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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Shameful but not surprising. Russians have even moved around filmed multiple times Ukrainian POWs to inflate their claimed numbers,they are pretty desperate. @F-22Raptor

They are also filming their own losses and claiming they are Ukrainians or filming captured or destroyed Ukrainian equipments,moving them around and filming them on multiple angles....
Ukraine says sorry to Japan for comparing Emperor Hirohito to Hitler on Twitter
The tweet showing Japan’s wartime emperor alongside Hitler and Mussolini in a video about fascism came from an official Ukrainian government account
It circulated widely over the weekend and prompted an official protest, as it threatened to alienate a country that has been strongly supportive of Ukraine
An official Ukrainian government Twitter account has issued an apology after showing a picture of Japan’s wartime Emperor Hirohito alongside Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in a social media video about the defeat of fascism.

“Our sincere apologies to Japan for making this mistake,” read a message on the Ukrainian Twitter feed. “We had no intention to offend the friendly people of Japan.” An edited version of the video without Hirohito’s picture was appended to the post.

The tweet had circulated widely over the weekend and prompted an official protest from Japan. It also threatened to alienate some conservatives from the Ukrainian cause in a country that has been strongly supportive of President Volodymyr Zelensky since the Russian invasion began.

Japan fought World War II in the name of Hirohito, who was revered as a god until he renounced his divinity after Japan’s defeat. Historical evaluations of his role in the war remain divided. He is known posthumously in Japan as Emperor Showa.

Japan has joined its ally the US and other leading democracies in sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime and has broken with its pacifist tradition by sending non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine. It has also taken the unusual step of opening its doors to a few hundred refugees fleeing the war.

Masahisa Sato, the head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s foreign policy panel, said on Sunday that he had urged the Foreign Ministry to protest to the Ukrainian government. He later added on Twitter that the ministry appeared to have done so, and the “problematic” video was removed.

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihiko Isozaki said Japan would continue to support Ukrainians defending their country from Russia’s invasion despite the “completely inappropriate” portrayal of Hirohito.

“Portraying Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Showa in the same context is completely inappropriate,” Isozaki told reporters. “It was extremely regrettable.”

Ukraine Ambassador to Japan Sergiy Korsunsky apologised in a tweet Monday, saying the creator of the video lacked an understanding of history.

While some Twitter users said they had lost interest in supporting Ukraine over the post, others said it would have been more appropriate to use a picture of Hideki Tojo, who was prime minister of Japan during most of World War II and later hanged as a convicted war criminal.

The creator of the video lacked an understanding of history???? Really.

After the end of WW2, countless mass graves containing 10,000 bodies and more without their heads were discovered thru out China and ASEAN. So they cut off their own heads and jumped into the grave.

Japan unlike Germany and Italy is still in denial and has never repented for its facism.

Much harder with what they have now.

Georgia will just pound the only road passing the Caucasus, and blow up the tunnels.

Then, they will only have to hold 2-3 chokepoints

Russia can only spare 2 armies at most to send there, and their departure will be for everybody to see.

For as long as Azebaijian is hostile to Russia, they are safe.

Even nukes are of little use in the mountains. Mountain valleys lens the shockwave inside, and whomever is there is doubly screwed, but forces just across the ridge take zero damage.

Similarly, Russian plan to reach Blakans is equally lunatical. To reach their Balkan allies, they will need to pass Bulgaria, and Romania.

Romania is a NATO member, with quite a number of NATO brigades on its territory already, and some minimal military of its own.

If Russia will want to capture Romania itself, they will have to capture Bucharest (1.8m people, concrete construction, subway network.) And even if they somehow manage to beat their regulars there, the rest of Romanian force will run into mountains, and then Russians will be screwed.

Even if they will decide to pass Bucharest at significant distance, they can't bypass Sofia (Negotin route is too vulnerable to attacks from Carpathians, and from Bulgaria itself,) and invading Bulgaria always been a nightmare, ask Turks.

And if they will want to invade Poland, well, half of NATO is already there...

It's a sick fantasy, and not a military plan.

Romania was once home to the most powerful being on Earth
If one don't pay their internet bill, they gets cut off.

And we don't called them "Gas Blackmail" as Ursula Von Der Leya did.
I immediately lost my respect for this person.

Surely, no one will expects Russia to supply gas for free.

IMO if it has been the US they would have cut off the gas right at the beginning of the war.
That doesn't fall into the criteria if one is Muslim or not, sorry. It's a mute point.

“There is no favor of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin, nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness."

These strong words were spoken during the Prophet Muhammad's(SAW) farewell sermon, where he advised Muslims to embrace racial equality. From this, we learn that it is our own responsibility to break all prejudices so our community can truly progress. We need to continually be conscious and aware of our thoughts and actions. Islam teaches us to honor the fact that all human beings are born equal with dignity and nobility, regardless of our race.

One is not Muslim by birth or name but rather by their beliefs. Being racist is not the Muslim way.
If one don't pay their internet bill, they gets cut off.

And we don't called them "Gas Blackmail" as Ursula Von Der Leya did.
I immediately lost my respect for this person.

Surely, no one will expects Russia to supply gas for free.

IMO if it has been the US they would have cut off the gas right at the beginning of the war.
EU is projecting.

The main blackmailer here is EU.

Economic blackmail is that EU does everytime they make sanctions to countries that they dont like.
"Russia brings justice, peace and security....."

I don't know how that guy can say that with a straight face. Mass murder, Mass rape and Mass looting of civilians is a strange way of bringing justice, peace and security.

And I like the bit where the woman says "..we'll have to conduct a special military operation to demilitarize Nato.." then quickly adds "...that may not be easy". She didn't say it with a great deal of conviction, and when you watch the faces of the other panelists, none of them really believe it's possible. They can't even beat Ukraine.
As I have envisaged, Germany will soon joined the US and supplied or rather dumped their arsenal of outdated weapons to Ukraine although Zalensky has clearly insulted them.

Delivery of the Gepard Tanks pointed to that direction.

The Gepard Tanks has already been decommissioned more than a decade ago in Germany.

The US has never said that their weapon supplies to Ukraine are free meaning that like what Soviet Union did to China after the Korean War ended, the Ukraine may be soon issued a bill.

And that would be an disastrous outcome foe Ukraine.

Ukraine economy will be ruined.

It won't be 5 million Ukrainian refugee flooding EU then but maybe 15~20 millions.
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