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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

The boss of AVIC had confirmed that J31 is installed AESA in the talk show, SU35 ONLY has PESA and it has huge RCS. I think SU35 is the king in dog fight, not quite sure its performance in BVR.

j-31 won't get foc before 4-5 years at least,,its just a prototype.

This is nonsense. Russian AESA is not modern enough. If money is a problem, Russia shall be more willing to sell their advance AESA to indian for their destroyer and AWACS to earn hardcash. Apparently, Russia offer is not up to standards which forces indian to procure better AESA from Israel. Even China do know that Russia offer is not up to standards and we need to do it ourselves.

As for PAFKA, Russia will not be dumb enough to allow Israel radar install on their fighter which India needs to stick with everything Russia. It's a out of no choice.

China was going to purchase the phalcon awacs from israel which usa denied:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Israeli radars are that good.

When it was denied,,chinese developed their own aesa.
j-31 won't get foc before 4-5 years at least,,its just a prototype.

China was going to purchase the phalcon awacs from israel which usa denied:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Israeli radars are that good.

When it was denied,,chinese developed their own aesa.
That was 2004 years ago incident. That time our super computer can't even make it top 10. Now is after more than 10 years. And in 2014, our super computer is even world fastest. The US until now can't even make one that can beat us.

Same as our avionics. Our destroyer , fighter and ground radar all uses domestic make AESA radar and no other side help is needed.




(Picture source of J-31: ChinaDefenseMashup) Popular Science: "The J-31 differs from the F-35 in that it has two engines, which in turn reduces its area ruling, making for more efficient supersonic flight, including future supercruise once the J-31 obtains more powerful engines."

A couple of years ago, I was going to write a post about "supercruise." It slipped my mind and I just remembered now that I forgot to write the post.

There are three types of supercruise.

1. Supercruise at level flight. This is real supercruise. The aircraft is flying along and the engine revs up to supercruise.

2. Supercruise in a dive. This is a cheesy supercruise. An aircraft may not be able to achieve supercruise in level flight. However, at a high enough altitude and in a steep dive, gravity may provide sufficient help to achieve temporary supercruise in a dive.

3. Supercruise with afterburner. This is another cheesy supercruise. Fly along in a level flight and dump tremendous amounts of fuel into the afterburner for a temporary supercruise.

Another way to cheat and achieve supercruise is by reducing weight. Remove all armaments on a fighter jet. This is unrealistic in a real war. Also, you could remove 3/4 of a plane's fuel and supercruise with a mostly empty jet fighter (which is again unrealistic in a real war).

I'm not sure, but I think a "clean" Eurofighter Typhoon without armaments achieved supercruise.

In summary, a plane can achieve really cheesy supercruise if you combine all of the cheat methods listed above. Take a Eurofighter Typhoon and remove most of the fuel, armaments, and hit the afterburner in a dive.

The point is to beware the claim of a jet fighter's ability to supercruise. Everyone knows an armed F-22 can supercruise in level flight. All other claims of supercruise should be viewed with skepticism until you know the circumstances.
J-31 is stealthier than F-35 due to thin wing root and straight weapon bay


The Chinese J-31 has a thin straight wing root. "Thin" means a small surface area for reflecting radar waves. "Straight" conforms with facet design to minimize reflection direction.


The American F-35 has a thick wing root. Thick means more surface area for radar reflection. Also, the F-35 wing root is roundish. Round is terrible for stealth. It means multiple directions for radar reflections. [Note: "Continuous curvature" is like a duck bill and not related to round.]


All three F-35 versions share a common airframe. The STOVL version (or F-35B) requires a lift-fan and leads to an unstealthy thick wing root and angled bay doors.

A fundamental problem with the F-35 design is the specification to accommodate a vertical-takeoff lift-fan for the F-35B STOVL version. Since all three versions of the F-35 must have the same basic airframe, we see the same unstealthy characteristics on all F-35 versions.

Due to the F-35 airframe that can support a lift-fan (whether it is actually present on the A and C versions is not relevant), all F-35s have a thick wing root. The thick wing root is not stealthy. The J-31 has a much thinner wing root and it is stealthier.

Also, the middle of the F-35 bottom fuselage is reserved for the lift-fan exhaust. This means the F-35 bay doors have to be skewed. This is bad aerodynamics (due to increased air resistance) and lead to much heavier hydraulics on the doors to push/keep it open at high speed. The increased weight leads to degraded F-35 acceleration and maneuverability performance.

Finally, due to the lack of room, the F-35 weapon bays bulge outward. There is a lack of space, because the center fuselage is reserved for the lift-fan and exhaust duct. The bulging F-35 weapon bays are not stealthy. It degrades the imperative of facet-shaping stealth.

In conclusion, the Chinese J-31 stealth fighter design is superior to the American F-35. The F-35 is less stealthy, because its specification requires a fuselage to accommodate a lift-fan.
i havent followed this thread for a while now so i dont know much about it other than PAF is interested in fc 31
my question is simple
is its only for export or PLA will induct it ?
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