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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Was it not Russia that fought Chechnya ? Why you try pin those atrocities on Ukraine ?

This Chechen man and his wife so brutally executed by Russians were in the 67th SS division of the NAZI army. Thats the only explanation I can give.
Russians already all talk warning and threatening those who already being delivering weapons killing thousands of Russian soldiers and wounding many more along with preventing them from achieving their goals.

When the so hotly discussed Polish Mig29 are delivered to Ukraine, come back and talk.

Till then it is just that... talk ... hot air!
So what the heck was Blinken talking about when he said it gets our green light?

USSR suppled aircraft to North Vietnam.

ah well.
Yes but flying jets from a polish/nato air field to Ukraine will be seen as an act of war by Poland against Russia. Imagine the jets taking off and shot down by Russian air force and the wreckage falls in Poland and kills 10 polls on the ground. What would we say then. What would happen when the Ukrainian mig-29 runs back to polish air space and the Russians shoot down mig -29s and f-16s providing CAP?

the only way they can provide weapons to Ukraine is by road. When they do so liviv will be leveled by the Russians to set an example

When the so hotly discussed Polish Mig29 are delivered to Ukraine, come back and talk.

Till then it is just that... talk ... hot air!
So is threatening countries supplying weapons currently, we can talk about that.

Yes but flying jets from a polish/nato air field to Ukraine will be seen as an act of war by Poland against Russia. Imagine the jets taking off and shot down by Russian air force and the wreckage falls in Poland and kills 10 polls on the ground. What would we say then. What would happen when the Ukrainian mig-29 runs back to polish air space and the Russians shoot down mig -29s and f-16s providing CAP?

the only way they can provide weapons to Ukraine is by road. When they do so liviv will be leveled by the Russians to set an example

No they haven’t leveled Liviv cause they haven’t done it and anything else in westward and wasting their missiles trying to. Why else is the Ukrainian Air Force still intact?

A Russian governor in Siberia was recently engaged in an emotional confrontation with angry local people, who blamed him for deploying a local riot police unit as “cannon fodder” in Ukraine

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Reports are now saying that it was the Ukrainians who accidentally shot down the Romanian Mig-21 and the rescue helicopter

That is no report, just propaganda . No Romanian official channel has even peddled that crappy information. Stop polluting the thread which such nonsense.
Well you better find alternative energy sources by next winter. It will be tough for you guys. australia wont suffer anything probably because of this. we export 66% of all the food we make and its just an extremely wealthy country. The biggest cost is housing. everything else is pretty cheap.

And if worst comes to worst, there are 50 milion kangaroos running wild. Each has 40kg of meat. I have gun, so... I will not be running out of food. We also have quite a large coastline and more than a few fish.

Germans could perhaps restart those nuclear plants that Merkel foolishly closed down.

For two days there was a discussion about reopening the nuclear plants, but the idiots in gov denied it. The complete political class is of shitty idiots.

Germany has to switch to hydrogen economy to become independent of importing energy. 22 years ago we were on the way to it, but it was cancelled by the idiots politician. They all work for USA idiots and so do not want that Germany gets independent. Also we need 3-4 "atomic waste burner" nuclear plants from Russia (the BN Series, e.g. BN-1200 and better). It is always better to destroy the long radients of the nuclear waste by consuming it than buried it somewhere in the earth and dont knowing what happend then in 100+ years with it.
Well you better find alternative energy sources by next winter. It will be tough for you guys. australia wont suffer anything probably because of this. we export 66% of all the food we make and its just an extremely wealthy country. The biggest cost is housing. everything else is pretty cheap.

And if worst comes to worst, there are 50 milion kangaroos running wild. Each has 40kg of meat. I have gun, so... I will not be running out of food. We also have quite a large coastline and more than a few fish.

Germans could perhaps restart those nuclear plants that Merkel foolishly closed down.

Australia is very blessed indeed. As are the Americas and Africa below the northern regions as are the island nations. Screwed are the Eurasian people!! Wars, terrible wars. Constant wars. Long wars. Probably historically the most violent region in the world.

As for Russia, you are right in a post above: Even Russians living in nuclear bunker would have better life than many Indians living relatively unscathed by the war. But let's not get too hung up on that; we have wasted too much time on this thread over someone's mistake about India vs Russia. We all make mistakes.

I don't think sanctions are going to hurt Russia to the point of major socioeconomic pain except to the already well off. Russia has enormous resources. Their standard of living is going to go down for sure but probably not enough to cause a mass uprising. The best to be expected for is a military coup against Putin.

Speaking of Russian soldiers' mutiny, worth watching this scene. Yes, I have seen this movie and the newer one (2002) many times!

Lol I’m not willing to die for what happens in Ukraine. No one in far off America wants to die. The lives of billions in the world are worth more than the Ukrainian state “surviving”.

According to thetutle, we should all die to stop putin. You know thetutle bosnian guy can predict what we will do hence he speaks for all of us. he has telepathic skill.
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