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Russian Military Police Enter Syria's Saraqib to Ensure Security

just look at your country map again and see how much your country has distance with Russia ... maybe you have upper hand in Syria , but if they start to bombing your northern city in coast of Black Sea in retaliation , what you will do !?

NATO won't risk a war with Russia to protect Turkey ...
NATO possibly will protest and ask both Russia and Turkey to restrain and de-escalation if Russia bomb Turkey. That's pretty much NATO would do about it.

I would say a small to medium war between Turkey and Russia serves US interest. It would be naive if Turkey think herself is full covered by NATO.

For years we were saying that Turkey and NAOT are supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS ... now they are fighting shoulder to shoulder ....
I was speaking to a Japanese guy, we were talking about world politics etc, then about China. I said China is building up a large military, he said yes but they are wimps in the inside they have no bravery and courage. I always thought this but from someone who knows the chinese better is mind opening.

That's why Göktürks analed them many times in history.
Israel isn't hiding behind anyone.
Turkey is literally in NATO, it's most definitely not alone, if it weren't, the war between Russia and Turkey would have started long ago.

Israel is hiding behind of the US
without the US protection , tiny Israel can not bomb Syria
Iran and Assad are hiding behind of Russia , without Russian protection , primitive Iran and Assad would have kicked out of Syria long ago

btw without nuclear weapons , Russians sucked in Afghanistan and Americans sucked in Vietnam

without Nuclear weapons what about Russia ?

in 5 years Turkiye will have enough military power to counter even Russia

-- if Russian Army attack Turkiye , then Russian Tanks,Howitzers,MLRSs,IFVs,ADSs will be destroyed by Turkish UCAVs Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI , MIUS also kamikaze Drones like KARGI in Turkish soil

Turkish Army has thousands of TOW , MILAN , ERYX anti Tank missiles to hunt enemy Tanks

also Turkiye has its own OMTAS - KARAOK anti Tank missiles , T-155 and YAVUZ Howitzers , TRG-122 and TRG-300 guided MLRSs , J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles , IFVs

also Turkiye produce its own T-129 , T629 , ATAK-II Attack Helicopters with turboshaft engine to hunt enemy Tanks,Howitzers,etc

also Turkish F-16s and soon HURJET Fighter Jets to carry 100 km KUZGUN IIR/Radar guided smart ammunition to hunt even moving enemy Tanks,Howitzers,etc

and 83 million ultra nationalist brave Turkish People

Nobody can invade Turkiye

-- if Russian Airforce attack Turkiye , then Turkish KORKUT , HISAR-A , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will counter Cruise Missiles and Fighter Jets in Turkish Airspace

also Turkish Army has over 800 STINGER MANPADS with over 4.800 missiles and Turkish PORSAV MANPADS is on the way

also Turkish AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs will be armed with GOKDOGAN air to air missiles , SATCOM and AESA Radar for air defense mission to protect Turkish airspace 7/24

and Turkish Airforce has great technology network centric cooperative engagement capability to hunt Russian Jets in BVR combat

-- F-16 and HURJET Fighter Jets ...... AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs
-- networked AIM-120C7 and GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
-- KEMENT national tactical Data link
-- Boeing E7-T AEWCs
-- 600km EIRS new generation GaN based early warning AESA Radar

also great Electronic warfare capability with KORAL , REDET and soon HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer

HARPOON , ATMACA , SOM-C , HARM , AKBABA anti ship and anti radiation missiles to hunt Russian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea

also RAMJET powered supersonic anti ship missile on the way

also supersonic anti ship ballistic missile on the way based on BORA ballistic missile

also 16 Frigates , 4 stealth Corvettes , 14 Submarines and 12 ASW Aircrafts for anti Submarine warfare

problem is 2000km Russian KINZHAL air launched ballistic missile ( air launched variant of ISKANDER missile )

Turkish Airforce has 48 modernized F-4 Fighter Jets to carry air launched BORA ballistic missile up to 1500km
and Turkish 800-1400km GEZGIN Cruise Missiles and BORA Ballistic Missile family up to 2500km to response against Russian and Iranian Ballistic missiles

also Turkiye has started developing GUMS anti ballistic missile defense system .

and yes Turkey is in NATO, if it werent , now Turkiye would have nuclear weapons as like Pakistan

in the last 17 years ERDOGAN spent trillion dollars to modernize Turkiye with new buildings , hospitals , airports , highways , roads , bridges , high speed railways , stadiums , etc

Turkiye should spend hundreds of billions of dollars for military , not for useless buildings
sooner or later bandit countries will attack Turkiye and Turkiye can not trust NATO
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I was speaking to a Japanese guy, we were talking about world politics etc, then about China. I said China is building up a large military, he said yes but they are wimps in the inside they have no bravery and courage. I always thought this but from someone who knows the chinese better is mind opening.

That's why Göktürks analed them many times in history.

Well , Educate yourself before talking ...
these will help you ...

Korean war


Although this channel is anti Iran , but you can find good piece of information in it ( well look like some Turks are their patron , so they cover Turks and Ottoman very well ) ....

Anyway , how you can claim being both Turk and Mongol as same times ....
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Units of the Russian military police have been deployed to the city of Saraqib — located in Syria's northwestern Idlib province, where tensions have recently escalated — to ensure security there, the Russian Defense Ministry's centre for Syria reconciliation said on Monday.

"Taking into consideration how important it is to ensure security and unhampered movement of vehicles and civilians on M4 — M5 highways [connecting Latakia and Saraqib, and Damascus and Aleppo respectively], units of the Russian military police have been deployed to the city of Saraqib, starting 17:00, March 2, 2020," the reconciliation centre said in a statement.

On Monday, the Syrian army retained control over Saraqib, a strategically important town located on the intersection of the Aleppo-Damascus and Aleppo-Latakia highways.

For several years, Saraqib was one of the biggest terrorist strongholds in Idlib.

Russia has shown great restraint and has strived to restore the Syrian state by reconstituting it's territorial integrity. It is in the interest of Turkey to de-escalate the Idlib situation, work together to disarm and rehabilitate the terrorists, or put them behind bars until they can be given due process in court. By sanitizing Idlib of terrorists, returning the area back to Syria as it is Syrian territory and working with Russia to hold free and fair elections in Syria, so that the Syrian people can return to their country in peace. Work with Iran to resolve the Kurdish problem in northern Iraq and Syria. So that the people of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran can live in peace.

As a Muslim, it is incumbent upon us to find resolutions to our problems with our combined intellect. Respect other nations, but before that, begin to respect yourself as a Muslim first. Only then can we truly find peace.
I was speaking to a Japanese guy, we were talking about world politics etc, then about China. I said China is building up a large military, he said yes but they are wimps in the inside they have no bravery and courage. I always thought this but from someone who knows the chinese better is mind opening.

That's why Göktürks analed them many times in history.
where is Göktürks now?

Russia has shown great restraint and has strived to restore the Syrian state by reconstituting it's territorial integrity. It is in the interest of Turkey to de-escalate the Idlib situation, work together to disarm and rehabilitate the terrorists, or put them behind bars until they can be given due process in court. By sanitizing Idlib of terrorists, returning the area back to Syria as it is Syrian territory and working with Russia to hold free and fair elections in Syria, so that the Syrian people can return to their country in peace. Work with Iran to resolve the Kurdish problem in northern Iraq and Syria. So that the people of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran can live in peace.

As a Muslim, it is incumbent upon us to find resolutions to our problems with our combined intellect. Respect other nations, but before that, begin to respect yourself as a Muslim first. Only then can we truly find peace.
Erdogan's throne is in danger. Erdogan light the fire because of his ambition, it just backed fire on himself.

Erdogan is just like a gambler, double down to save face, it may succeed. My estimation is he will lose double if not all.
I was speaking to a Japanese guy, we were talking about world politics etc, then about China. I said China is building up a large military, he said yes but they are wimps in the inside they have no bravery and courage. I always thought this but from someone who knows the chinese better is mind opening.

That's why Göktürks analed them many times in history.
Just becos of a stupid Japanese guy comment and you take it as truth? Lol. No wonder Turkish think they are superpower?

And you can claim Japanese as an insider for China matter?
where is Göktürks now?

Erdogan's throne is in danger. Erdogan light the fire because of his ambition, it just backed fire on himself.

Erdogan is just like a gambler, double down to save face, it may succeed. My estimation is he will lose double if not all.
His position is only in danger because people are not satified with him, being able the elect and get rid of your leader when the situation requires it is a blessing. Turkey might not have the best democracy but at least thats something Turks are able to, can you do the same over there?
No, matching it with the chinese comments in this forum I see a similar trend. They are questioning Turks courage and trying to downplay them, but they know that Turks have always done things bigger than others can dream of and things that suggest are bigger than Turks population, economy etc. On the contrary China with a massive population and economy is afraid of countries their size. If Turks had China size and population we would be ruling the world.

Just becos of a stupid Japanese guy comment and you take it as truth? Lol. No wonder Turkish think they are superpower?

And you can claim Japanese as an insider for China matter?
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No, matching it with the chinese comments in this forum I see a similar trend. They are questioning Turks courage and trying to downplay them, but they know that Turks have always done things bigger than others can dream of and things that suggest are bigger than Turks population, economy etc. On the contrary China with a massive population and economy is afraid of countries their size. If Turks had China size and population we would be ruling the world.
LOL.. China afraid countries smaller than their size? Like what? Give up Scarborough Shoal to Philippines or we give way to Vietnam in SCS to let them drill oill in out nine dash line?

While we have Turkish bravado keep try to come up with all kind of delusion comment try convince us of mighty Turkish military might. Tell me why rugged Syrian army with obsolete equipment like BMP-1 and old T-72 able to beat off turkish army and rebel to retake Saraqib. Or you want to convince us Saraqib is in complete Turkish control to keep repeating the fake lies?

I dont think I need to remind you Saraqib lies on M4 and M5 highway to Aleppo. Whoever take this area , gains the upper hand.


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