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Russia Wagner Mutiny | Updates & Discussions

Russia's been losing this war from the start, Putin has had cancer for a while and has been dying for a few years too.. and now his own troops are planning to march to Moscow and get him..

wonder what's next ?
Wagner has very few armored vehicles, tanks. No air force or helicopter support. Very little ammunition and fuel.

The only way to win was to quickly capture Moscow and capture all of the Russian leadership within hours of the uprising's start. But that never happened.

Wagner definitely loses.
Russian airforce could have stopped the advancing column within hours. They are basically just driving down a highway with armor loaded on heavy trucks.
Putin spend 20 years oppressing russian society, and now he is calling for help. Chances are he will be all alone in a couple of days.
Russians are fast losing their grip on the situation
It's turning from bad to worse now
Ukraine was a walk over if Russia played their cards right
Never really thought the Russians could be this incompetent

There are a lot of traitors in charge of power, that s it, these are hollywood times. So you are in the front, won in Bakhmut after a milion of days, and you now got your troops to Moscow and abandon the front because of supplies and ammunitions... come on.
Wagner has very few armored vehicles, tanks. No air force or helicopter support. Very little ammunition and fuel.

The only way to win was to quickly capture Moscow and capture all of the Russian leadership within hours of the uprising's start. But that never happened.

Wagner definitely loses.
Wagner winning is the best case scenario for Russia. If Wagner fail to take Moscow then the "march for Justice" will devolve into a civil war.
There should be a thread for the best summary of Put-in/Put-out jokes?

Day 485 of my 3 days war
- Border with NATO: +1300KM
- NATO status: Finland Joined and soon will be Sweden
- State of Ukraine's army: Stronger than before the war
- State of Russia: Wagner marching towards Moscow

BTW: Everything is going according to plan
Breaking BBC News - Putin has signed decree stating that people can be locked up for 30days for breaking "Martial Law" ..

>> Wow ...
That's why Wagner took Rostov-On-Don instead of Moscow.

They are sitting on tons of ammunition and oil in Rostov on Don that were to be used for the war in Ukraine. Russia bomb their position, they also bomb those supply in place. You can't have that happen because otherwise it will seriously disrupt the logistic for the war for Russian.

If they take out their own weapon supply in ROD, Russian force probably have at most 2 to 3 weeks of ammo and gas left to fight, and I doubt they can replace them within a month, looking at Russian logistic capability.

If Prigozhin has support within the Russian military command, he doesn’t need to send a convoy to Moscow. Russian military units near Moscow will simply flip and already be there. Wagnar also has a presence in Saint Petersburg and areas around Moscow. Revolts don’t always need an army on the march if portions, or all of the military, simply decide to join in.
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