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Russian Military Police Enter Syria's Saraqib to Ensure Security

The point is you guys are like terrorist this terrorist that when in reality 90% of the civilian casualties are coming from Assads side.

Assad should be punished for his betrayal of the Arab cause in the 80s, as should erdohan. We have animals on all sides I realized.
You don't have proper facts to discuss Afghanistan or Syria. China is far removed from both conflicts.

Right now Assad is slaughtering 90% of his Syrian population who are resisting his regime, due in large part to sectarian militias which Iran placed in Syria to back him up. They are running torture centers for Syrian women and children to use to demoralize Syrian resistance. Rape and sexual violence is being used actively by the regime and its supporters, yet you feel the need to take the side of this tyrannical regime.

I always disliked Assad, from the beginning when his Atheist genocidal policies became apparent, long before the the Syrian students took to the streets to demand right to govern themselves.

Bashar is a kind of monster who took money from the US to torture and abuse people whom the US caught and accused of terrorism, which ran in tandem with Bagram, Abu Ghareb, and Guantanamo.

He is not a Shia, nor even a Muslim, but an evil man who will go to any means to stay in power, even when the majority of his people want him to go. He will play and use any power for that purpose, previously it was US, then Iran, and now Russia.

I am very indignant about the conduct of Chinese members on this topic. You are supporting a regime which is committing mass genocide on a religious group by any means available to them. This will make relations very difficult with China for the 85% of the Muslim world and 87% Sunni Pakistanis. Think before you put your eggs in the wrong bucket.

Russia and Iran have historical hatred against Turks and Sunnis, so their conduct is understandable. China has no such problem, therefore bad policy has no excuses.
See how u try avoid all the cracks of turkey and just reply with nonsense. Why turkey decide to keep dostum , an enemy of Pakistanis? Isn't this going against your so called brotherhood and friendship between Pakistan and turkey? Are u suggesting Pakistan shall sacrifice for turkey for any clause including destruction of its own Pashtun enthic? I suggest you to tell Imran Khan , an enthic Pashtun to welcome dostum with open arms for the sake of Turkish brotherhood.

See how u try manipulate all Pakistanis to buy your idea.
See how u try avoid all the cracks of turkey and just reply with nonsense. Why turkey decide to keep dostum , an enemy of Pakistanis? Isn't this going against your so called brotherhood and friendship between Pakistan and turkey? Are u suggesting Pakistan shall sacrifice for turkey for any clause including destruction of its own Pashtun enthic? I suggest you to tell Imran Khan , an enthic Pashtun to welcome dostum with open arms for the sake of Turkish brotherhood.

See how u try manipulate all Pakistanis to buy your idea.

I think you're talking about pre erdogan days. Dont use dostum to manipulate others to your narrative.
You usually label Erdogan as part of the muslim brotherhood so its better to stick to that narrative. Dostum is opposite of what the present govt of turkey stands for.
You're just another propagandist
See how u try avoid all the cracks of turkey and just reply with nonsense. Why turkey decide to keep dostum , an enemy of Pakistanis? Isn't this going against your so called brotherhood and friendship between Pakistan and turkey? Are u suggesting Pakistan shall sacrifice for turkey for any clause including destruction of its own Pashtun enthic? I suggest you to tell Imran Khan , an enthic Pashtun to welcome dostum with open arms for the sake of Turkish brotherhood.

See how u try manipulate all Pakistanis to buy your idea.

Listen, I don't need a Chinese member to teach me my own history. I am aware of everything you alluded to but unlike you, I have a more thorough grasp of the situation.

Dostum was a criminal no doubt, but a less important one compared to Ahmad Shah Massoud (an Iranian agent and Tajik) and Sheikh Burhanuddin Rabbani (Tajik religious leader.) Abdul Rashid Dostum was a Uzbek leader and Communist who was closer to Russia than anyone else. Turkey gave him asylum a few times. However there is no concrete Turkish support given to him. Plus, he had a habit of switching sides constantly in the Afghan conflicts, even allying with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (Pukhtoon leader in Afghan civil war) at times.

Pakistan has been very happy with Turkish help in toning down the hateful rhetoric coming out of Afghan puppet regime in Kabul. Turkey was instrumental in promoting decrease in hostilies, dialogue, and creating positive PR for Pakistan. They did the same thing for our ties with BD.

Everywhere Turkey goes, they speak up for Pakistani interests, talk openly about Kashmir, and talk admirably about our national independence leaders (Quaid and Iqbal RA alayhuma.)

Anyway , how you can claim being both Turk and Mongol as same times ....

Same racial and geographical origin.

where is Göktürks now?

Oghuz Turks.
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I think you're talking about pre erdogan days. Dont use dostum to manipulate others to your narrative.
You usually label Erdogan as part of the muslim brotherhood so its better to stick to that narrative. Dostum is opposite of what the present govt of turkey stands for.
You're just another propagandist
You are just living in denial. Turkey and dostum still has close contact and he is still under the protection of Erdogan. You don't even bother to flip back to see how cheeky and Erdogan shake hand and work together.


Try to tell us it's all pre Erdogan era? Lol, what a joke. True Pakistanis will see the murderous side of Turkish who side with this dostum monster and disregard interest of Pakistanis. It will not soon be long u will tell rest of us dostum is an kind and benevolent man just to suit your Turkish propangada. Those Pashtun slaughter by him deserve it.
You don't have proper facts to discuss Afghanistan or Syria. China is far removed from both conflicts.

Right now Assad is slaughtering 90% of his Syrian population who are resisting his regime, due in large part to sectarian militias which Iran placed in Syria to back him up. They are running torture centers for Syrian women and children to use to demoralize Syrian resistance. Rape and sexual violence is being used actively by the regime and its supporters, yet you feel the need to take the side of this tyrannical regime.

I always disliked Assad, from the beginning when his Atheist genocidal policies became apparent, long before the the Syrian students took to the streets to demand right to govern themselves.

Bashar is a kind of monster who took money from the US to torture and abuse people whom the US caught and accused of terrorism, which ran in tandem with Bagram, Abu Ghareb, and Guantanamo.

He is not a Shia, nor even a Muslim, but an evil man who will go to any means to stay in power, even when the majority of his people want him to go. He will play and use any power for that purpose, previously it was US, then Iran, and now Russia.

I am very indignant about the conduct of Chinese members on this topic. You are supporting a regime which is committing mass genocide on a religious group by any means available to them. This will make relations very difficult with China for the 85% of the Muslim world which is Sunni and 87% Sunni Pakistanis. Think before you put your eggs in the wrong basket.

Russia and Iran have historical hatred against Turks and Sunnis, so their conduct is understandable. China has no such problem, therefore bad policy has no excuses.
First, China did NOT choose side on Syria civil war, there is no concrete support from China on either side, such as military support, or financial support. Most support to Assad comes from Russia and Iran.
Second, Russia has veto power on UNSC anyway, which side China vote for doesn't change much in reality.

The conflict between Turkey and Syria is a completely different issue from Syria civil war. Chinese members here has their sentiment against Turkey, mostly because Turkey support ETIM which is identified as terrorist organization by United Nation. This is a very serious threat to China and damaged China national interest hugely.

Every nation has their interest, if Turkey support ETIM, there is a price to pay, it's understandable. China would like to repair relationship and offered olive branch for decades, it's up to Turkey to make their political decision.

I agree with your judgement that the fragments need to be consolidated by strong nations, it's either Turkey, or Pakistan, or who knows. But smart nation should avoid provoking nations which is neutral. China is neutral on all those conflicts, but Turkey keep provoking China for 70+ years.

This kind of foreign policy is unwise, and self-destructive I think. Please pardon me if I am wrong.
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See how u try avoid all the cracks of turkey and just reply with nonsense. Why turkey decide to keep dostum , an enemy of Pakistanis? Isn't this going against your so called brotherhood and friendship between Pakistan and turkey? Are u suggesting Pakistan shall sacrifice for turkey for any clause including destruction of its own Pashtun enthic? I suggest you to tell Imran Khan , an enthic Pashtun to welcome dostum with open arms for the sake of Turkish brotherhood.

See how u try manipulate all Pakistanis to buy your idea.
Rasheed Dostum ? .. this guy ?
Same racial and geographical origin.
Oghuz Turks.

so how Anatolian Greece with white skin , hairy body , and colorful eyes claims that they are descended of mongol or goku turks !?

in the end these wannabe Turks are nothing but bunch of turkified greece/arab/kurd/persian
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so how Anatolian Greece with white skin , hairy body , and colorful eyes claims that they are descended of mongol or goku turks !?

in the end these wannabe Turks are nothing but bunch of turkified greece/arab/kurd/persian

Any Byzantine Roman, Greek, Cypriot, Bulgarian, Armenian, or any other convert to Islam would immediately be known as a Turk and assimilated into Turkish identity. Afterwards they mixed with the predominant Turkish race among Muslims. Blood is blood and cannot be changed.
Any Byzantine Roman, Greek, Cypriot, Bulgarian, Armenian, or any other convert to Islam would immediately be known as a Turk and assimilated into Turkish identity. Afterwards they mixed with the predominant Turkish race among Muslims. Blood is blood and cannot be changed.

so how you claim they are descended of Mongol .... !? one reason mongol invade westward were to teach their Turkish slaves some lessons ... you guys are really ignorant about history ....
True Pakistanis will see the murderous side of Turkish who side with this dostum monster and disregard interest of Pakistanis.

It is not up to you to decide who is a true Pakistani and who is not?

You are being quite overbearing on an issue which hardly concerns you.

Mind your own business.

Those Pashtun slaughter by him deserve it.

He got what he deserved and is a nobody, and he wasn't the only member of USSR Communist regime which brutalized Afghans or treacherous Northern Alliance which works for Iran, India, US, Russia, and other foreign bidders.

First, China did NOT choose side on Syria civil war, there is no concrete support from China on either side, such as military support, or financial support.

Some Chinese members here claim China is funding Syrian regime.

I think if it does, it can negatively affect Uyghur issue at it will prove to 85% Muslims that China is another country interfering in Muslim lands like US and Russia.

I agree with your judgement that the fragments need to be consolidated by strong nations, it's either Turkey, or Pakistan, or who knows. But smart nation should avoid provoking nations which is neutral.

Syria is not neutral. It is now an Iranian and Russian puppet state which is directly supporting PKK terrorist group with safe havens and land. Assad is hellbent on eliminating the vast majority if his own population and justifying it by calling them terrorists.

so how you claim they are descended of Mongol .... !? one reason mongol invade westward were to teach their Turkish slaves some lessons ... you guys are really ignorant about history ....

You mean the ill conduct of Khawarezme Shah. Mongols fought and conquered Turkestan and Iran first before embarking on the Arab lands. It was a dark period of our history, but alhamdulilah men like Berke Khan of the Mongol Altan Orda converted to Islam and avenged Baghdad.

Even Pakistanis on average have 10% Mongol blood from Chagatai, Timur, and later Mughals. After collapse, Mongold and Turks became the greatest patrons of Islam.
Some Chinese members here claim China is funding Syrian regime.

I think if it does, it can negatively affect Uyghur issue at it will prove to 85% Muslims that China is another country interfering in Muslim lands like US and Russia.

Some Chinese members here are outsiders, just like me. We need hard proof China choose side. So far I don't see it.

Syria is not China core interest, it's Russia's, or Iran's. China is realistic and rational country, very predictable. I don't see why China want to get involved. There is little benefit for China to get involved, but harmful for China long term interest.

Also, according to China foreign policy on ME, China BRI build on good relationship with all nations. It's impossible to change China foreign policy just because of Syria. Frankly speaking, not worth it.
Some Chinese members here are outsiders, just like me. We need hard proof China choose side. So far I don't see it.

Syria is not China core interest, it's Russia's, or Iran's. China is realistic and rational country, very predictable. I don't see why China want to get involved. There is little benefit for China to get involved, but harmful for China long term interest.

Also, according to China foreign policy on ME, China BRI build on good relationship with all nations. It's impossible to change China foreign policy just because of Syria. Frankly speaking, not worth it.

Yes, and relationships with Turkey and Pakistan are very important for China. It makes no sense.

Glad one major player is sensible and rational concerning Muslims on the global scene.
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