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Russian Proton-M Rocket Falls Shortly After Launch

2013 year

Список космических запусков Ð*оссии в 2013 году — Википедия

I said it
Russia is a Top notch Space Power PERIOD
Have you any idea about the string of American failures? You want me to list them out to you? I can't as the server hosting this website would crash due to overload just like the Proton rocket just did. :P

This type of rocket (Proton-M) had 5 failures since 2010.
What's even more embarasing is that an official decree came early this year after December failure to up the game (do better with quality assurance) in the Russian rocket industry.
It's rampant corruption. Last year 200 million $ were found to be missing in the sector, coincidentally planned for GLONASS (same satelllites this rocket carried) on top of late deliveries of the same system. This is 400 mill.$ of miss-alocated, burned funds in GLONASS alone, and according only to public available info. Also at some point, if the trend continues, the insurance will be so costly for high value missions (like this one was) it will be cheaper to launch with the competition.

Anyhow, hats off for the 90+% success rate. One wonders how they managed.
Anyhow, hats off for the 90+% success rate. One wonders how they managed.

400 million $ is nothing compared to bail out of corrupted and rotten banking sector in USA. First clean your mess and than point fingers at others. Besides , the Russian problem is that the central state wants to get military equipment , rocket launches etc. , for cheap , industry has a problem with contracts that simply doesn`t leave too much room for profit or leaves them with no profit at all , 200 mln $ could simply be burned because the cost of program is actually much higher than anticipated. Capitalism work both ways.

90% success rate , combined with number of launches tells different story , one failure doesn`t leave too much room to "wonder how they manage". Russia is simply developed space power
This type of rocket (Proton-M) had 5 failures since 2010.
What's even more embarasing is that an official decree came early this year after December failure to up the game (do better with quality assurance) in the Russian rocket industry.
It's rampant corruption. Last year 200 million $ were found to be missing in the sector, coincidentally planned for GLONASS (same satelllites this rocket carried) on top of late deliveries of the same system. This is 400 mill.$ of miss-alocated, burned funds in GLONASS alone, and according only to public available info. Also at some point, if the trend continues, the insurance will be so costly for high value missions (like this one was) it will be cheaper to launch with the competition.

Anyhow, hats off for the 90+% success rate. One wonders how they managed.
Antares and Atlas - American rockets use Russian engines, cause they are the best ones. I am absolutely sure that fails of Russian rockets - sabotage. 100% sure.
Antares and Atlas - American rockets use Russian engines, cause they are the best ones. I am absolutely sure that fails of Russian rockets - sabotage. 100% sure.

It`s not sabotage , mistakes do happen , and Baikonur is not good location because it`s far away from equator which means more calculations are needed for successful launches.
400 million $ is nothing compared to bail out of corrupted and rotten banking sector in USA. First clean your mess and than point fingers at others. Besides , the Russian problem is that the central state wants to get military equipment , rocket launches etc. , for cheap , industry has a problem with contracts that simply doesn`t leave too much room for profit or leaves them with no profit at all , 200 mln $ could simply be burned because the cost of program is actually much higher than anticipated. Capitalism work both ways.

90% success rate , combined with number of launches tells different story , one failure doesn`t leave too much room to "wonder how they manage". Russia is simply developed space power

lol, why don't you educate yourself by running keyword "corruption in Russian space industry" through Google....

Yeah, one failure. Keep dreaming cupcake.

It`s not sabotage , mistakes do happen , and Baikonur is not good location because it`s far away from equator which means more calculations are needed for successful launches.

Yeah, blame it on additional calculations needed for extra fuel. ...and in the same page you claim some sort of developed space power while here you say they can't do calculations. You're LOL.

Antares and Atlas - American rockets use Russian engines, cause they are the best ones. I am absolutely sure that fails of Russian rockets - sabotage. 100% sure.

I read yesterday in Pravda.ru article the Chinese components were to blame. :lol:
Yeah, blame it on additional calculations needed for extra fuel. ...and in the same page you claim some sort of developed space power while here you say they can't do calculations. You're LOL.

Well , these calculations are not simple math , it`s multidisciplinary area , never heard the term "rocket science" obviously.

Besides , how big space power is US , even Chinese who are basically new comers can send their taikonauts regularly without buying seats on Soyuz.

You`re only "LOL" here , if Russian space program suck , maybe US should launch Space Shuttle.... Oh wait , they are withdrawn from service because Shuttle tends to blow up upon launch with crew on board.
I read yesterday in Pravda.ru article the Chinese components were to blame. :lol:

May be Americans should stop bying RD-180 and NK-33 for their rockets Atlas and Antares and develop own ones? May be USA should stop use Soyuz to deliver their cosmonavts to International Space Station?
Well , these calculations are not simple math , it`s multidisciplinary area , never heard the term "rocket science" obviously.

Quite rich coming from a person who blamed Earth's spin velocity or lack there and associated calculations that go with it of instead of corruption despite the latter being widely known and commented upon in the highest Russian political circles.

Besides , how big space power is US , even Chinese who are basically new comers can send their taikonauts regularly without buying seats on Soyuz.

You`re only "LOL" here , if Russian space program suck , maybe US should launch Space Shuttle.... Oh wait , they are withdrawn from service because Shuttle tends to blow up upon launch with crew on board.

Thread title is about Russian Proton, not space shuttle and it's two failures. You're welcome to open a new thread about it if you wish, but here it's off topic and thus irelevant.
May be Americans should stop bying RD-180 and NK-33 for their rockets Atlas and Antares and develop own ones? May be USA should stop use Soyuz to deliver their cosmonavts to International Space Station?

Interim solution, SpaceX is testing it's new gen engine. And this is a strawman argument. We are talking about the human factor here. Not performing appropriate tests because the money went who knows where, not the technicalities of an engine build. Or maybe the materials weren't good enough because someone bought insufficient ones and pocketed the difference.
I will tell you again - I am absolutly sure some West agents doing sabotage. Although mistakes happened.
I will tell you again - I am absolutly sure some West agents doing sabotage. Although mistakes happened.

Russia is suspending the launches of Proton rockets after an unmanned rocket carrier exploded on takeoff this week, a source on the Russian Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan said Thursday.

The Proton rocket is Russia's most popular for unmanned commercial launches and analysts have said that Tuesday's accident, in which a Proton-M rocket fell apart mid-air, was a major blow that could lead businessmen to look for alternative carriers.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said after the accident that "harsh decisions" will be taken and that "Russia's rocket and space industry cannot continue to exist in its current form."

Russia halts Proton rocket launches after accident

The higher ups don't share your enthusiasm, but have decided quite correctly it is time to introspect for a while and check for faults inside the industry, before customers start going elsewhere.
@Prechko will also notice no calculation difficulties were mentioned. :lol:
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Russia halts Proton rocket launches after accident

The higher ups don't share your enthusiasm, but have decided quite correctly it is time to introspect for a while and check for faults inside the industry. @Prechko will also notice no calculation difficulties were mentioned. :lol:
It is not enthusiasm it is pessimism, coming from 90's. Though I do not see contradictions in Rogozin's and mine opinion.
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