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According to scientists you and the Eqyptologists are spewing gibberish and carbon dating is proving it and yes rocks can be carbon dated too.Good reason ,that world does not trust west considering West forges numbers to justify position.As proven by Climategate scandal,Libor corruption scandal(over 100 trillion$),arming of al qaeda in syria by west etc.

I repeat so how many men has germany sent to space on indigenous rockets.

I trust the german egyptologists in the museum in Berlin much more than some random indian dude on the internet. :)

Post Reported :angry:

Making fun / abusive language of any religious place is not acceptable. :angry:

Moderator should look how members are posting.


Saudi Arabia is not a religious place. Its a country. No different to germany, france, russia or Brazil. Or do you denie that Saudi government copy west?

Prince Talal and his wife do not look very arabic for me

I trust the german egyptologists in the museum in Berlin much more than some random indian dude on the internet. :)

And I will trust carbon dating and other scientific analysis rather than some egyptologist from museum who cannot understand or tries to ignore scientific data in a pattern similiar to IPCC as proven by the Climategate scandal.
Saudi Arabia is not a religious place. Its a country. No different to germany, france, russia or Brazil. Or do you denie that Saudi government copy west?
Prince Talal and his wife do not look very arabic for me

Saudi Arabia is very special to Muslims as it is full of holy places and it is place of birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and you posted the pic of the most holy place for Muslim and making fun of it is not acceptable.
And I will trust carbon dating and other scientific analysis rather than some egyptologist from museum who cannot understand or tries to ignore scientific data in a pattern similiar to IPCC as proven by the Climategate scandal.

the stone does not even hold any carbon :D That shows that you tell bullshit. Only organic matter can be carbon dated.

Even more funny because all your claims are accepted from zero institutions. :D

Saudi Arabia is very special to Muslims as it is full of holy places and it is place of birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and you posted the pic of the most holy place for Muslim and making fun of it is not acceptable.

Do i make fun of it or do the Saudis make fun with it while building a giant disney land castle over it?

Beside that i´m christian, Saudi Arabia is as special for me as is any other place on the earth. Don´t push your religious dogma on me.
the stone does not even hold any carbon :D That shows that you tell bullshit. Only organic matter can be carbon dated.

Even more funny because all your claims are accepted from zero institutions. :D

Like IPCC and mainstream media who got totally debunked in climategate lol... I know what western mainstream institutions are these days. Like I said before ,west forge numbers ,history to justify position.

Carbon residue in stones can be dated ,also brick and mortar are carbon datable .The Egyptian pyramid of Giza has charcoal presence . Enough said.
A pyramid is basically, most basically, two separate constructions: it's an outer shell of very fine polished limestone with great accuracy in its joints, but most of that's missing; and the other construction is the inner core, which filled in this shell. Since most of the outer casing is missing what you see now is the step-like structure of the core. The core was made with a substantial slop factor, as my friend who is a mechanic likes to say about certain automobiles. That is, they didn't join the stones very accurately. You have great spaces between the stones. And you can actually see where the men were up there and they didn't, you know, they may have like four or five, even six inches between two stones. And so they'd jam down pebbles and cobbles and some broken stones, and slop big quantities of gypsum mortar in there. I noticed that in the interstices between the stones and in this mortar was embedded organic material, like charcoal, probably from the fire that they used to heat the gypsum in order to make the mortar. You have to heat raw gypsum in order to dehydrate it, and then you rehydrate it in order to make the mortar, like with modern cement.
NOVA Online/Pyramids/How Old Are the Pyramids?
@MarkusS I didn't know you were religious man :D

i´m half italian...so i´m catholic. ^^

Always have this with me. :D


Like IPCC and mainstream media who got totally debunked in climategate lol... I know what western mainstream institutions are these days. Like I said before ,west forge numbers ,history to justify position.

Carbon residue in stones can be dated ,also brick and mortar are carbon datable .The Egyptian pyramid of Giza has charcoal presence . Enough said.

yeah sure ha ha. And by this the much older djoser pyramid as well as the mastabas who are much more primitive than the pyramides are actually younger when we hear you hahahahahah what else you claim? Aliens build it? :D

btw what happened with all the pharaos between Cheops and so on? Its a fact that Ramses the III lived at a fix point of history because the greeks know him. And all the Pharao before him are also known by date when they lived. That means that Cheops lived roughly a 10.000 year long life ha ha ha ha
yeah sure ha ha. And by this the much older djoser pyramid as well as the mastabas who are much more primitive than the pyramides are actually younger when we hear you hahahahahah what else you claim? Aliens build it?

Wrong. I never claimed aliens built it. But yes ,on basis of scientific analysis of weathering and carbon dating data and salt presence data, it can be inferred that the official western theories about egypt is BS.
Do i make fun of it or do the Saudis make fun with it while building a giant disney land castle over it?
Beside that i´m christian, Saudi Arabia is as special for me as is any other place on the earth. Don´t push your religious dogma on me.

Any thing making fun or abusive posted with pics of our holy places will be reported, its not acceptable, whatever you think its not my problem.
Any thing making fun or abusive posted with pics of our holy places will be reported, its not acceptable, whatever you think its not my problem.

nor is it mine. Your holy places mean nothing for me. I did not make fun about it nor did i "abuse" it. I showed that Saudi Arabia build a giant disney land castle over the kabaa. Which is a fact. If you like it or not. Freedom of speech stands over religious dogma.

Wrong. I never claimed aliens built it. But yes ,on basis of scientific analysis of weathering and carbon dating data and salt presence data, it can be inferred that the official western theories about egypt is BS.

so i wonder who the greeks talked with when they watched the construction. Guess complicated mirror tricks ha ha You crack me up.

Wrong. I never claimed aliens built it. But yes ,on basis of scientific analysis of weathering and carbon dating data and salt presence data, it can be inferred that the official western theories about egypt is BS.
btw tell me which pharao had a 10.000 year life span then, since the list of pharaos is mostly complete and there is no gap of 10.000 years. :D

btw based on carbon dating and chilean hokus pokus the forum in rome is 3.5 billion years old and was build from Alduin the World Eater. Amazing!
nor is it mine. Your holy places mean nothing for me. I did not make fun about it nor did i "abuse" it. I showed that Saudi Arabia build a giant disney land castle over the kabaa. Which is a fact. If you like it or not. Freedom of speech stands over religious dogma.

Check you post again you categorically posted the pic of Makkah and in it Kabba and make fun of it, this is Pakistan Defense Forum not EU Defense Forum and Pakistan is a majority muslim state, so this kind of posts will not be tolerated.
[QUOTEso i wonder who the greeks talked with when they watched the construction. Guess complicated mirror tricks ha ha You crack me up.][/QUOTE]

History is written by victors not vanquished ,so history can be changed and altered for political reasons like how west keeps doing it ,laws of physics cannot be changed and have been same since the start of the universe.

So Scientific data>better than any eqyptologist gibberish.
Check you post again you categorically posted the pic of Makkah and in it Kabba and make fun of it, this is Pakistan Defense Forum not EU Defense Forum and Pakistan is a majority muslim state, so this kind of posts will not be tolerated.

I made no fun about it. I made fun about the disney castle right next to it. Is this disney castle also a holy place for you? I did not know. I´m sorry then.
btw based on carbon dating and chilean hokus pokus the forum in rome is 3.5 billion years old and was build from Alduin the World Eater. Amazing!

Amazing brain farts you got here.
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