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Russia's first Muslim TV channel goes on air

New Recruit

Dec 21, 2011
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Russia's first public Muslim TV channel, Al-RTV, has gone on air ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr.
According to the Bashinform news portal, Al-RTV has been established by Russia's largest Muslim organisations to promote Islamic religious and spiritual values.
The round-the-clock service was launched Sunday, to coincide with Eid-ul-Fitr.
The channel covers eight Russian regions -- Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and six North Caucasus republics.

The channel's chief editor is Rustam Arifdzhanov, vice president of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio Broadcasting.
It will be supported by private donations and government grants.



Russia was my ideal country, loved it's flag, nature, people, language, weapons, anthem, history...etc and almost everything related to it until they decided to side with Arab people slaughterers. I even was more of a socialist when I was 18. Arabs in general considered Russia as their trusted ally. I hope it changes it's attitude.
Russia was my ideal country, loved it's flag, nature, people, language, weapons, anthem, history...etc and almost everything related to it until they decided to side with Arab people slaughterers. I even was more of a socialist when I was 18. Arabs in general considered Russia as their trusted ally. I hope it changes it's attitude.


Any country who has a naval base like if china want to attack japan then it would also be attack on usa because of the base.............the logic goes somehow like this.

"We are always with u";)
What's with your username, "индусский сжечь" translating to "Hindu Burn" on Google translate. :angry:
индусский сжечь;3349646 said:

Any country who has a naval base like if china want to attack japan then it would also be attack on usa because of the base.............the logic goes somehow like this.

"We are always with u";)

Syrian people are much important than the Russia naval base, they could have kept it if they hadn't side with Bashar, unfortunatly, Russia will be left with no allies in the region after Bashar is gone. However...:tup:

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why do you think anyone who takes name of Islam is there to kill you
why do you think anyone who takes name of Islam is there to kill you
just use google translate man, it says HINDU BURN.
i dont know why most muslims call for the death of other faith and its followers. is it inferiority complex of the muslims are that is what ISLAM is all about(intolerance and unjust to other faiths). I am sure its not ISLAM but the followers who want death to others.

Good to see that, and it seems that the Orthodox Christian is the most Islam-friendly Christian sect based on the historical records.
sorry man, i do not see that common RUSSIANS who are christians have this mentality, the Russian who started this thread is another madarassa product in russia who has is name in PDF as "HINDU BURN"
just use google translate man, it says HINDU BURN.
i dont know why most muslims call for the death of other faith and its followers. is it inferiority complex of the muslims are that is what ISLAM is all about(intolerance and unjust to other faiths). I am sure its not ISLAM but the followers who want death to others.

May be he was just stating the fact that hindus burn their dead. You are taking it in a wrong manner. :)
Syrian people are much important than the Russia naval base, they could have kept it if they hadn't side with Bashar, unfortunatly, Russia will be left with no allies in the region after Bashar is gone. However...:tup:

Not exactly Russia has other Options Iranian leaning Iraq and Russia has strong ties with Algeria, and in the past Russia has saved the Arabs countries from Israel.
May be he was just stating the fact that hindus burn their dead. You are taking it in a wrong manner. :)
i dont know weather you are justifying/defending your fellow muslim for a wrong act or just being optimistic.

the part where I get ANGRY with must muslims is that, instead of condeming some thing which is wrong, they either go silent or come to the defence of the perpectuator if he is a muslims, and only jump to the sky and earth only if the wrong is against muslims by a man/women of some other faith.

you guys dont realize that a wrong is a wrong who ever has commited it must be punished and does not enjoy special previlage for following ISLAM.
i dont know weather you are justifying/defending your fellow muslim for a wrong act or just being optimistic.

the part where I get ANGRY with must muslims is that, instead of condeming some thing which is wrong, they either go silent or come to the defence of the perpectuator if he is a muslims, and only jump to the sky and earth only if the wrong is against muslims by a man/women of some other faith.

you guys dont realize that a wrong is a wrong who ever has commited it must be punished and does not enjoy special previlage for following ISLAM.

I think he justified himself in his last thread where he said burned turkey(Hindi) is a food delicacy from Russia.

google it Google Translate

stop thinking everybody is plotting against u.

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