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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But the congress can make laws against rebeliouness, teachery and instigation (all three can bee regarded blasphemy) against the constitution and the state right? In other words there is something sacred and that sacred is the state and its people, thus blasphemy is disallowed.

my final post too on this matter.

I am happy to had this discussion with you.

Regarding free speech in the West, specifically the US, it's a joke for anyone to claim that they have freedom of speech. The US media is overwhelmingly owned by (((them))) and any opinion that is contrary to the official line is fully suppressed. For example, over half the US population believes that 9/11 was an inside job to kick start wars in the Middle East, but when has the mainstream media ever allowed that discussion?

Try to say anything against Jews and you'll lose your job very quickly and be turned into an outcast. Today this protection extends to the LGTBQ community and some other groups. The only group regarding whom free speech is allowed is Muslims. All kinds of abuse of Muslims is protected by freedom of speech laws.

There used to be something called the alternative media. After 9/11 it was the main source for finding the truth and there were tons of alternative media websites. But over the years (((they))) have either bought them off or shut them down. Now I know of only a couple of alternative media websites that I can trust. Even they are suspected of being sources of information gathering by them.

It an Orwellian world out there.
He is allowed to criticize, but does that mean he is immune from the consequences of his speech? Free speech works both ways, correct?
sounds more like a threat used in dictatorships.

In democracies, everyone is allowed his opinion, however idiotic it might be , without threats of retaliation.

I'm a bit lost on all this Neo-Nazi stuff. As far as I know both the Ukrainians and Russians are Slavs and thus on Hitler's sh*t list. Or are they treating others on the list even worse...like the Roma.
BTW I commend PDF to allow posts with different opinions. This thread is probably 50/50 in favor or against Russia. Quite balanced, and a good source to learn both sides of the story.

This war, I believe, is as significant, if not more, than 9/11 and may have repercussions for a long time. I haven't found another source for information better than this thread. So good job.
As to be expected there are a lot of angry Ukrainians right now :

🤬 The US, like NATO, believes that it is not worth introducing a "no-fly zone" over Ukraine - Secretary of State Blinken.
The US as well as NATO believe a no-fly zone should not be imposed over Ukraine - Secretary Blinken.

Blinken and NATO chief warn establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine could lead to a 'full-fledged war in Europe' By Jeremy Herb, CNN
sounds more like a threat used in dictatorships.

In democracies, everyone is allowed his opinion, however idiotic it might be , without threats of retaliation.
The difference here is that verbal retaliations do not hurt, except for your feelings. That is called the 'arena of ideas' and where democracies recommends contests resides.
The author is a Pakistani-American and she just said it was the least bad choice.


Madiha Afzal

We know her very well 😂🤡
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