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Russian Military Police Enter Syria's Saraqib to Ensure Security

just look at your country map again and see how much your country has distance with Russia ... maybe you have upper hand in Syria , but if they start to bombing your northern city in coast of Black Sea in retaliation , what you will do !?

NATO won't risk a war with Russia to protect Turkey ...

I am not Turkish i am Pakistani. Russia can never ever bomb or attack Turkish land. NATO will be forced to come in because of article 5 or NATO will be disbanded. How will any other NATO member trust it if the very article binding them together is broken? Russia will never risk a war with Turkey for syria or iran, they r not fools. Both syria and iran are broke, why would russia risk military defeat and recession? At a time when oppositrallies are becoming stronger in russia.
Turkey should target russian assets as well. I am damn sure russia cannot do sh*t, they are thousands of miles away and wont risk a war with Turkey. Or make it really easy and just take out that pig assad.
I bet that Turkey never dares, wanna bet?
I am not Turkish i am Pakistani. Russia can never ever bomb or attack Turkish land. NATO will be forced to come in because of article 5 or NATO will be disbanded. How will any other NATO member trust it if the very article binding them together is broken? Russia will never risk a war with Turkey for syria or iran, they r not fools. Both syria and iran are broke, why would russia risk military defeat and recession? At a time when oppositrallies are becoming stronger in russia.
Russia has strategic interests in Syria and they could risk a war for their own interests (not for Iran or Syria). Nato is dying, US and Europe have economical conflicts. The Brexit en current refugee problem and northstream 2 project will not add to the appetite of attacking Russia.
Russia has strategic interests in Syria and they could risk a war for their own interests (not for Iran or Syria). Nato is dying, US and Europe have economical conflicts. The Brexit en current refugee problem and northstream 2 project will not add to the appetite of attacking Russia.

USA main problem is China ... they don't have resource to fight Russia ...
China should support Turkey
@Beast @beijingwalker


Are u mad? China provide large fund to support Russia ops in Syria on the promise that they help to wipe out the terrorist threaten the world and China. These terrorist deserve to die. They are threat to uighur in China and rest of the world. If these terrorist come back to China. They will poison the mind of rest of the uighur in China. It's best they are turn evaporate from earth and never return.

Are u mad? China provide large fund to support Russia ops in Syria on the promise that they help to wipe out the terrorist threaten the world and China. These terrorist deserve to die. They are threat to uighur in China and rest of the world. If these terrorist come back to China. They will poison the mind of rest of the uighur in China. It's best they are turn evaporate from earth and never return.
They all will die and rot in Syria, they never have a chance to come back, beloved Russian and Syrian troops will send them to where they belong to.
There are rumours of 100 Pakistani mercenaries reaching Syria to fight alongside Turkish forces.
There are rumours of 100 Pakistani mercenaries reaching Syria to fight alongside Turkish forces.
Those pakistanis has the reason to fight turkey and terrorist. I can bet most of those Pakistanis are Pashtun.




As the Taliban consolidated its hold over Kabul and the rest of the country, the alliance of opposition parties in the north remained riven by feuds among the various factions: the Tajik-dominated Jamiat-i Islami of Burhanuddin Rabbani and Ahmad Shah Massoud; the Uzbek-dominated Junbish of Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum; the Hazara Hizb-i Wahdat with its stronghold in the central mountainous region of the country known as Hazarajat; and the predominantly Pashtun Hizb-i Islami of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The history of bloodshed among all of these parties dates from before the fall of Dr. Najibullah’s government in 1992. Battles for control of Kabul among these factions in 1993-1995 destroyed at least one-third of the city, killed thousands of civilians, and drove a half million refugees to Pakistan.6 As party leaders frequently had only nominal control over their commanders, much of the northremained a patchwork of fiefdoms under the authority of various warlords. For civilians there was little security from murder, rape and extortion.

Turkey is no saint when comes to Pakistanis. He host a murderer who hands are filled with blood of many enthic Pashtuns. You can ask Imran Khan if he thinks Dostum is innocent.
And russia wont go to war with Turkey even if attacked in sraqib or latakia, wanna bet?
Russia probably won't go to war with Turkey, cause it can defeat Turkey without launching a full scale war, look at how sucessful they are in Syria so far.
And russia wont go to war with Turkey even if attacked in sraqib or latakia, wanna bet?
Yes, Turkey shall attack Russia now in syria to find out.

But I am 100% sure NATO and US will not enter Turkey side if Turkey army are bomb to ash in syria.
Russia probably won't go to war with Turkey, cause it can defeat Turkey without launching a full scale war, look at how sucessful they are in Syria so far.

Successful because they didn't have to face any power. They only fought lightly armed rebels and russia used all its military might. When it comes to a NATO standard army, russia cannot do anything. I say russia cant defeat Turkey even with a full scale war. In a week its already evident Turkey can wipe out syria.

Yes, Turkey shall attack Russia now in syria to find out.

But I am 100% sure NATO and US will not enter Turkey side if Turkey army are bomb to ash in syria.

Plz try to understand what we r talking about. Not in syria, but if Turkish mainland attacked, NATO will intervene then. In syria Turkey doesnt even need any help.
Russia probably won't go to war with Turkey, cause it can defeat Turkey without launching a full scale war, look at how sucessful they are in Syria so far

its just only beggining before real Turkish Army massive attack ......
huge Turkish Army will drive Regime monkeys and Iran backed terrorists beyond Turkish observation posts in Idlib

we are waiting for result of Moscow meeting on 5 march

Russians running away from Turkish Army

wait for real Turkish Military action after Moscow meeting on march 5

Turkish Military Power can burn not only Idlib , but also whole Syria

and Russia can do nothing , except stoping buying Tomato from Turkiye

Syria is national security problem for Turkiye
and Turkish Armed Forces never will allow bandit countries and their terrorists to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity
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its just only beggining before real Turkish Army massive attack ......
huge Turkish Army will drive Regime monkeys and Iran backed terrorists beyond Turkish observation posts in Idlib

we are waiting for result of Moscow meeting on 5 march

Russians running away from Turkish Army

wait for real Turkish Military action after Moscow meeting on march 5

Why Russian running?

I thought they are some kind of super soldier.
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