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Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara

Is it so implausible that an angry Turk who strongly sympathizes with the rebels, would shoot the Russian ambassador because of Russian support for Assad? Not everything is a conspiracy.

I have read a lot on this story in the Russian newspapers, and I can say yes it is so implausible that not a single Russian comment on any of the newspapers thought this way, besides the fact that it would be pretty dumb to think that a sympathizer would do such a thing, when a ceasefire agreement was put into place (with Russia) and their people have / and are being evacuated from a kill zone... the question is "who has the most gain" in Russia, and it is pretty obvious that it is those that don't want an end to the war in Syria or any solution to clean out terrorists there. If you want a more direct answer US, EU (UK, Germany, France), Saudi Arabia.. (I would add to that list Iran also but that is my opinion and not the general one. )
A very sad event. This will definitely hit the Russo- Turkish relation. First the fighter jet was shot down and now this.
Russia has gotten itself into the middle east conflict, now it's turning into a quagmire.
The question is who is gonna really benefit from this attack?
Nice language..typical pakistani poster of pdf. Extreme boot licking ignores facts on the ground.
Before taking moral high grounds on language, see how posters from your country are talking on this thread or in general on the whole PDF.

Their own countrymen was involved in this incident. Turkish policeman did it.
Dont you have anything else to post beside spitting venom against brotherly countries and illogically defending enemies ?
I have read a lot on this story in the Russian newspapers, and I can say yes it is so implausible that not a single Russian comment on any of the newspapers thought this way, besides the fact that it would be pretty dumb to think that a sympathizer would do such a thing, when a ceasefire agreement was put into place (with Russia) and their people have / and are being evacuated from a kill zone... the question is "who has the most gain" in Russia, and it is pretty obvious that it is those that don't want an end to the war in Syria or any solution to clean out terrorists there. If you want a more direct answer US, EU (UK, Germany, France), Saudi Arabia.. (I would add to that list Iran also but that is my opinion and not the general one. )

Or my friend made by usa etc. to portray that the ones obviously against ceasefire like Iran or Syria to not to strengthen terrorists has a hand in this. Aleppo would still be in ruins if ceasefire happened or worse autonomous zones meaning division of Syria by ethnicity like kurd-arab or sects sunni-shia smaller controllable pieces by usa.

It is evidently a third party like gulenists or another terror group. By being this evident and clear the motive is clearly supporting the ceasefire not blocking it.
There will be no change in the collaboration and strengthening of relationship between Turkey and Russia. Both "know" the bigger game being played out and have agreed to form strong alliance to counter the threats.

Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey alliance is a reality and such assassinations will only help further strengthen the alliance and expedite their next pre-agreed pre-planned steps.
Or my friend made by usa etc. to portray that the ones obviously against ceasefire like Iran or Syria to not to strengthen terrorists has a hand in this. Aleppo would still be in ruins if ceasefire happened or worse autonomous zones meaning division of Syria by ethnicity like kurd-arab or sects sunni-shia smaller controllable pieces by usa.

It is evidently a third party like gulenists or another terror group. By being this evident and clear the motive is clearly supporting the ceasefire not blocking it.

I think you've got things mixed up, you don't put a bear to sleep by rattling its cage. As for my 'Iran' thinking, well : link
Total ceasefire in Syria isn't possible yet, and it probably won't be until the Northern and Central parts are in order, as for "whatever, whoever terrorist organization" do they matter? They are just meat puppets that should be put down, the real targets should be those that control them, and think they could get away with it. Most of these meat puppets in the area are controlled by the CIA, Saudi's and Iran... the rest either support or aid due to one reason or another.
Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after gun attack in Ankara – Foreign Ministry
Published time: 19 Dec, 2016 16:31Edited time: 19 Dec, 2016 20:36
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The Russian ambassador to Turkey has died after being shot by a gunman in Ankara, where he was attending a photo exhibition, the Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed.

LIVE UPDATES: Russian ambassador shot dead in Ankara

“This is a tragic day in the history of Russian diplomacy. Today, Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov died after being shot at during a public event in Ankara,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Monday evening.

The assault on the Russian ambassador is an “act of terrorism,” she added.

“We are in touch with Turkish officials, who assured us that there will be a thorough and comprehensive investigation [into the case],” Zakharova said.

READ MORE: Russia says killing of ambassador in Ankara is act of terrorism

The ambassador, Andrey Karlov, was shot as he was delivering a speech on the opening of the exhibition “Russia in the eyes of Turks.”

Rusya Büyükelçisi Ankara’da silahlı suikasta uğradıhttps://t.co/6gkCCjcGUMpic.twitter.com/bMdm3w0uRX

— BirGün Gazetesi (@BirGun_Gazetesi) December 19, 2016
The perpetrator, who was wearing a suit and a tie, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘God is great’ in Arabic) during the attack.

Following the shooting of Karlov, the assailant shouted: “Don't forget Aleppo! Don't forget Syria!”

“Only death can take me away from here. Whoever has a role in this cruelty, they will pay for it one by one. They will,” the man went on to say. Since last year, Russia has been providing Syrian government forces with air support in their fight against terror groups and rebels.

Turkish NTV broadcaster says that three other people were also injured in the attack on the ambassador.

The attacker himself has been killed by Turkish Special Forces in a shoot out that followed.

Pictures of the ambassador right before he was shot. pic.twitter.com/B5k8foVCjp

— Gilgo (@agirecudi) December 19, 2016
The gunman was a police officer, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu confirmed.

Previously Interfax, citing a source in the Turkish military, reported that the perpetrator had presented a police ID as he entered the exhibition.

Meanwhile, a picture allegedly showing the perpetrator’s personal file, apparently proving he was indeed a police officer, was posted on social media.

Rus Büyükelçisi Karlov'u öldüren suikastçi aktif görevde olan çevik kuvvet polisi Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş. pic.twitter.com/uyf5ovIjUH

— ahmet şık (@sahmetsahmet) December 19, 2016
Reacting to the assault on the Russian ambassador, the US State Department expressed its condemnation.

“We condemn this act of violence, whatever its source. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families,” State Department spokesperson John Kirby, wrote on his official Twitter account.

We condemn this act of violence, whatever its source. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. (2 of 2)

— John Kirby (@statedeptspox) December 19, 2016

The attack on the ambassador might be an attempt to jeopardize relations between Moscow and Ankara, Russian MP and member of the International Relations Committee, Elena Panina said.

I believe that this is a provocation to disrupt improved dialogue between Russia and Turkey. Moreover, we know that [Turkish President] Erdogan is due to visit the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is a pure provocation,” Panina told RIA Novosti news agency.

В сети опубликовано еще одно видео с преступникомhttps://t.co/aSbmkkl5jqpic.twitter.com/sl4KqJSp2O

— РИА Новости (@rianru) December 19, 2016
Speaking to RT, Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights Konstantin Dolgov said that the death of Karlov was a huge loss.

“He [Karlov] was a very talented diplomat, very experienced diplomat. It’s a very big loss for all of us.”

“All those, who planned this attack, those who participated in perpetrating this terrorist act, in carrying it out, will be brought to justice, there is no doubt about that,” Dolgov emphasized. The diplomat also noted that “there is no justification whatsoever for such a terrorist act and there is no justification for terrorism as a whole.”
That is sad and bad .............. killing an ambassador can't be justified no matter what. Anyways can someone please discuss

Why did they kill the assassin?

The ambassador didn't have Russians guarding him?

Its a failure this should not have happened, Pakistan faced many disasters but not one single time the terrorists succeeded in a feat like this.
I think you've got things mixed up, you don't put a bear to sleep by rattling its cage. As for my 'Iran' thinking, well : link
Total ceasefire in Syria isn't possible yet, and it probably won't be until the Northern and Central parts are in order, as for "whatever, whoever terrorist organization" do they matter? They are just meat puppets that should be put down, the real targets should be those that control them, and think they could get away with it. Most of these meat puppets in the area are controlled by the CIA, Saudi's and Iran... the rest either support or aid due to one reason or another.

On surface it seems to block ceasefire attempts but the effect is the direct opposite enforcing ceasefire by Russia reacting to the attack. We cant be sure but what I meant to say is by reacting to situations they will push our buttons to give their decisions not ours. Both Russia Iran and Turkey needs to think objectively about the outcome of previous and future ceasefire attempts.
How and why the assassin was killed, and why he couldn't be taken alive, is the next important piece of information.

If this man was a jihadiste, this is not suprising because thease people want to be killed, and make it happen. It the same in France, during both of terrorist attack (Bataclan and Nice) the secured force didn't managed to capture the targets alive.
Turkey is unable to make enough security for diplomats.
How and why the assassin was killed, and why he couldn't be taken alive, is the next important piece of information.
They could catch him alive but they didn't.
This assassination happened right before meeting of defense ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey. It's really complicated
Shooter shot him from behind, Turks are famous of such a coward actions. Shooting Sukhoi from behind!!!
I'm sure about one thing and it's Russia will not neglect easily. We must wait and see the further investigations result
alot of people think this would harm Turkey Russia relations, quite the opposite actually. it will strengthens relationship there will be more cooperation inteligence sharing etc...
Turkey is unable to make enough security for diplomats.

They could catch him alive but they didn't.
This assassination happened right before meeting of defense ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey. It's really complicated
Shooter shot him from behind, Turks are famous of such a coward actions. Shooting Sukhoi from behind!!!
I'm sure about one thing and it's Russia will not neglect easily. We must wait and see the further investigations result

He was killed because otherwise they couldn't get to the body of the ambassador. And while Russian ambassador did not have security detail it is indeed an embarrassment for us... Russian delegate has arrived for joint operation.

Time will tell.

Also this ''Turks are famous of such a coward actions. '' is kinda funny coming from a Persian ;)
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