.a.w). Her age in the hadith is 6 at nikah and 9 at ruksati, but it is a weak hadith. Her real age at the time of Marriage was between 13-17 years old.
Junoon was one of the best bands of South Asia!I hope they come back.I know its a mere pipe dream now because of differences between Brian, Ali and Salman.
May Allah (swt) guide you. You are mixing religion of Islam with Music. They don't go together. His music is curse to Islam and the teaching of Rasulullah (Saw), only Hindus & Jews will like his music and those Pakistani who are only Muslim by name without AQeeda.

Music with instruments is not liked by Muhammad (S.A.W). Is that not Enough ?

Music is not prohibited in Islam, even Surr is what Hazrat Dawood was blessed with, when he used to recite Zabur using his vocal chords then all the animals, birds and mountains used to sing with him. (This was his miracle)

We use same chords for Recitation which we use for singing so first there is no point of your vocal chords (the ability given by God) to be haram.

Number two, MUSIC, Rasool Allah (S.A.W) din't also dislike the music of duff that was played to welcome him in Madinnah. Even when Sahaba went ahead to stop girls from music and singing Rasool Allah(S.A.W) said Let them celebrate they are all happy...

Also, I have heard from religious personalities and even on tv channels including GEO's Alim Online one Mufti said that Music is not haram.

And once it happened, that Rasool Allah (S.A.W) was on way with Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa and she heard music, and then they both stopped to listen to it. She kept her chin on Rasool (S.A.W)'s shoulder while listening and then later they moved on.

Music has nothing bad in itself, rather it has a strong attraction and ability to inspire and move your feelings and emotions.

So, as long as the music inspires you towards something good its good and Halal and if it inspires towards evil (like the black genre, satanic and some other types of heavy metal) its Haram..

SOME of our Mullahs who even go the extent of criticizing enjoying happiness and us (Muslims) have made Islam too complicated by sometimes asking questions as stupid as asking, Is it Halal to cut apples with the same knife i used for cutting onions !!! :hitwall:
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