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Russia Wagner Mutiny | Updates & Discussions

I hope they divide Russia by at least 7. A country that would be nothing without natural gas and oil resources.
Putin has screwed it up on so many levels that I can't even believe it

this is how Russia fights, very chaotic

during the Napoleonic wars the Russian Emperor Alexander I purged his own people

the same happened with Hitler in WW2 Stalin purge much of the Soviet military

Russia still won and is the largest land nation on earth

this is Russia and this is how it is no need for the pre-mature celebration
Or to speak in chinese history, this is like that time when a Ming general opens the floodgate for the Qing troops to invade China because the Ming emperor stole his wife...

I still hope it's fake news of course.
Not the Ming Emperor. The Ming Dynasty has been destroyed by the peasant army, and the Ming Emperor committed suicide. The peasant army occupied Beijing. The leader of the peasant army(li zicheng) robbed the wife of Ming general (Wu Sangui). This directly led to Wu Sangui's surrender to the Qing Dynasty. And opened a gate to invite the Qing Dynasty to enter Beijing.

A more appropriate metaphor. Putin is the Ming Dynasty emperor ~ he should commit suicide. Kadyrov may be the leader of the peasant army ~ he occupied Moscow. Prigokin went to overthrow Kadyrov....

Next stop: Moscow


In der Nähe von Woronesch: Eine Militärkolonne der Söldnergruppe Wagner fährt entlang der Autobahn M-4, die die Hauptstadt Moskau mit den südlichen Städten Russlands verbindet.

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