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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

China’s New Stealth Fighter Hot Among Military Fans
Thousands of military enthusiasts were online on Wednesday morning, hoping to “witness” the first test flight of the J-31, which had conducted two high-speed taxiing tests on Tuesday morning and was expected to take off on Wednesday.
Without an official code name, the prototype bears the provisional designation J-31 and has “31001″ painted on both sides under its cockpit.
An unknown number of enthusiasts on Wednesday morning were stationed outside an airfield of the Shenyang Aircraft Corp, which belongs to the Aviation Industry Corp of China and is a major designer and manufacturer for the Chinese air force. The witnesses published almost all details of the test flight after it began at 10:32 am.
Photos that showed the J-31 in flight and accompanied by two J-11BS fighters were posted on major Chinese military forums.
“It is amazing! Now China has become the second nation, after the United States, to simultaneously develop two fifth-generation fighters,” a netizen using the name wenwutuan said on cjdby.net, one of China’s biggest military websites.
“Today is absolutely a historic day,” said another Internet user, dzz2002. “Though we still have a long way to go before calling China a strong aviation power, we can proudly say that we have made great strides in achieving this goal.”
According to the accounts of military enthusiasts who claimed to witness the test and their photos, the radar-evading aircraft conducted a 10-minute flight with its landing gear in the lowered position.
Zhai Dequan, deputy secretary-general of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, said he had not expected that J-31 would make the debut so soon after the maiden flight of the J-20 in January 2011.

Does these planes are really 5th Gen. Birds? I mean Americans took 15- 20 years to build F 22 and Russians took almost as same time to field PAK FA. Both These countries are having more than or close to (in Russia's case) history in aviation industry which China lacks. It has only 30 or so years of experience in building sophisticated military aircraft. So is it worth all these hype?

Please someone knowledgeable enlighten please. :undecided:
j-xx stealth fighter program starts way back since the 90's, not just recently :rolleyes:
Does these planes are really 5th Gen. Birds? I mean Americans took 15- 20 years to build F 22 and Russians took almost as same time to field PAK FA. Both These countries are having more than or close to (in Russia's case) history in aviation industry which China lacks. It has only 30 or so years of experience in building sophisticated military aircraft. So is it worth all these hype?

Please someone knowledgeable enlighten please. :undecided:

Just by looks a plane does not become 5th gen. T50, J20 and J31 are self-proclaimed 5th gen prototypes with LO features in their airframe. Alot of work needs to be done to develop them to the level of a true 5th gen fighter with AESA, HIgh thrust engine, thrust vectoring, super cruise, avionics integration, situational awareness etc. We will have to wait and see when and how much T50, J20 and J31 evolve to that level. But in todays world, its the superficial aspect that sells more and creates hype, not the thing that goes inside, no one seems to care about that.
For anyone who would like to learn more about the background and the development history of this Project 310, and to avoid to have any unreasonable and uncorrect arguments trolling out from everywhere, I strongly suggest one to buy and to read the official biography of the actual chief engineer of the Institut 601 from Shenyang, who is believed to be in charge, or had at least leaded for a period, the development of this project.

I bought it a few months ago but don't have time to finish. :sick: For example in chapter 6 we can read that the stealth technologies research in Shenyang has been started since 1993, in chapter 7 we can see the development of TVC and the selection of test bed between Su-27CK and J-10. In a chapter that I don't remember the pages we could see the history on how Shenyang had failed against Chengdu in the 5G aircraft program (that brings to J-20).

A very very good official source that I suggest to all, at least it's much more better than all pretended "information" websites with all f**king wrong copied/pasted and imaginative informations...


Edit : Only one inconvenience, the price of shipment from China to Europe is even higher than the price of the book itself... Damn

“310” taking part in this year's Zhuhai Air Show:


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