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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Combine these 2 tweets and anyone with basic IQ will understand the war..

(the video lays it bare)

The assessment was spot on. Just that CIA saw it as an opportunity and flamed it for its strategic interests. Everything mentioned in 2008 happened, from ethnic cleansing to civil war to Russia ukraine war. Each word has come true.

I don't agree.

Putin closed all the doors for Ukraine to stay neutral by occupying the Crimea.

Still today, Putin didn't put Crimea on the negotiation table i.e. if Ukraine becomes neutral, then Russia will return the Crimea.

Therefore, it is Putin who pushed Ukraine towards NATO for their defense.

In simple words, till the time Putin does not put Crimea on the negotiation table for peace, till that time it is impossible for Ukrainians to become a neutral state.

And Zelensky is not a puppet in the present situation, while MAJORITY of Ukrainians are opposing Putin and majority of them want to join NATO.
In light of this tweet and the recent tweet from the Russian MoFA there is something brewing for tomorrow:


Someone desperately wants NATO intervention that's all. 😂

The dead giveaway was when Ukrainian side wanted everyone to pass without checks so the nazis can mix with the common people and escape, Russia wants to have a checking point before letting people go.

These nazis are desperately and by force stopping common people from leaving the siege.

This is what Russia is warning. The videos are plenty of them using civilian infra like schools etc as bases. Most likely they plan to attack civilians and blame Russia than cry for intervention.
@gambit I saw your comment that why people who criticize American foreign policies go to america?

The reason is that American policies in other countries have brought mayhem and bloodshed however at the same time, US provides excellent financial and social opportunities inside America for almost everyone which are unavailable anywhere. So when you say America is a great country, i understand what you are coming from.

To be fair, each and every country has skeletons in her closets and anyone can be called an evil state.
Someone desperately wants NATO intervention that's all. 😂

The dead giveaway was when Ukrainian side wanted everyone to pass without checks so the nazis can mix with the common people and escape, Russia wants to have a checking point before letting people go.

These nazis are desperately and by force stopping common people from leaving the siege.

This is what Russia is warning. The videos are plenty of them using civilian infra like schools etc as bases. Most likely they plan to attack civilians and blame Russia than cry for intervention.
Agreed it’s getting out of hand now: read this

I don't agree.

Putin closed all the doors for Ukraine to stay neutral by occupying the Crimea.

Still today, Putin didn't put Crimea on the negotiation table i.e. if Ukraine becomes neutral, then Russia will return the Crimea.

Therefore, it is Putin who pushed Ukraine towards NATO for their defense.

In simple words, till the time Putin does not put Crimea on the negotiation table for peace, till that time it is impossible for Ukrainians to become a neutral state.

And Zelensky is not a puppet in the present situation, while MAJORITY of Ukrainians are opposing Putin and majority of them want to join NATO.

The problem with your post is your time line starts in 2014.

What were the events that led to crimea ?

As I said read the letter and connect the dots.
Agreed it’s getting out of hand now: read this

Exactly, explains everything that is happening in Ukraine for the last decade ( the war is just an escalation). Its all geostrategic interests.

That's why I hold the opinion. Support the common people not the puppet ( which in turn is support for the actual culprits the ones responsible for bloodshed )
These are the people being provided lethal aid right now: the little man in the photo next to Ivan is Nestor Shufrych (Member of Parliament in Ukraine)


He has been arrested for allegedly taking a photo of a checkpoint and is presently is custody of the vigilante police…

Mad Max 5.0

Agreed it’s getting out of hand now: read this

As far as my thought goes. This is probably what Putin have done wrong.

NATO were never going to come into Ukraine assistance except for Arms transfer, the request of No Fly Zone is a no brainer, Zelenskyy knows it, Putin knows it, everyone in NATO knows it.

So if Putin is smart, he should have wait until Zelenskyy losing steam on NATO (like the address he has done yesterday) and when he does, gently remind Zelenskyy that NATO is not coming, and they weren't coming from the get go and he was living in a dream for thinking NATO is going to bail his country out. Everyone in both side knows the American and European will at most just sit infront of their tele and say "How awful is this" and move on. So if Putin make the situation dire enough, and show them his hand, he would probably agree to most of Russian point. I would assume this is the reason why putting did not engage fully with the war in the first 7 days

That is not going to happen now because Putin used a hardline approach, which done too many thing that would cross the line not just to Zelenskyy but to normal Ukrainian. As I said before, you don't make friend with bombs. Which mean the more the Russia side shell civilian, the more you put them against Putin, and there are no way 200,000 troop (probably a lot less now as the war of attrition went on can control the entire country.) Which mean insurgency at this point is all but certain, and this is not going to be driven by the EU or NATO, but simply people losing their home, their love one because Russia choose to target civilian instead of military target. Much like how Germany were at the brink of conquering British RAF but then they choose to bomb civilian, which increased the population resolve and gave reprieve to the military
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