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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You do know by saying that, you are admitting that Russia is "Criminal Invader" right?

Did you or didn't you read me using the words "claiming to be" ? Please read my post again.

You cannot stand on the side of Russia and using Russia casus belli for war and then come around and accuse NATO for being "Hypocrite".........as the old saying goes, you cannot have the cake and eat it..


Even in Kiev region, Zelensky's government is absent. So the liberating Russian forces have to do more than liberating the country from Neo Nazis: They're providing humanitarian aid throughout the country.

This is not happening... according to the NATO propagandists on PDF.

Enough with this Nazi BS , do watch this clip , educate yourself and return to the discussion.


Man, on this you are presenting a BBC vid out of all the available things as evidence of proof ? :lol: And are you saying it was the Russians who burned the swastika on that person's body ?

Fighting in the east is turning into completely disorganised Brownian motion with cut-off companies, and battalions hopping from village to village.

I already see them hauling ammo on hijacked civilian sedans, and transporting troops in civvie vehicles.

Yes, it is their last resort forces basically trying to survive there.

You do know you can only compare the two if you claim Syrian is Nazi regime too, right?

I am not seeing the reason as Putin said on invading Ukraine because Ukraine is "Progressive"

Why would East Germany attack West Germany? How in the world will a "brother" go against a brother? :laugh:

Now 2,000 visually confirmed losses for Russia.

That's pretty 2/3 of the number of equipment Russian land forces got since their military reform started. We assume that losses not registered visually are at least 2-3 times that.

So, it is 10 years of military reform being undone in a month. And we know, entire brand new regiments will be written off after this. Maybe, whole divisions.

Displaying 'Z' symbol could be criminal act in Germany, ministry says​

Russians who support this war should be labelled as terrorist. Same way ISIS sympathizers were dealt with.

Displaying 'Z' symbol could be criminal act in Germany, ministry says​

Russians who support this war should be labelled as terrorist. Same way ISIS sympathizers were dealt with.

woow.. Germany has actully stopped being soft or middling but has taken a major stand
Germany made clear that all G7 nations agree to not pay gas deliveries in ruble.

I seriously wonder who advises Putin. This is his last income. Germany also said if Russia shuts down gas pupelines, they will never be opened again.
Enough with this Nazi BS , do watch this clip , educate yourself and return to the discussion.

How about you and all those in Israel that support Avoz and Ukraine show your support by growing
toothbrush moustache?

In addition to playing Horst Wessel Lied day and night.

Avoz and Zelensky will be delighted at such open support.

That's pretty 2/3 of the number of equipment Russian land forces got since their military reform started. We assume that losses not registered visually are at least 2-3 times that.

So, it is 10 years of military reform being undone in a month. And we know, entire brand new regiments will be written off after this. Maybe, whole divisions.

Visual losses are closer to 2,200
Germany made clear that all G7 nations agree to not pay gas deliveries in ruble.

I seriously wonder who advises Putin. This is his last income. Germany also said if Russia shuts down gas pupelines, they will never be opened again.

Americans must be laughing :lol:

Putler trying to play hard ball with Europe will only backfire and force EU to depends on USA lot more
What I got from my WhatsApp.

Matters little who wrote that. As it is the message that truly matter


So this is what’s going to happen geoppolitically:

The Americans sanctioned Russia as hard as they possibly could, openly trying to break the Russian economy. Most of America’s vassal states in the west followed suit.

India and China have not. So the Americans are now threatening India and China with sanctions of their own, unless they join the United States in punishing Russia.

Paradoxically, America’s bullying tactics against both countries will wind up making them the best of friends.

India has exceedingly good relationship with Russia for several decades — they will not jeopardize it because of the Americans. So in retaliation for not doing what they want, the Americans will sanction India. It will be what my friend Alexandra Mercouris calls “the sanctions escalator”: Little by little at first, random officials here and there, and then slowly targeting the entire Indian economy.

Insofar as China is concerned, America has started this “sanctions escalator “, and the Chinese are under no illusions. But for China, Russia is much more important than the United States. China has spent over 25 years deliberately and consciously deepening its relationship with Russia. China views Russia as a primary partner, and will under no circumstances jeopardize that relationship. That’s why China will never sanction Russia. So China will take on American sanctions — but China realizes something crucial:

The United States needs China much more than the other way around.

China and India have had long-standing border disputes. Because of this American pressure, the two countries are now quickly resolving these border issues, especially water rights issues. Both of them realize that, in order to resist American pressure, they must become allied.

So very quickly, a new super alliance will form between Russia, China and India. Iran, which has strong relationships with Russia and blossoming relationships with China, will inevitably join this partnership.

If these four countries decide to cut out the west, Europe will not have gas for electricity and heat, and no customers for its cars and product. And the Americans will discover that no one wants their dollars—so the American financial architecture will completely collapse, and the US will find itself in the biggest depression of its history. (Yes you read right.)

The Americans do not realize that the US needs China/Russia/India far FAR more than the other way around. Americas hollowed out industrial base means that it does not produce anything. It needs products from Russia/China/India. And yet it is the United States which is busy alienating precisely those nations that it most needs.

The Americans have broken with the Russians – there is now a sanctions moat between Russia and the west. If the US and Europe does this with China and India, the west will sink, their economy completely shattered. And this new Eurasian block will become the literal center of the earth.

Through sheer incompetence, the United States is about to collapse. I am not being hyperbolic, this is what is happening right now. By the end of 2023, there will be catastrophic hyperinflation, over 50% unemployment, mass food shortages, and no gasoline in the United States of America.

Don’t believe me? Watch.
Europe can't handle Russia and as a matter fact they are to weak to take on the Russians but there is one way to do that..

Nuclearize Germany to the teeth. The Germans really have the Russian number to a dot. Even if you read the Russian historians or history in general you will know that the German fear has been a timeless stuff for the Russians and for good reasons because the germans can outdo the Russians in their strongest area which is the capability to bite down on your mouth piece and dig deep and patience. The Germans are known for their patience and endurance which is why they have beaten the Russians so many times because they are the only ones who can outshine the Russians in their strongest area..
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