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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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"All you see" is a T80BVM which is only in Russian army's inventory. You always come with the "muh do you have a proof it beloned to russians" when the vast majority of equipments shown aren't in ukrainian army inventory or when they are,in different versions.

You can't just accept the fact the "world's second most powerful" army is showing pathetic performances in the Ukrainian conflict and that the number of hardware destroyed or abandoned is astonishing. It was the army that supposed to take europe within 48 hours,seeing their performance even the Polish army could 1v1 them.

I have no skin in this fight and am actually neutral. We just need facts separated from propaganda. The tank was parked there. Where are the Ukrainian troops driving the tank and where are the Russian forces? All I've asked you show were facts - and not fake propaganda.
Serbia looks very isolated in Europe.

I love how Afghanistan just came out of a 10 year long occupation by NATO and is till against Putin. lol Tells you a lot about Russia's Afghanistan brutality. Not easily forgotten.

They didn't say anything and wrongly included in that but what they say is to refrain from violence and called for peace.. Without chosing a side
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lol, just see how many APC's and tanks and helicopters are destroyed, I suppose Russians just walk out of a burning exploded tank no problem. Or that helicopter or two falling into water at top speed on its way to the front. all empty im sure and if there were soldiers onboard they all lived to tell about how it feels like to fall into water with helicopter at top speed.
They’re higher. That being said the Ukrainian forces have not published anything with many independents saying their losses are terrible.

Military losses from both sides should be already in the thousands. Expect much horrific losses when urban warfare will be engaged in Ukraine's most populated cities.

lol, just see how many APC's and tanks and helicopters are destroyed, I suppose Russians just walk out of a burning exploded tank no problem. Or that helicopter or two falling into water at top speed on its way to the front. all empty im sure and if there were soldiers onboard they all lived to tell about how it feels like to fall into water with helicopter at top speed.

The Russians have always been known to minimize or hide their casualties. They don't even bother to recover the bodies of their soldiers.

so much disinformation from the Ukrainian side like that "ghost of Kiev" BS.


Russia reveals number of killed and injured troops in Ukraine

Some 498 servicemen have been killed and nearly 1,600 have been wounded during the ongoing attack on Ukraine, Russia’s military claimed on Wednesday.

According to Russian military estimates, Ukrainian army units and far-right paramilitaries have reportedly lost at least 2,870 soldiers, while a further 3,700 have received various wounds. Some 572 Ukrainian servicemen were taken prisoner, the ministry added.

Russian units involved in the operation are comprised solely of professional soldiers, the military has said, refuting allegations that the invasion force largely consists of “conscripts.”


Before I went to sleep, my wife said to me: This Russia is such a bad country, If Ukraine wants to join Nato, it is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene, this is just an excuse for Russia to invade Ukarine.

So I said nothing, I just went to the kitchen and took a knife to bedside, then I said: Let’s go to sleep.

My wife looked at me with her wide eyes: What the heck are you doing, sleeping with a knife?!?!

I said: No worry, let’s go to sleep. Beside, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and it is my freedom.

My wife said: How can I sleep when you are sleeping with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.
Is this a joke? The wife should file for divorce. This man is not worth staying with. He is creepy and manipulative.

Russia already share border with NATO member states. There is no justification for assaulting Ukraine.
Is this a joke? The wife should file for divorce. This man is not worth staying with. He is creepy and manipulative.

Russia already share border with NATO member states. There is no justification for assaulting Ukraine.

LOW IQs who think NATO poses a threat to Russia's integrity. Russia is the very reason countries are pushing west and looking to join NATO,Russia's actions and words are only to blame.

Russians getting Fantastic Tea

Is this a joke? The wife should file for divorce. This man is not worth staying with. He is creepy and manipulative.

Russia already share border with NATO member states. There is no justification for assaulting Ukraine.
NATO is a blood lusted, offensive organization whose purpose is to destroy Russia.
Russia has every right to use military force to defend itself against this menace by preventing new members especially those that have borders with Russia from joining NATO. Just because Russia couldn't prevent the Baltics from joining NATO (for various reasons, one of them is that China's economy at that time wasn't anywhere near as big as it is today) that doesn't mean Russia should just roll over and allow this north atlantic menace to expand further at the border.
NATO is a blood lusted, offensive organization whose purpose is to destroy Russia.
Russia has every right to use military force to defend itself against this menace by preventing new members especially those that have borders with Russia from joining NATO. Just because Russia couldn't prevent the Baltics from joining NATO (for various reasons, one of them is that China's economy at that time wasn't anywhere near as big as it is today) that doesn't mean Russia should just roll over and allow this north atlantic menace to expand further at the border.
Did any NATO member state attack Russia?

Russia is not defending itself - it is attacking and stealing lands from neighboring countries under different pretexts.
Is this a joke? The wife should file for divorce. This man is not worth staying with. He is creepy and manipulative.

Russia already share border with NATO member states. There is no justification for assaulting Ukraine.
100 percent agree it’s interesting he decided to post when he did and draw parallels between domestic abuse and global conflict.
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