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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Got this from another site. Good news to potential buyer with limited budget who looking for cheap aircraft with stealth capability.


Chinese new advance low cost 4.5+ stealth fighter jet "AFC" concept unveiled at the The 15th Beijing International Aviation exhibition, make no mistake, this ain't the J-31 国产先进概念战机针对国际市场 中航工业回应“是歼31”传言

人民网北京9月25日电 (闫嘉琪)在今天开幕的北京国际航展中,中航工业展出了先进概念战机。据中航工业工作人员介绍,该款先进概 念战机主要针对国际市场,目前处于概念研制阶段,用于验证隐形技术、发动机技术、先进航电系统 等关键技术。


 飞机采用单座、双发、双垂尾、正常式布局,具有高隐身、低成本、大载弹量、大作战半径、强系统综合等特 点,综合作战效能优于三代半和三代改战斗机,与典型四代机基本相当。









The 15th Beijing International Aviation Exhibition Opening

Beijing, September 24 News reporter Liu Jin reports: The 15th Beijing International Air Show on September 25 to 28 at the National Convention Center. Airshow scale reached 17,000 square meters, increased by 40% last Legco . exhibition invited from 17 countries and regions, nearly 200 exhibitors, five national pavilions, Airbus, Boeing, Honeywell, Bombardier, Safran, the European aircraft materials, Bell Helicopter, Parker Aerospace and other famous aviation exhibitors.

Beijing air show organizing committee launched the 'Beijing Aviation Heritage Week' activities include: AVIC Cup - International UAV Innovation Grand Prix, China Aviation Science and Technology Conference, China UAV Summit & Exhibition, the Ninth laurel Awards ceremony, Chinese aviation maintenance summit, Badaling flight dynamic display and the First Beijing Yanqing General Aviation Tourism and Culture Festival.

The 15th Beijing International Aviation Exhibition Opening - Finance News
SAC J-31 == AVIC == AFC

该款先进概 念战机主要针对国际市场,目前处于概念研制阶段,用于验证隐形技术、发动机技术、先进航电系统 等关键技术。
This advanced stealth fighter mainly target foreign market, currently still concept developing to test new stealth technology, jet engine test, advanced avionics system test.

Well it seems this new stealth fighter is low cost China version of F-35, future will sell for foreign Airforce.:china:

I think next-gen China fighter plan:

1. J-20 for PLA Airforce


2. AVIC (AFC) for sale (stealth fighter export)




Which is the company that came up with the design? Was there one more agency other than Chengdu or Shenyang that was tasked with development of a 5th gen aircraft design?
Which is the company that came up with the design? Was there one more agency other than Chengdu or Shenyang that was tasked with development of a 5th gen aircraft design?

This plane is only in concept stage, a technology demonstration. It is probably a derivative version of the lesser J-31 for export. Without customer pre-ordering and funding, this plane might not see their day in foreign market.

It will be a sad day. This is a beautiful cheap stealth plane for developing country. Nice color contrast, beautiful pain job.
Of course it is not J-31, it is only "Project 310"
Only when accepted by PLAAF, then it can be called J-XX, and more probable J-21; at the moment, it is only project of AVIC, but not of Chinese army, just like S-37 and mig-1.44 for Russian.
Of course it is not J-31, it is only "Project 310"
Only when accepted by PLAAF, then it can be called J-XX, and more probable J-21; at the moment, it is only project of AVIC, but not of Chinese army, just like S-37 and mig-1.44 for Russian.


Only when a fighter is accepted into the PLAAF does the name become J-21 or J-31. Since the PLAAF hasn't bought this, it's called Project 310.
no bhai right now im having OLD MONK XXX rum with cola and some snaks :cheers:
See, can't talk clear, you are very high, I think maybe your elder add new "seasoning" to ganges!

On the topic, we can invite our friendly country join the project, SAC also need joint project, not only for money!
looks like a repelica of proposed AMCA/MCA bieng developed by HAL/DRDO& AAD to me wich i think chinese have lifted the design again:omghaha:
It's the J-31 marketed as the AFC for export in Beijing. The prototype has already flown in 2011. You mean to tell me we stole your paper concept despite having an actual prototype? Do you process your words in your brain before you type them out?
This along with J-31 are potential Paf planes.

Who knows : might be made with PAF in mind.. Only for export like JF-17.
looks like a repelica of proposed AMCA/MCA bieng developed by HAL/DRDO& AAD to me wich i think chinese have lifted the design again:omghaha:

why you had to make a spoiler post? I was expecting a TOT post from my TOT intensive Pakistani members who want that every country unfortunate to be a brother or friend of Pakistanis should surrender its technology with full transfer and pay for it as well
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