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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

Thing is, everyone that uses Russian engines didn't have a single failure up until now afaik, except Russia. And in the absence of any other explanation (technical) it is most likely so because the checks are performed more rigorously then in Baikonur.

Also, it is not France, it is ESA and it uses it as a medium size launcher in between light carrier Vega and heavy carrier Ariane.
France is member of ESA.
So you too start to think problems are not in technics? You know my opinion - who do this fakes and what for.
I think in a few years traitors will be found and punished.
So China with 3 launches so far these year has more advanced space program than Russia? "Beidou" is not yet global system , while "Glonass" is. Russian components are key components of ISS , they by far have most experience and expertise managing space stations, and i do know that China is running it`s program to have space station comparable to "Mir" one day. I do know how China has advanced , and i do know they will become big space power but they are yet at that place.

Crackdown on corruption? They promise that all the time , in a lot of cases it`s used to cover bad policy by central state , and i know what i`m talking about. If they want better results , they will need to start paying more money.

Yes "Glonass" was designed primarily for military use , but now it can be used for civilian purposes. In any case , "Glonnas" program is going ahead.

GLONASS-K - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many more satelites are planed for Glonass?
How many more satelites are planed for Glonass?

As for now - 24 in work, 4 in reserve, and 1 on technical serving - if I am not mistaking.
It is full group, covering all Earth surface.
How many more satelites are planed for Glonass?

To cover globe they need 24 operational satellites , which they have + reserve. Of course , existing satellites will needed to be replaced with the end of their lifespan.
So China with 3 launches so far these year has more advanced space program than Russia?

Where did i say that? Why are you putting words in my mouth again?

"Beidou" is not yet global system , while "Glonass" is. Russian components are key components of ISS , they by far have most experience and expertise managing space stations, and i do know that China is running it`s program to have space station comparable to "Mir" one day. I do know how China has advanced , and i do know they will become big space power but they are yet at that place.

Yes, and what is your point? I only asked for you to educate yourself not to make a comparison.

Crackdown on corruption? They promise that all the time , in a lot of cases it`s used to cover bad policy by central state , and i know what i`m talking about. If they want better results , they will need to start paying more money.

lol, you still can't admit corruption, even after i've linked a few articles. All you can do is come up with false statements (China better then Russia), make it like i said it, then negate it. You're a joke son.

Here's another link from 2011, granted talking about defense spending, but indicative of scale:

According to Reuter Moscow ”a fifth of Russia’s state defence spending is stolen every year by corrupt officials, dishonest generals and crooked contractors.” The press release reports the comments of chief military prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky, who says: ”Huge money is being stolen – practically every fifth rouble and the troops are still getting poor quality equipment and arms.”


As for you knowing about what you are talking and more money:


Russia set to invest heavily in space industry | Reuters


Putin Pledges Major State Investment In Russian Aerospace Sector


Putin touts Russia's growing investment in space programs


Russia's space industry vital to economic modernization - 2 - English pravda.ru

But you don't see any of that, you'd just throw money in the corruption pit.
France is member of ESA.
So you too start to think problems are not in technics? You know my opinion - who do this fakes and what for.
I think in a few years traitors will be found and punished.

My opinion is western tech is better, more complicated too (for good or for worse), but Russian gear gets the job done anyway. However, everything needs thorough checks, even simple stuff because space flight is demanding on the material and lots of things can go wrong.
Whats up with your obsession with Russian corruption?

We still have a long way to go >>> €120 billion lost to corruption in EU each year

Not really an obsession, just tried to prove my point to an imbecile who doesn't take one link as proof.

As for your link:

National Anti-Corruption Committee Chairman Kirill Kabanov has recently estimated the corruption market in Russia at around $300 billion a year

Putin's Corruption Trap

EU is 17 trillion economy, while Russia is 3 trillion and something. So even percentually it's lower. But you didn't really think EU is worse then Russia, or did you?

Wiki says 400 bill. a year, but that's from former Yeltsin aide, so don't know if he didn't inflate the number a bit. On top of it the link goes to a site called American interest.com, don't really believe the objectivity there.
Not really an obsession, just tried to prove my point to an imbecile who doesn't take one link as proof.

As for your link:

Putin's Corruption Trap

EU is 17 trillion economy, while Russia is 3 trillion and something. So even percentually it's lower. But you didn't really think EU is worse then Russia, or did you?

Wiki says 400 bill. a year, but that's from former Yeltsin aide, so don't know if he didn't inflate the number a bit. On top of it the link goes to a site called American interest.com, don't really believe the objectivity there.

What is lower? Do you know how it is calculated? "Lost" and "market" are different things.

Anyway Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion your move :lol:
Where did i say that? Why are you putting words in my mouth again?

Yes, and what is your point? I only asked for you to educate yourself not to make a comparison


lol, you still can't admit corruption, even after i've linked a few articles. All you can do is come up with false statements (China better then Russia), make it like i said it, then negate it. You're a joke son.

I`m not you son pederu.

Where did i said that China`s space program is better than Russias?

You don`t need to post links to me , Putin claim this or that lol

Russian problem with RKA is that RKA over bloated Soviet conglomerate, inefficient and poorly managed , to make matters worse , cost of space programs are a lot higher than money they recieve, which means some programs burn a lot more money and other programs suffer . It`s similar to a problem their shipbuilders have , and they regularly fight with MOD over cost and prices.

It`s not like there are no officials who put money into their pockets , but this is not a core issue , you can always do something about it. Problem is the system , it needs heavy reform which they fail to implement or do partial measures.

What is lower? Do you know how it is calculated? "Lost" and "market" are different things.

Anyway Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion your move :lol:

120 billion out of 17 trillion is less then 300 billion out of 3 trillion. It's basic math.
And please, i do not engage in this non intellectual debate where people put claims that aren't related with the thread. You can calmly start a new thread about US corruption. Also, wanttoknow.info sounds like a reliable source.

How pathetic can you be? Can't even debate and bring in dubious agenda driven links. Please, it's beneath me to even respond further to imbeciles like you.
I`m not you son pederu.

You're pathetic, son. And i'd report you for the gay insult if i cared. But i don't since you're an idiot. and this is your only way out after you have no more arguments to present. So Balkan of you.

Where did i said that China`s space program is better than Russias?

You don`t need to post links to me , Putin claim this or that lol

Russian problem with RKA is that RKA over bloated Soviet conglomerate, inefficient and poorly managed , to make matters worse , cost of space programs are a lot higher than money they recieve, which means some programs burn a lot more money and other programs suffer . It`s similar to a problem their shipbuilders have , and they regularly fight with MOD over cost and prices.

It`s not like there are no officials who put money into their pockets , but this is not a core issue , you can always do something about it. Problem is the system , it needs heavy reform which they fail to implement or do partial measures.


Of course, you are not interested what leading people say, because that would shatter your illusion. Duh, gotta keep yapping the line, nevermind what evidence is presented. :lol:

Since the guy refuses to disclose his country origin , i suspect he is one of those butt hurt people from your former block.

Like you suspected additional calculations were the culprit to the most recent crash? :lol:
120 billion out of 17 trillion is less then 300 billion out of 3 trillion. It's basic math.
And please, i do not engage in this non intellectual debate where people put claims that aren't related with the thread. You can calmly start a new thread about US corruption. Also, wanttoknow.info sounds like a reliable source.

How pathetic can you be? Can't even debate and bring in dubious agenda driven links. Please, it's beneath me to even respond further to imbeciles like you.

Didnt think that you are such retarded really :D

1. It doesnt matter what is less or more if you are comparing numbers that measure different thing.

If someone stole 1 mil out of 1 bil and another stole 50 mil out of 100 mil, it doesnt mean corruption in first case is greater even still 1 bil is more than 100 mil, got it dumby?

2. 2.3 trillion missing claim coming from Rumsfeld himself and has nothing to do with website, its not my problem that controlled western press doesnt publish it.
Didnt think that you are such retarded really :D

1. It doesnt matter what is less or more if you are comparing numbers that measure different thing.

If someone stole 1 mil out of 1 bil and another stole 50 mil out of 100 mil, it doesnt mean corruption in first case is greater even still 1 bil is more than 100 mil, got it dumby?

2. 2.3 trillion missing claim coming from Rumsfeld himself and has nothing to do with website, its not my problem that controlled western press doesnt publish it.

I compared EU gdp and Russian gdp and amount of lost $ in a single year for both. How is that measuring different thing? Dumbass lol, stay off the krokodil, it burns your brains.
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