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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Europe can't handle Russia and as a matter fact they are to weak to take on the Russians but there is one way to do that..

Nuclearize Germany to the teeth. The Germans really have the Russian number to a dot. Even if you read the Russian historians or history in general you will know that the German fear has been a timeless stuff for the Russians and for good reasons because the germans can outdo the Russians in their strongest area which is the capability to bite down on your mouth piece and dig deep and patience. The Germans are known for their patience and endurance which is why they have beaten the Russians so many times because they are the only ones who can outshine the Russians in their strongest area..
when did Germany beat the Russians? Even in WW1, they beat the Russians indecisively and still lost in the end.

Germany hasn't won a war in 150 years since the Franco-Prussian War. Even against Africans they were defeated in the end by South Africa. This is simply an objective fact.
when did Germany beat the Russians? Even in WW1, they beat the Russians indecisively and still lost in the end.

Germany hasn't won a war in 150 years since the Franco-Prussian War. Even against Africans they were defeated in the end by South Africa. This is simply an objective fact.

Germany was never at war in africa...

The city of Irpin got liberated by ukrainian forces today

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Germany will not pay in ruble. Entire EU and G7 denied that. Im quite sure putin is bluffing. Its only income he has left and Germany made sure to say if pipelines are shut down, they will never open again. Do you think Putin will risk that?

I can understand that as well. I would cling to our leadership too. What else can one do?
Yes, he will cut off the gas supply. In wars,both sides suffer. From the day US and EU start sanctioninig russia,illegally took huge money from russia and their businessmen,the economy war begins. Natural gas is a supplier market,russia can always sell it to other countries like china and india.

Then time for all patriotic Britisher to grow toothbrush moustache to show support for Avoz and Zelensky


Did you or didn't you read me using the words "claiming to be" ? Please read my post again.


This is not happening... according to the NATO propagandists on PDF.

Man, on this you are presenting a BBC vid out of all the available things as evidence of proof ? :lol: And are you saying it was the Russians who burned the swastika on that person's body ?
You do know "Claim to be" and "Admitted to" is one and the same??
Fighting in the east is turning into completely disorganised Brownian motion with cut-off companies, and battalions hopping from village to village.

I already see them hauling ammo on hijacked civilian sedans, and transporting troops in civvie vehicles.

Yes, it is their last resort forces basically trying to survive there.

Why would East Germany attack West Germany? How in the world will a "brother" go against a brother? :laugh:
Probably because west Germany is Nazi.........

Yes, he will cut off the gas supply. In wars,both sides suffer. From the day US and EU start sanctioninig russia,illegally took huge money from russia and their businessmen,the economy war begins. Natural gas is a supplier market,russia can always sell it to other countries like china and india.

And how does it get the gas there? With milk cans? Russias entire infrastructure is centered to Germany. Once it stops, all this infrastructure can be written off, since Russia would lose its entire market there. To build pipelines to China and India in same capacity will take 5-10 years.

In other words, Russia is financial dead.

Btw the sanctions are not illegal and fully comply with EU law. I would not call it sanctions either, we call it special economic operation.
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Enough with this Nazi BS , do watch this clip , educate yourself and return to the discussion.

There are few things wrong here:

(1) Assumption that Nazi = Jew hatred, is incorrect. Despite holocaust being a big part of Nazi'ism, it wasn't just about hating/killing Jews. There was more to it. Like strong believe that you are genetically superior to another race and have right to take over that inferior race. Many Jews hold this concept so are Nazi despite being Jew. There were Jews who collaborated with Hitler. I have seen Pakistanis on this forum talking of their genetic superiority over Indians, so they are also sort of ill with Nazi'ism.

(2) Term used often is new/neo-Nazi (as opposed to Nazi) for reason above. Your own ADL wants to educates on that, "supremacist". So when Rus claims neo-Nazi in UA, Rus is NOT talking about Jew hatred ONLY, they are talking more about hatred of Rusi to a Nazi-level [a level where neoNazi Ukrainians want to exterminate anyone with Rusi connection. West is being neo-Nazi too these days, in that they banned Rusi athlete, opera singer, letter "Z", businessmen, etc etc]. And to a level where UA behaves like Nazis towards Rusi speaking population, or Roma gypsies, etc. Though Jew hatred also exists in UA as you will see below.

(3) Many countries agreed that there was a neo-Nazi problem in UA. So BBC is the one who is lying here.

(4) BBC piece above is lies & twisting and backtracking from it's own previous coverage of UA. So people shouldn't really "educate" themselves with lies.

(5) For argument sake, if that piece had truth in it, then you [assuming you are Jewish?] wouldn't feel bad if Ukrainians doing things like below, right?

(1) Nazi Jew hatred

Official Government of UA's Rusi hatred against children to Nazi-level:

UA soldiers' Nazi-level hatred towards their own countrymen in Donbass, "They should ALL be destroyed":

Own countrypeople in Donbass are useless, must be EXTERMINATED, Nazi-level hatred on UA's "Hromadske" TV channel:

Official Government of UA's genetic superiority complex over Rusi (link):

TV channel of UA - Nazi-level hate towards Rusi children:

Genetically inferior Roma gypsy's hatred to a Nazi-level:

Whole thread on street justice - emanates from Nazi-like mentality:

(2) It's neo-Nazi to be exact, not just those Jew haters:

(3) Many countries indicated neo-Nazi problem in UA:

Americans (link):
White Racially Motivated = WRM


Congressman opposed:

But Pentagon supported neo-Nazis:

Canadians (link):

Ukrainians themselves under pressure from Australians after mosque shooting:

French and Brazalians (link):



(4) BBC contradict themselves if they claim now that neo-Nazis in UA is non-issue:



(5) if you still believe that UA Nazi'ism is not real, then hopefully you & other Jews wouldn't mind the following, :

(Tweet#1) «The Jew is crying and says: "Please don't hit me", in the garden, in the quiet corner, a gallows is waiting for him (the Jew)»
Tweet#2) Catholic mass and tribute to the Ukrainian Nazi Vasyl Ivahiv, Nazi collaborator of the OUN-UPA.
Go through rest of this tweet-thread also:




(src) In UA police:

Ukrainians revering Hitler:

At UA government level:

Ukrainian destroying grave marked with star of David, poster says it's grave of Holocaust victim:
Watch the whole tweet-thread for more samples:
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Talibans never had similar weapons what Ukrainians have.

If someone had thrown thousands of modern atgm's at talibans US casulties would have been higher especially armored vehicle losses as they were driving around protecting convoys.

Yes. It would have been a very bloody bloodbath if foreign powers had given the weapons being given to the Ukrainian. Oh, how much would Russia now want the NATO troops to be in Afghanistan right now! Makes you wonder about the timing of the Ukraine war---a comfortable six months after NATO left Afghanistan.
But gloves would come off once Russia regroups and start looking at where NATO forces are stationed in conflict zones... Bloody proxy wars!!
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