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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

looks like a repelica of proposed AMCA/MCA bieng developed by HAL/DRDO& AAD to me wich i think chinese have lifted the design again:omghaha:

That's completely false and you know it. The AMCA looks nothing like this.





This plane:




Completely different design.

If this isn't the J-31, then it certainly based on the J-31, considering the design similarities. Don't keep making these baseless and clearly wrong claims that China's copying India. India has nothing that China wants to copy.

In fact, the AMCA has more similarities to the Japanese Mitsubishi ATD-X than any Chinese design.

Since this is a stealth fighter, sort of, BUT, still 4th gen. IT would be one of the leading 4th gen fighters, so wouldn't the similarities be more to the Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle than say any of the 5th gen fighters.

as to cheap, it's cheap relatively. the American Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle costs 100 million and will most likely cost more by the time the deal is signed. So cheap, yes, but only relatively.
Since this is a stealth fighter, sort of, BUT, still 4th gen. IT would be one of the leading 4th gen fighters, so wouldn't the similarities be more to the Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle than say any of the 5th gen fighters.

as to cheap, it's cheap relatively. the American Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle costs 100 million and will most likely cost more by the time the deal is signed. So cheap, yes, but only relatively.

At this point, we know little to nothing about this plane, so speculating on the price/package is a bit early in my opinion.
It's the J-31 marketed as the AFC for export in Beijing. The prototype has already flown in 2011. You mean to tell me we stole your paper concept despite having an actual prototype? Do you process your words in your brain before you type them out?

That's completely false and you know it. The AMCA looks nothing like this.

The Indians here are making fun of themselves as usual. :lol:

We actually have a working and flying prototype.

Whereas the Indian AMCA crap, is still just "a concept on paper". And yet they think we copied them? :rofl:

Hell, India still hasn't inducted even the LCA yet, let alone anything else. There is some big joke going on here.
The Indians here are making fun of themselves as usual. :lol:

We actually have a working and flying prototype.

Whereas the Indian AMCA crap is still just a concept on paper. And yet they think we copied them? :ROFL:

Hell, India still hasn't inducted even the LCA yet, let alone anything else. There is some big joke going on here.

Indians love to talk but actually make very little:omghaha:
I think that the designers just don't apply the name"J-31".

The J-31 was never the name, but from what is being mentioned, it is most likely just an export version of the fighter and the domestic one is still being called Project-310.
31001 is a tech and concept demonstrator。

It is a platform from which there will be derived a variety of 5th stealth jets。

The first result of such effort will be on display in 2014
Exciting time ahead。
The Indians here are making fun of themselves as usual. :lol:
We actually have a working and flying prototype.

Whereas the Indian AMCA crap, is still just "a concept on paper". And yet they think we copied them? :rofl:
Hell, India still hasn't inducted even the LCA yet, let alone anything else. There is some big joke going on here.

Indians will not be the ones laughing at the end but it will be the Chinese. China will be self-reliance while India will continue to the World's Top Arms Importer ! :rofl:
That's completely false and you know it. The AMCA looks nothing like this.





This plane:




Completely different design.

If this isn't the J-31, then it certainly based on the J-31, considering the design similarities. Don't keep making these baseless and clearly wrong claims that China's copying India. India has nothing that China wants to copy.

In fact, the AMCA has more similarities to the Japanese Mitsubishi ATD-X than any Chinese design.


Did you notice that the AMCA looks like the YF23 Black Widow??
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