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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

Nice pictures...just the way i like my russians/russian related objects,crashing/on fire :))
Russian brothers ... I can understand your feeling !!!

last year we had 3 failures ... :undecided:

one of them dropped on the launch pad !!!
I don`t think people realize how huge Russian space industry is , it`s conglomerate of over 100 enterprises with 250-300 thousand employees.

Proton-KM (Block-DM)









02.07.2013. The second fatal malfunction of the block Dm3

Welcome back! Good to see you doing well.
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Thanks for pics.

@ Topic...

This shows how complicated and risky ,space launches are, despite having huge amount of experience in space technology, they still have failure, (every country has).

But as saying goes, failures are stepping stones for success. I hope this accident will help in improving the success record of this launch vehicle by rectifying the problems :tup:

We as Indians, should be proud of ISRO. But Still we have a long long way to go.
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Whats wrong with Russian stuff nowdays,Isn't it falling too frequently from sky nowdays....
Whats wrong with Russian stuff nowdays,Isn't it falling too frequently from sky nowdays....

Proton success rate is over 90% , frankly it`s more media hype than anything , when missiles fail it`s spectacular and sells fast. So far these year Russia had 16 launches (half of world launches) with 15 successful , which is 94% success rate. Mistakes do happen...
Agree ... but chinese & americans love such a failures from Russia !!! :coffee:

Maybe Americans , but why would Chinese loved it? US certainly wouldn`t helped them with their Space program like Russia did.

Many in US are angry that Russia is only window to space for their astronauts and not to mention that ISS would never work without Russian experience and expertise , and also fact that Russia is pouring money into new infrastructure (Vostochniy airport) makes them jealous. The fact is , 2008 bail out for mega banks costed more money than all NASA budgets combined since the beginning , i do understand why would someone be pissed in United States regarding such state of affairs , but gloating about misfortunes of others certainly will not solve these issues.
its ok failures are part of any work good luck for next thy my best wishes .and i am happy no human loses rocket they can make millions more .
no worry they make more rockets than any one else
proton series have a very good success rate
the payload was a bit expensive that must have hurted but they probably will have backup ones
People are wrongly/intentionally bashing Russia for one failure.this kind of errors are normal for any space agency.Hope Russia will bounce back soon..
Ah, the Russian string of failures.
This one should hurt nicely, because of the 200 million$ worth of payload. Coincidentally, backup satellites for GLONASS.
Have you any idea about the string of American failures? You want me to list them out to you? I can't as the server hosting this website would crash due to overload just like the Proton rocket just did. :P
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