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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Did any NATO member state attack Russia?

Russia is not defending itself - it is attacking and stealing lands from neighboring countries under different pretexts.
Are you trying to claim that NATO is not an offensive organization?
the very reason countries are pushing west and looking to join NATO,Russia's actions and words are only to blame.

NATO is anything but defensive why is NATO containing China and North Korea on the far east by deploying 100.000 US troops which sit against China and NK? NATO is not a defense element but rather offensive and they will take out Russia in the endgame and the whole reason of them gathering on the Russian borders is for the endgame and trying to contain Russia they have militarized the eastern flank slowly but shortly. Estonia is basically inside the Suburb of Sct-Petersbourg that is dangerously close
100 percent agree it’s interesting he decided to post when he did and draw parallels between domestic abuse and global conflict.
Absolutely. Some members of this forum continue to surprise me.

If I was that woman, I would have taught him a lesson.
I am pretty sure al least half these soldiers dont wanna be there. they see Ukranians as brothers, they dont get paid enough to do this crap tot heir own people.

Ok they are not the same people, but they are very close. So many Russians have Ukranian ancestry.

How about that Russian guy holding up hand grenades walking through a crowd. Thats just desperation. He does not hate that crowd and he is sure that he may very well die walking through there and he does it anyway and he's probably saying he sounds have gone to school and studied harder and found a better job than being Putins cannon fodder.

You think these Chechens want to be there? Half of them would kill a Russian soldier if they had the chance. All of them have lost family to the Russian army.

UN approves resolution condemning Russia​

The United Nations General Assembly has approved anon-binding resolution condemning Russia for the invasion of Ukraine and demanding an immediate withdrawal.

The vote saw 141 countries in favour, five against and 35 abstaining.


In pictures: People wait to board an evacuation train from Kyiv to Lviv​

A packed platform has been seen at Kyiv central station, where people are waiting for an evacuation train to Lviv.




Source: BSKYB.
NATO bombed Gaddafi in 2011, the aftermath caused regional instability that continues today.

Certain NATO nations love to play general, because their military is superior to rivals.
That is why everyone should get a nuke so if someone tries to make the world a hellhole for him, he can return the favor.
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