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Russian jets in Syrian skies

People are victims of US media spin doctors:

- Damascus is HQ of Russian intelligence for Middle Eastern theater since 1950`s (large KGB residence)

- Russian and Soviet Navy is using Tartus harbor since 1971

So , images of Russian soldiers , claims that Russian specialists , intelligence are in Syria are TRUTH , but they are there for DECADES and that doesn`t amount to military intervention.

Even newer Russian weaponry seen is part Chemical deal , OK-ed by Obama administration , in exchange for WMD , Syrian army got some modern weaponry (like BTR-82).

All those Western media spins are bull.
yes, but, if a Su-34 "accidentally" gets shot down by a Turkish or Israeli F-16, then you have a real diplomatic problem. You can't operate strike aircraft in a hostile environment without CAP.

This war needs to end, and new borders need to be drawn IMO. It's time the Sunni's and Kurd's get their own state.
I think that sunni n Kurds groups are more extremist these days. How Kurds are different from sunnis.?
The Russians might do another Crimea at Syria except that they will only train the Syrians and Iranian "volunteers" in this fight. At the end, the Russians have chosen to side with the Shia crescent for now and the US with the Sunni crescent. Or lets call it what it is; the Russians want to work with the Persians and the US with the GCC Arabs.. in the middle are the sad saps known as the inhabitants of the "middle" middle east getting their butts whooped wherever they go.

In the meantime, the American government is trying to figure out the reality that its fighting alongside the forces that it technically wants to bomb, and the country that was invaded to remove a monster and essentially allow a stable middle east for the oil flow from the fields now is letting the Persians operate from its airfields using aircraft that the F-16IQs that were sold to them were supposed to prevent entering its airspace in the first place.
If that was not adding insult to injury, now we have the Russians sending their Sukhois into the mix all in the name to stop the animals called ISIS. Who were originally put up by the GCC Arabs to take down the Persians.
All this laughable talk of Shia-Sunni is funny though, since where the supposed Sunni GCC is attacking the Shia Houthi in Yemen, they are bombing the ISIS now and helping the Shia in Iraq. US aircraft supporting the operation in Yemen via intel support against Iran are providing support to the Iranians via Iraqi liaisons against ISIS. All the while, ISIS is still getting help from certain GCC elite along with many of the 3% active extremists that make up the muslim world today.

Even hardcore old zionists who dreamt of greater Israel are going "this is weird".
I think that sunni n Kurds groups are more extremist these days. How Kurds are different from sunnis.?
honestly, I can't tell who is "more crazy" anymore. However, I don't see videos of Kurds cutting people's heads off.
Maybe if every ethnic group got their own little chunk of dirt with clearly defined borders all this slaughter can stop? It looks like all this started with western colonialism in the 1800's and artificially drawn borders between people. right now, the only ones prospering is the weapons manufacturers.
honestly, I can't tell who is "more crazy" anymore. However, I don't see videos of Kurds cutting people's heads off.
Maybe if every ethnic group got their own little chunk of dirt with clearly defined borders all this slaughter can stop? It looks like all this started with western colonialism in the 1800's and artificially drawn borders between people. right now, the only ones prospering is the weapons manufacturers.
AS GCC or SUNNI Middle East is making up their own force. Will IRAN-IRAQ-SYRIA-LEBANON and may be some other SHITE Country will going to their own force???
About time!!!I'm so glad that Russia finally step up in Syria with troops.
too late.. too much damage has been already done ..one by one all target countries were destroyed where Islamist terrorists rule and butcher people like cattle
Russia should give heavy weapons and deadly ones and train them
Russis should bomb start by AIR
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