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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

I compared EU gdp and Russian gdp and amount of lost $ in a single year for both. How is that measuring different thing? Dumbass lol, stay off the krokodil, it burns your brains.

Retard, you compared "corruption market" in Russia (whatever that means nobody know here) with amount of money lost in EU each year. Moldavian education sucks, i know.
Retard, you compared "corruption market" in Russia (whatever that means nobody know here) with amount of money lost in EU each year. Moldavian education sucks, i know.

Corruption market means money lost. Just like when someone talks about the size of black market and says a number, it's the same here.
What else would corruption market be? a place where old women sell corruption like they sell fruit and vegetables?

And you talk about education. :lol:

Pederu is not gay insult , in my country gay is gay , and peder is peder. Smrade smrdljivi.
Only under illusions is you , so what Russians did to you? I hope those Soviet soldiers from garrisons didn`t steal your lollipop when you were a kid :)

Bring it son, show us more of that fucked up Balkan mentality.
Corruption market means money lost. Just like when someone talks about the size of black market and says a number, it's the same here.
What else would corruption market be? a place where old women sell corruption like they sell fruit and vegetables?

LOL what are you talking about, do you know what is grey economy?

Europe's Shadow Economy: As Big As Germany | Zero Hedge

Since you like to suggest to educate myself , i suggest that also to you...

Bring it son, show us more of that fucked up Balkan mentality.

Well, you`re maybe right on spot here , but i like it. So you`re from Balkans, let me guess? Romania? So i was very close mentioning Moldova :lol:
Corruption market means money lost. Just like when someone talks about the size of black market and says a number, it's the same here.
What else would corruption market be? a place where old women sell corruption like they sell fruit and vegetables?

And you talk about education. :lol:

Ok, will try to improve your education a bit. When government official buys a car that cost $100,000 for a price of $105,000 ($5.000 kickbacks) that means corruption market is $105,000 and money lost - $5,000.
LOL what are you talking about, do you know what is grey economy?

Europe's Shadow Economy: As Big As Germany | Zero Hedge

Since you like to suggest to educate myself , i suggest that also to you...

lol, Zero Hedge :lol: they predict fall of all economies for years in a grande style with big words....

Well, you`re maybe right on spot here , but i like it. So you`re from Balkans, let me guess? Romania? So i was very close mentioning Moldova :lol:

No, you are wrong, nothing new, getting used to it.

Ok, will try to improve your education a bit. When government official buys a car that cost $100,000 for a price of $105,000 ($5.000 kickbacks) that means corruption market is $105,000 and money lost - $5,000.

LOL, ok, whatever. No links, no nothing....
It`s Zerohedge , you can "laugh" , but you still don`t know what grey economy is


lol, who cares son, only thing that matters is you lost an argument and now you have to resort to off topic from zero hedge and Balkan insults.
if it's from Visa, it is also irelevant since this isn't the topic. How many European rockets fell to the ground because of that son? Ariane 5 hasn't had a crash since 2002. :lol:

Pathetic kid, can't debate for shit.
lol, who cares son, only thing that matters is you lost an argument and now you have to resort to off topic from zero hedge and Balkan insults.
if it's from Visa, it is also irelevant since this isn't the topic. How many European rockets fell to the ground because of that son? Ariane 5 hasn't had a crash since 2002. :lol:

Pathetic kid, can't debate for shit.

Who cares? Nobody , you started economic debate yourself , and you`re obviously clueless about it and now trying to pull , govno smrdljivo.

Good for ESA.
Who cares? Nobody , you started economic debate yourself , and you`re obviously clueless about it and now trying to pull , govno smrdljivo.

Good for ESA.

lol, more lies. I only talked about corruption in relation with Russian space industry, you and zzz brought in corruption on the scale of whole economies. He brought it up first, you followed because you ran out of arguments. Please, son....
lol, more lies. I only talked about corruption in relation with Russian space industry, you and zzz brought in corruption on the scale of whole economies. He brought it up first, you followed because you ran out of arguments. Please, son....

LOL You started to equate grey economy and corruption due to your lack of knowledge , how did you call it "black corruption market" LMAO This will certainly get you economic Nobel for new phrases.

In simple , grey economy is part of economy outside legal tax system , where services and merchandise is not taxed, billed or outside official records. If you compare some EU statistics about money lost in corruption cases and size of Eurozone`s grey or shadow economy , it dwarfs money lost due to corruption by factor of 20!
LOL You started to equate grey economy and corruption due to your lack of knowledge , how did you call it "black corruption market" LMAO This will certainly get you economic Nobel for new phrases.

Where does it say in below quote black market and corruption market mean the same? Do you even comprehend black market in below context is given as an example?

Just like when someone talks about the size of black market and says a number, it's the same here.
What else would corruption market be? a place where old women sell corruption like they sell fruit and vegetables?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...lls-shortly-after-launch-6.html#ixzz2Y7YBIA7n

In simple , grey economy is part of economy outside legal tax system , where services and merchandise is not taxed, billed or outside official records. If you compare some EU statistics about money lost in corruption cases and size of Eurozone`s grey or shadow economy , it dwarfs money lost due to corruption by factor of 20!

lol. I disregarded anything about grey economy as off-topic. Like this:

lol, who cares son, only thing that matters is you lost an argument and now you have to resort to off topic from zero hedge and Balkan insults.
if it's from Visa, it is also irelevant since this isn't the topic.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...lls-shortly-after-launch-6.html#ixzz2Y7ZK1x00

Sorry, but imo you're just dumb. And now you're insulted and wanna keep poking. It's not even amusing anymore.
It's good that you have perseverance and stamina, sadly your brain can't keep up to make it a winner.
Sorry, but imo you're just dumb. And now you're insulted and wanna keep poking. It's not even amusing anymore. It's good that you have perseverance and stamina, sadly your brain can't keep up to make it a winner.

You`re stupid arrogant old SOB who thinks knows something but you don`t know actually much , deal with it.
On topic:

“One of them [versions] is that, for yet unknown reasons, an early start took place and resulted in the failure. The control system treated it [the early start] as an emergency situation… and started to divert the rocket away from the launch pad, to a safer distance, just the way it was programmed. This version now prevails,” the source said, adding that other versions are also being carefully studied.

Early Launch Seen as Likely Cause of Proton-M Failure | Russia | RIA Novosti
My opinion is western tech is better, more complicated too (for good or for worse), but Russian gear gets the job done anyway. However, everything needs thorough checks, even simple stuff because space flight is demanding on the material and lots of things can go wrong.

Ok. It is your opinion. Mine is different.
MOSCOW, July 4 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Federal Space Program is ineffective, largely due to poor management of space activities and budget funds allocated for space projects, the Audit Chamber said Thursday.
The absence of a comprehensive management system in regard to space programs, projects, contracts and expenses under the Federal Space Program for 2006-2015 made this program highly ineffective, despite the increase in budget spending for space exploration by 2.5 times in the past three years, the Audit Chamber said in a statement.

Like i've been saying to the fanboys.

There's an upside however:

According to the results of a comprehensive review of managerial practices in Russia’s space industry, only 40 percent of the goals set by the Federal Space Program were achieved in 2010, 66.7 percent in 2011, and 73.3 percent last year.

Losses, doesn't include the fail in December and this week, for reference, 1 billion roubles is ~23 mill. €:


Russia’s Space Program Is Ineffective – Audit Chamber
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