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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

Quite rich coming from a person who blamed Earth's spin velocity or lack there and associated calculations that go with it of instead of corruption despite the latter being widely known and commented upon in the highest Russian political circles.

I didn`t blame it on anything, official cause will be determined by investigation. Since forumer posted that too much fuel is possibly the reason i can see where lies the problem, mistakes are possible. If you claim that distance from equator is not important in space flight , than this is simply your lack of knowledge.

Thread title is about Russian Proton, not space shuttle and it's two failures. You're welcome to open a new thread about it if you wish, but here it's off topic and thus irelevant.

It hurts? Once again , if Russian space program sucks , fly back "corruption free" Space Shuttle.
It is not enthusiasm it is pessimism, coming from 90's. Though I do not see contradictions in Rogozin's and mine opinion.

LOL! No comment.

I didn`t blame it on anything, official cause will be determined by investigation. Since forumer posted that too much fuel is possibly the reason i can see where lies the problem, mistakes are possible. If you claim that distance from equator is not important in space flight , than this is simply your lack of knowledge.

lol, spinning it already? Where did i say such a thing? You brought it up as a reason why it crashed because it is not launched from the equator and this brings extra calculations and these might be the reason, while completely ignoring all the links about corruption and how it might be responsible.
I even have you quoted in one of my posts, #38. And you're wanting to come out as a smart guy? LOL!

Look you little amateur debater, Rogozin came out today and said things cannot go on from this point like they have been going on so far. get a clue and stop blindly cheering.....

It hurts? Once again , if Russian space program sucks , fly back "corruption free" Space Shuttle.

Doesn't hurt one bit as i'm not American, however it is indicative of your poor knowledge which manifests itself with the need to deflect and change topic.
lol, spinning it already? Where did i say such a thing? You brought it up as a reason why it crashed because it is not launched from the equator and this brings extra calculations and these might be the reason, while completely ignoring all the links about corruption and how it might be responsible.
I even have you quoted in one of my posts, #38. And you're wanting to come out as a smart guy? LOL!

Look you little amateur debater, Rogozin came out today and said things cannot go on from this point like they have been going on so far. get a clue and stop blindly cheering.....

I didn`t mention anything , other forumer mention it. It already happened when Medvedev was the president , he fired all responsible for such mistake in 2010 failure with also three Glonass satellites lost.

Also it`s a fact that Baikonur is not good location for Space flight, don`t know exactly what is problematic here.

Russians always , and not only them , stop further new launches with same rocket until cause of disaster is found and mistakes/ or bad parts replaced and problems solved , also don`t know what is exactly problematic here.

RKA is still downsized conglomerate of SKA , of course they have issues , they have lots of it, speacially Khrunitshev. But when someone "wonders how manage" to have 90% success , pissing on another countries achievements , that is pathetic SOB behaviour.

Doesn't hurt one bit as i'm not American, however it is indicative of your poor knowledge which manifests itself with the need to deflect and change topic.

Maybe , show your country flag (instead of EU...) and then i will not use Americans at all , if you`re let say from Moldova :D and mocking Russians , i mean LOL
I didn`t mention anything , other forumer mention it. It already happened when Medvedev was the president , he fired all responsible for such mistake in 2010 failure with also three Glonass satellites lost.

here's your quote about calculations being the culprit:

It`s not sabotage , mistakes do happen , and Baikonur is not good location because it`s far away from equator which means more calculations are needed for successful launches.


Also it`s a fact that Baikonur is not good location for Space flight, don`t know exactly what is problematic here.

Problematic is, that you appear to put merit to geographical position of the launch site instead of the gaping problem admitted by everyone. Here's a clue to what that might be : geographic position didn't allocate itself 200 million $......

Russians always , and not only them , stop further new launches with same rocket until cause of disaster is found and mistakes/ or bad parts replaced and problems solved , also don`t know what is exactly problematic here.

You seem to not know many things. The reason that was posted was not to inform you of launch schedule break, but so you see that Russian high official pretty much said what i've been saying since this thread began.

RKA is still downsized conglomerate of SKA , of course they have issues , they have lots of it, speacially Khrunitshev. But when someone "wonders how manage" to have 90% success , pissing on another countries achievements , that is pathetic SOB behaviour.

Maybe , show your country flag (instead of EU...) and then i will not use Americans at all , if you`re let say from Moldova :D and mocking Russians , i mean LOL

No, son, you're pathetic because you feel the need to know someone's whereabouts so you could possibly mock them because you lack arguments.
No doubt Russian tech is way outdated and need serious refit.

I had many posts over the years that Russia need huge money input in their space and even military technology, to avoid more mechanical failures and disasters. And overhaul its backward management of launch projects. Russia need to learn from the US and China they both have far more advanced systems for complicated space work.

And it indeed keeps happening.

By the way, Russia has 7 space launch failures since 2010 and I wonder how many of you would call Russia rockets "safe".
Problematic is, that you appear to put merit to geographical position of the launch site instead of the gaping problem admitted by everyone. Geographic position didn't allocate itself 200 million $......

I said that because other forumer posted that too much fuel is the cause of disaster , and i took that for granted. It`s true that Baikonur is not good location for Space launches , this is simply true.

You don't know many things. The reason that was posted was not to inform you of launch schedule break, but so you see that Russian high official pretty much said what i've been saying since this thread began.

I never said that RKA doesn`t suffer from issues, if you had started discussion with little less arrogance you would find out i`m not cheer leading. But pissing on other countries , is not an argument. "Wonder how they manage" very pathetic SOB statement. I don`t like when someone mocks other countries , and hides with EU flag.

No, son, you're pathetic because you feel the need to know someone's whereabouts so you could possibly mock them because you lack arguments.

LOL , so you hide behind EU flag , that doesn`t tell a lot frankly, i know it , you know it , and have audacity to mock other real countries. So , at least offer me satisfaction , you`re from former commie country ;)
I said that because other forumer posted that too much fuel is the cause of disaster , and i took that for granted. It`s true that Baikonur is not good location for Space launches , this is simply true.

I never said that RKA doesn`t suffer from issues, if you had started discussion with little less arrogance you would find out i`m not cheer leading. But pissing on other countries , is not an argument. "Wonder how they manage" very pathetic SOB statement. I don`t like when someone mocks other countries , and hides with EU flag.

LOL , so you hide behind EU flag , that doesn`t tell a lot frankly, i know it , you know it , and have audacity to mock other real countries. So , at least offer me satisfaction , you`re from former commie country ;)

I'm done with you son.

I have links, statements from Russian vice president that prove my point while you have wails about nationalities. Anyone can see the difference here. I could disect your post again, but you're just not worth my time.
No doubt Russian tech is way outdated and need serious refit.

I had many posts over the years that Russia need huge money input in their space and even military technology, to avoid more mechanical failures and disasters. And overhaul its backward management of launch projects. Russia need to learn from the US and China they both have far more advanced systems for complicated space work.

And it indeed keeps happening.

By the way, Russia has 7 space launch failures since 2010 and I wonder how many of you would call Russia rockets "safe".

Don't worry. New cosmodrom is builgimg right now. And new rockets with best engines will fly from it. Besides - USA and both Kores use Russian engines. France use Russian rocket for lainches from Kuru. The whole world use Russian rockets to get cosmonavts to the International Space Station.
Sheet happens.
Every Nation which has it's own Space program has big problems. Much difficult and advanced program - much problems.
No doubt Russian tech is way outdated and need serious refit. Russia need to learn from the US and China they both have far more advanced systems for complicated space work.

US is certainly in the best shape with space infrastructure , despite no Space Shuttle flights . NASA is the best by far but China? I mean Russians helped China with their space program ("Shenzou") , how many flights Chinese make per year? How many satellites China has? Do they have experience with running space stations? Do they have global navigational network?

For all that you need infrastructure, personal and pretty high tech, US has it , Russia has it and China will have it one day. For now nobody is close to US & Russia with their respective space programs. And of course both countries are in midst of mass investments and the are preparing for the future , new rockets, new technology , new space ports , new replacements for Soyuz and Space Shuttle etc.
Don't worry. New cosmodrom is builgimg right now. And new rockets with best engines will fly from it. Besides - USA and both Kores use Russian engines. France use Russian rocket for lainches from Kuru. The whole world use Russian rockets to get cosmonavts to the International Space Station.
Sheet happens.
Every Nation which has it's own Space program has big problems. Much difficult and advanced program - much problems.

Thing is, everyone that uses Russian engines didn't have a single failure up until now afaik, except Russia. And in the absence of any other explanation (technical) it is most likely so because the checks are performed more rigorously then in Baikonur.

Also, it is not France, it is ESA and it uses it as a medium size launcher in between light carrier Vega and heavy carrier Ariane.
I'm done with you son.

I have links, statements from Russian vice president that prove my point while you have wails about nationalities. Anyone can see the difference here. I could disect your post again, but you're just not worth my time.

What point is that , "wondering how they manage"? Because they are low lifes who drink vodka all day and can`t do simple math? You do know well how they manage and can`t fool me , Rogozin didn`t say that and no , it does not prove your point , of course RKA needs changes. If you had started discussion with less arrogance i would certainly be less SOB in this case.
What point is that , "wondering how they manage"? Because they are low lifes who drink vodka all day and can`t do simple math? You do know well how they manage and can`t fool me , Rogozin didn`t say that and no , it does not prove your point , of course RKA needs changes. If you had started discussion with less arrogance i would certainly be less SOB in this case.


Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said after the accident that "harsh decisions" will be taken and that "Russia's rocket and space industry cannot continue to exist in its current form."

Read more at: Russia halts Proton rocket launches after accident

And to anyone that has been following the Russian space industry those words mean a crackdown on corruption. Though that was already promised after December's crash.

Stop embarrasing yourself, good step might be to go and look for the answers to the questions that you posted about the Chinese space programme. Maybe then you will see the extent of knowledge that is lacking.


Another Proton-M booster carrying two satellites crashed in Baikonur in August 2012. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev chided officials after that incident, saying that Russia had lost 10 satellites in seven failed launches in just over a year.

US is certainly in the best shape with space infrastructure , despite no Space Shuttle flights . NASA is the best by far but China? I mean Russians helped China with their space program ("Shenzou") , how many flights Chinese make per year? How many satellites China has? Do they have experience with running space stations? Do they have global navigational network?

For all that you need infrastructure, personal and pretty high tech, US has it , Russia has it and China will have it one day. For now nobody is close to US & Russia with their respective space programs. And of course both countries are in midst of mass investments and the are preparing for the future , new rockets, new technology , new space ports , new replacements for Soyuz and Space Shuttle etc.

China has trailed SU and USA since 1970s and it certainly is in the top league in this field. China's Beidou is probably even more advanced than GPS, a 1990s Nav Sys.

I won't comment on Glonass as it is limited in military use, or none easy applicable for commercial use in the first place, if my knowledge is correct.
China has trailed SU and USA since 1970s and it certainly is in the top league in this field. China's Beidou is probably even more advanced than GPS, a 1990s Nav Sys.

GPS is three generations of satellites, the newest are in the prcess of being launched soon.

As of April 2013, GPS III Satellite Vehicles (SVs) 03-08 are in the Production and Deployment Phase.

GPS.gov: Space Segment
And to anyone that has been following the Russian space industry those words mean a crackdown on corruption. Though that was already promised after December's crash.

Stop embarrasing yourself, good step might be to go and look for the answers to the questions that you posted about the Chinese space programme. Maybe then you will see the extent of knowledge that is lacking.

So China with 3 launches so far these year has more advanced space program than Russia? "Beidou" is not yet global system , while "Glonass" is. Russian components are key components of ISS , they by far have most experience and expertise managing space stations, and i do know that China is running it`s program to have space station comparable to "Mir" one day. I do know how China has advanced , and i do know they will become big space power but they are yet at that place.

Crackdown on corruption? They promise that all the time , in a lot of cases it`s used to cover bad policy by central state , and i know what i`m talking about. If they want better results , they will need to start paying more money.

China has trailed SU and USA since 1970s and it certainly is in the top league in this field. China's Beidou is probably even more advanced than GPS, a 1990s Nav Sys.

I won't comment on Glonass as it is limited in military use, or none easy applicable for commercial use in the first place, if my knowledge is correct.

Yes "Glonass" was designed primarily for military use , but now it can be used for civilian purposes. In any case , "Glonnas" program is going ahead.

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