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Russia Wagner Mutiny | Updates & Discussions

An optimistic part of me believes that it is a Setup by Putin himself to identify the moles, Top to down. His silence and lack of response towards parliament is a supporting argument.

A Possible cleansing ?
No Putin has screwed big time. The longer this war continues the more it would hurt Russia.
Z-tards on suicide watch? Where is the pro-russian crowd?
Russia has depth...remember Germany ww2
:hitwall: Back than it was Russia that was getting invaded and Germans were invader. This time role is reversed. Fighting for homeland is totally different ball game then being invader. You conveniently forgot Afghanistan.
Russia has depth...remember Germany ww2
Depth really mean nothing until someone try to attack Russia. Ukraine is not attacking Russia, it's the other way around.

The problem as Prigozhin pointed out, and as that 40 mile convoy we saw early on the war, is and always is the logistic issue. They can't supply enough for the troop on the frontline, and that's what exactly what Prigozhin has been complaining about. This is the problem, and the solution Putin offer is to basically off the only unit that make any in road in this war.......

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Of course I do.

However, game is something else . Much bigger and sinister.

A death warrant has been signed, but of someone else.

If you decide to create proxy groups to further strategic and political goals with the perceived cover of deniability, you tend to find those same groups can and will turn against you for the highest bidder.

A pattern, that is all too familiar I think ...
American backed terrorist fired on the Russians helicopter

Russians ISIS funded by US at work

You really seem to have a reality issue? Don't simply don't want or cannot accept that these are not "American backed terrorist fired on the Russians helicopter" but plain and simple Russians fighting against Russians!

All i see is that Wagner troops firing against a Russian Army Aviation Ka-52, in fact is not that difficult to accept.
I just found the youtube comment of the day

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