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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So pure hypocrisy from the virtue signalling west, as expected.

Can we please stay on topic. I found the muslims are insufferable bunch of people. You guys are very self-centric but you don't see it and as if the whole world revolves around you..

I am tired of this frankly because the world has 8 billion people which 7 of them are not muslims but I don't understand how you guys are so self-centric and I find it to be vain because in topics that are not even about you has to turn into about you...

It is as if you always want to be the star of the movie and the main attraction or topic talked about.. I have been seeing it in this thread and couple of other threads..

When sometimes the topic is not about you take a backseat look into other peoples lives and learn about their cultures how they live etc etc.. Not many even know one town of Ukraine despite this entire war and all they have been talking about is ME, Cairo, Abdul-Fattah Sisi, Imran Khan packages or meeting Putin, Erdogan Black-sea, Iran and the Iranian peoples sentiments, PKK, Hamas and surprising alot of Hamas etc etc
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Convict leasing was abolished in 1942. Then you had sharecropping which restricted free movement away from cotton fields and could be whipped for trying to leave. And before you say that's not slavery, any forced labour of captives into servitude, that's slavery by any definition. Even though both practices were outlawed the practiced carried on into the 70s and ignored by the authorities by both North and South.
Convict leasing was abolished in 1942. Then you had sharecropping which restricted free movement away from cotton fields and could be whipped for trying to leave. And before you say that's not slavery, any forced labour of captives into servitude, that's slavery by any definition. Even though both practices were outlawed the practiced carried on into the 70s and ignored by the authorities by both North and South.
If that is the case, then slavery is still with us, e.g. H1-B workers.

When a debate goes into the phase of exceptions fighting with exceptions, it becomes less productive and more pointless, for every country has exceptions.
If that is the case, then slavery is still with us, e.g. H1-B workers.

When a debate goes into the phase of exceptions fighting with exceptions, it becomes less productive and more pointless, for every country has exceptions.
What a convenient excuse
Thanks your sharing the info, linking to

Turned out that Afghanistan, Irak, Cuba, China, Syria, Philippines, Turkey, Pakistan, .....

Ratified the Slavery Convention before the mighty USA

Where is the proof that it belonged to the Russian forces? All I saw is a tank parked on a snow.
No proof needed once it's against Russia, also this account is backing the west blatantly
Can we please stay on topic. I found the muslims are insufferable bunch of people. You guys are very self-centric but you don't see it and as if the whole world revolves around you..

I am tired of this frankly because the world has 8 billion people which 7 of them are not muslims but I don't understand how you guys are so self-centric and I find it to be vain because in topics that are not even about you has to turn into about you...

It is as if you always want to be the star of the movie and the main attraction or topic talked about.. I have been seeing it in this thread and couple of other threads
Says the man that wants a one world government whom the world is in servitude to a bunch of western powers. Hypocrisy and double standards. Why cant Muslims look out for their own self interest? Why do we have to fight your wars for you when you hate and kill us? Slavery has finished, snap out of it! I find it hypocritical of westerners crying over another group of people doing exactly the same as they do. We are answerable to Allah, and if that makes us self-centred then I wont lose sleep. The obligatory charity, rights of parents, non-Muslims living under Muslim rule and treatment of non-combattants just proves were anything but self centred. If you ever suggest Muslims have to take a side in this conflict again this is the response you will get from me I'm afraid.
If that is the case, then slavery is still with us, e.g. H1-B workers.
It is argued sex slavery and slavery in general hasn't really been abolished, just had a rebranding. Regardless the evidence I gave was slavery that is identical to any other form of slavery.
Where is the proof that it belonged to the Russian forces? All I saw is a tank parked on a snow.

"All you see" is a T80BVM which is only in Russian army's inventory. You always come with the "muh do you have a proof it beloned to russians" when the vast majority of equipments shown aren't in ukrainian army inventory or when they are,in different versions.

You can't just accept the fact the "world's second most powerful" army is showing pathetic performances in the Ukrainian conflict and that the number of hardware destroyed or abandoned is astonishing. It was the army that supposed to take europe within 48 hours,seeing their performance even the Polish army could 1v1 them.
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