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Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara

You are typical example of low-life ugly bhakts, who's hatred for anything Islamic cant remain hidden, no matter what the situation or reality is. Why Turkey will support ISIS who are doing terrorism in Turkey or why vice versa ? Bloody cheap trolls.

Nice language..typical pakistani poster of pdf. Extreme boot licking ignores facts on the ground.


The murder very young, very bad ... don't support ISIS, such young man isn't a good future for the country. BTW the same day, one Chinese military officer of China embassy also killed in Turkey.
Hinduism and jihad
Do't worry my friend! Their beef their blood their body, their defense equipment, their country has being stand on the pillars of communism,Now they call name to communism, the antique people of the world.
Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov shot dead in Ankara
Andrey Karlov was speaking at a photo exhibition event in the capital when he was shot by a Turkish off-duty policeman.

  • Burhan Ozbilici captures Andrey Karlov's final moments

    The assailant was a 22-year-old off-duty police officer who worked in Turkey's capital, said Ankara's Mayor Melih Gokcek.

    After the initial shot, the attacker approached Karlov as he lay on the ground and shot him at least one more time at close range, according to an AP photographer at the scene.

    He also smashed several of the framed photos on exhibition, but later let the stunned guests out of the venue, according to local media.


    The gunman referenced the situation in Aleppo after he shot the ambassador [Burhan Ozbilici/AP]
    Several media outlets reported a gunfight later ensued after Karlov was shot.

    Local broadcaster NTV television said at least three people were wounded and were taken to the hospital.

    Mayor Gokcek told reporters outside the exhibition centre the "heinous" attack was aimed at disrupting newly re-established relations between Turkey and Russia.

    Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke by phone about Monday's attack.

    "On behalf of my country and my people I once again extend my condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the friendly Russian people," said Erdogan.

    Putin promised a response to the assassination.

    "The crime that has been committed is undoubtedly a provocation aimed at derailing the ties between Russia and Turkey, as well as the peace process in Syria," said Putin from Moscow. "There is only one possible response to this - the strengthening of the fight against terror, and the bandits will feel it themselves."

    Relations between Russia and Turkey were badly strained by the downing of a Russian warplane at the Syrian border in November 2015, but Turkey's apology earlier this year helped overcome the rift.

    Russia and Turkey have co-sponsored the evacuation of civilians and rebels from Aleppoand discussed the prospect of organising a new round of peace talks in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana.

    'Don't forget Aleppo'
    The assailant referenced the situation in Aleppo after he shot the ambassador in the back.

    "Don't forget Aleppo, don't forget Syria," the attacker said in Turkish after gunning down the ambassador, as seen on a video shared by Turkish media from the scene.

    "Whoever took part in this cruelty will pay the price, one by one... Only death will take me from here," the man said while holding a pistol.

    He then continued in Arabic, saying: "We are the descendants of those who supported the Prophet Muhammad, for jihad."

    Diego Cupolo, a photojournalist in Ankara, told Al Jazeera there were about 100 armed soldiers in camouflage and police officers at the scene, along with armoured fighting vehicles.

    The attack came a day before a meeting of Russian, Turkish and Iranian foreign and defence ministers in Moscow to discuss Syria.

    Ankara focuses on Gulen links in Karlov assassination

    Those talks will go ahead on Tuesday despite the murder of Karlov, the Interfax news agency said, citing Leonid Slutsky, a senior parliamentarian.

    The Russian ambassador to Turkey was a career diplomat.

    Karlov joined the diplomatic service in 1976. He served as Russia's ambassador to Pyongyang in 2001-2006, and later worked as the chief of the foreign ministry's consular department.

    He had served as the ambassador to Turkey since 2013.


    The assailant is seen in this photo at the rear on the left [Burhan Ozbilici/AP]
    Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies
This does raises serious concerns of security of diplomatic staff in turkey.
I thought that my Turkish brothers are more sensible than an average Pakistani. This thread proved me wrong.

Every controversial event is perceived as a CIA or MOSSAD or MI6 led false flag operation without any focus on investigations.

Question should be asked why the killer was not arrested for interrogation? Why was he killed?

If Turkish brothers think that US is the root-cause of all problems in Turkey, why your country is still a member of NATO and have not declared war on the US? Why your country recognizes Israel?

Either act like an independent state and declare war on the US and/or Israel or quit being a paranoid girl.

Let us see how long the mighty Turkey will last while taking on the US and/or Israel. Idiots.
Why there is only one personnel standing around the ambassador? It fucking weird. Wait so long that reinforcement coming and shot the assassinator down. I think the turkey- Russia relationship will suffer trial. Erdogan may not have that tight control of the domestic situation as he may want. This is a puzzle until now!

Their own countrymen was involved in this incident. Turkish policeman did it.
German had a severe terrorists attack as we'll, it maybe a retaliation behavior plotted by ISIS.
This is a typical conspiracy design by Hilary Clinton and Turkish Islamic jihad group in both America and Turkey, it's purpose is to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin. If Trump and Putin break up, then ISIS can continue to make a living. Personally I hope Chinese PLA can send troops down to Syria to Annhilate those bastards ISIS together with Russia, eat their flesh and burns their corpse. Possibly we can nuke them.
This is a typical conspiracy design by Hilary Clinton and Turkish Islamic jihad group in both America and Turkey, it's purpose is to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin. If Trump and Putin break up, then ISIS can continue to make a living. Personally I hope Chinese PLA can send troops down to Syria to Annhilate those bastards ISIS together with Russia, eat their flesh and burns their corpse. Possibly we can nuke them.
not just ISIS, the FSA is the same, in fact they're even more dangerous because the western media wants to paint them as heroes.
and you are the ones to tell who to blame and who not to? its not my countrymen that are inflaming here with their venomous s#it
Funny enough, your countrymen are the ones who are accusing "foreign agents" more than even real Turks themselves. Lol
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