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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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How would they do that? Russia has already invaded most of the east and south of Ukraine.

The UAF is not capable of flying over Russian territory. Not even an iota of chance to even approach Russia's airspace without getting intercepted or shot down.
The best they can do is to fire Tochka missiles and hope that it would hit somewhere because the CEP is not that good. And I believe they did it once, but if they resort to this pitiful tactic which has a high chance of not hitting its target and would most probably lead only to civilian casaulties, assuming that it won't get intercepted by S-300, S-400 and S-500, Russia will literally bomb them to the stone age without mercy. Russia is an extremely large country and Ukraine has only short range missiles if I'm not wrong. Meanwhile, Moscow is like 800 km far from Ukraine's borders. So, there's very little, if anything, that Ukraine can do.
dude , I was talking about ballistic missiles ....
NATO defensive pact? Come one mann.. They are anything but defensive pact but a flatout bully for the last 50 years and one of the biggest bullies.

Many Layman in here think Israel stands because of Israel:rofl::rofl::rofl: They have been shouting at the wrong and also some even think China is sparing Taiwan? The Israel-Taiwan situation is the same they are both being shielded
OK. Let me correct that. NATO is a defensive pact, which only allows USA to be the offensive one or any country encouraged by USA. I don't think other members, particularly Germany, would like to see some other idiotic member get all of them into a war that they don't want.
Not yet but they are applying. So, consider this as an interview with NATO.
At this rate ,there won't be any Ukrain in next 2 month and Im sure eve if Russians are forced to withdraw , the they would destroy all Ukraine infrastructure .....

a lose_lose situation for Ukraine
OK. Let me correct that. NATO is a defensive pact, which only allows USA to be the offensive one or any country encouraged by USA. I don't think other members, particularly Germany, would like to see some other idiotic member get all of them into a war that they don't want.

No bro NATO is a large wolf pack that is absolutely dangerous and it has an alpha hence they follow the Alpha if he wages war they all go out and fight if they need scale to it etc etc. They are militarily hazardous to many countries or they present an existential threat and they present themselves as defense but most of their wars is actully offense and never fought a defense fight because nobody attacked
Sorry but Islam in 7th Century began the idea of freeing slaves for free, fast forward 1000 years and the world witnessed the worst case of animalistic slavery from the colonial powers. Legally aboloshing slavery doesn't justify the fact that the west had the worst record of slavery and American still had slavery in living memory, long after Muslims aboloshed slavery "legally". Islam started all of this. Never compare a Muslim slave with a European. Muslim slaves had always lived better quality of life than European freemen.
You may want to check the history of slavery in Ottoman empire, which lasted decades after America has abolished it. Maybe that memory was not living because Muslims choose to ignore it.

No bro NATO is a large wolf pack that is absolutely dangerous and it has an alpha hence they follow the Alpha if he wages war they all go out and fight if they need scale to it etc etc. They are militarily hazardous to many countries or they present an existential threat
Well, when the alpha waged the war on Iraq, many members didn't follow.
Sorry but Islam in 7th Century began the idea of freeing slaves for free, fast forward 1000 years and the world witnessed the worst case of animalistic slavery from the colonial powers. Legally aboloshing slavery doesn't justify the fact that the west had the worst record of slavery and American still had slavery in living memory, long after Muslims aboloshed slavery "legally". Islam started all of this. Never compare a Muslim slave with a European. Muslim slaves had always lived better quality of life than European freemen.

I am sorry, but you could not ask me to indulge in a religious debate with you regarding Islam here, while you have the liberty to say all that you want, while I have already got the warning from admins.
Therefore, if you really want to discuss, then you have to face me at any neutral place where we both could bring our proof.
At this rate ,there won't be any Ukrain in next 2 month and Im sure eve if Russians are forced to withdraw , the they would destroy all Ukraine infrastructure .....

a lose_lose situation for Ukraine
My bet is the Russians will leave the western Ukraine largely alone. You are right that if Russians are forced to withdraw, Ukrainians can kiss their infrastructure good-bye.
You may want to check the history of slavery in Ottoman empire, which lasted decades after America has abolished it. Maybe that memory was not living because Muslims choose to ignore it.

Well, when the alpha waged the war on Iraq, many members didn't follow.

Because it was at much lower scale but when need arises for a bigger scale they will all throw their entire armed forces on the table in such conflicts hence they are extremely dangerous from a militarily point of view...

In order to clash with them and take it from them you need scale and mass alliance large enough to collide with them right at the center of the octagon.. But lone wolves stand no chance whatsoever against them militarily
Because it was at much lower scale but when need arises for a bigger scale they will all throw their entire armed forces on the table in such conflicts hence they are extremely dangerous from a militarily point of view
All wars start from lower scale, even world wars. It is up to how daring the alpha can escalate the offense, which also requires the proper response from the antagonist, without whose cooperation, it will remain to be at the lower scale.
I suppose you're a Bosnian. As a Bosnian, you probably know that it goes deeper than just skin color kind of "racism", and yes, I am loosing racism loosely here. It has a religious element to it as well. The Europeans dislike Muslims. Yes, Assad is white but because he's a Muslim that doesn't count.

In fact, xenophobia is usually accompanied by religious bigotry, even when Protestants fought Catholics.

I dont think so. I have been all over Europe and America. I know how people treat me, if you're a white guy, you can walk around dressed in turbans and people will just think you're a bit eccentric or strange. If you're really into islam they would think of you as they think of a white communist or a hippie, i.e. someone that has just lost their way. They might even hate your ideology or religion, but at the end of the day, you're a white guy.

If you're an African in Europe or even better, in America, you can dress like a college professor and wear a 6 foot cross around your neck, you still get shot but the police.

Im sure someone tried this for a joke but if some 6 foot blonde guy dressed like an Arab walked around a nice neighbourhood and a black guy walked around in a suit, the chances are somebody will call the police because the black guy is out of place and looks suspicious.

People will assume the white guy is going to a fancy dress party and the Black guy is trying to kill them. Thats the world we live in.
Kazakstan they down need yet as its basically a colony. Yes Ethnic Russians find it hard to live there and a leaving, but Russia thinks this is ok as long as the control their President. A bit Like Chechnya. I dot think A Russian can safely walk the street there, but Putin is ok with that because they give him people to throw in the meat grinder and any oil if they find it.

Kazakhstan is messy country, just like Arabs. Even if Russians will invade them, they will kill them just so they can come back to fighting each others.

This is why Russians pulled out so early in January.
The zionist Sam Harris hides behind new Atheism when he dehumanize palestinians and muslims in order to garner support for the Israeli Mass killings of Palestinians. Harris is of course a Zionist Jew himself.

So he is a fake atheist like Christopher Hitchens who Google says influenced Harris and both seem to have had the same hate against Islam.
Bingo. Hopefully Pakistani Neoliberals who feed off the Western Human Rights religion now realize their false gods are all BS.

If only they would be so conscious of their own hypocrisy... even when it stares them in the face.
Western world and this western ************************* media literally provoked Putin. From the beginning, Russians avoided mass casualties and collateral and that was clearly evident from the Russian strategy but this ***** western media continuously provoking Russia by showing that Russians are failing in Ukraine. Now it seems like Russian forces got freehand from Putin the way they end the entire Mariupol with in just 10 - 15 hours (with non-stop bombing)
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