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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But I was talking about the 2003 illegal invasion of Iraq by the Americans!
Yeah, its a tough one, because there was no going back for Iraq after their failed invasion. And Saddam planned a dynastic rule over Iraq for generations like Assad. It just had to end.
And no one has the right to overthrow dictators in other countries--especially when that illegal war led to untold suffering.
I think that no one has a right to be a dictator. And they all have to go. And they will go.
Saddam was well confined in Iraq by 2003 and by now a large number of people even in America say that the Iraq war of 2003 was a big mistake.
Someone had to get rid of him for going against the rules based world order. the selfish American mistake was not doing it in 1991.
And no one here should bring up 'sovereignty' of states factor without bringing up how sovereignty of states have been violated by America multiple times, to the point of destroying the lives of millions of people.
they did some of this, for sure, but America's imposed world order in 1945 gave freedom from colonialism to so many.
Anyway, once again you and I disagree on some things. But overall I agree with you that Russia is a has-been force and I only see a greatly truncated Russia long term. It is not necessarily my wish but an observation.
I think so. But I didn't think so before the war, I honestly would have bet that Russia could take half of Europe in 2 months. I am shocked. I also know russia and they will never accept being China's sidekick. So their future is very uncertain, because this is their only option.

If I was Putin I would have spent the next 30 years pretending russia is still a great power, like Britain has done since WW2. And hoping no one finds out that they are not.

He did not follow the British example, and now everyone can see what Russia is.
The point I was making is you clowns say the the US shouldn’t do it but it’s ok for Russia to do it because the US did it, see the irony of your argument 🤷🏿‍♂️

Learn to follow proper forum etiquette!
Pointing out the hypocrisy of 'sovereignty' of nations doesn't mean justifying Russia's invasion which is just as wrong as were the multiple invasions by Americans. Around the time of the 2003 illegal Iraq war, it was said by many commentators that that would one day lead to more powerful nations launching their own illegal wars--just like what has happened here with this illegal invasion of Ukraine. Whatever world-order established after the end of WW2, is being destroyed in front of us. That order, however flawed it was, did raise billions out of poverty around the globe and, by human standards, was not as destructive as the decades and centuries before that.

Coming back to the topic: Looks like Russia does want to take even Odessa. Wow! I was expected them to stop after Mariupol but they seem to have enough confidence in their abilities to keep the war going... unless they are bluffing??
I don't have time to read all of the thread so

Is russia winning the war or losing?
Coming back to the topic: Looks like Russia does want to take even Odessa. Wow! I was expected them to stop after Mariupol but they seem to have enough confidence in their abilities to keep the war going... unless they are bluffing??
Of course they want Odessa and all of Ukraine actually. and there counties. staring with parts of Moldova next. They are confident only because their intelligence is faulty.

I don't have time to read all of the thread so

Is russia winning the war or losing?
Its gaining territory at great cost. But it is gaining territory.
Of course they want Odessa and all of Ukraine actually. and there counties. staring with parts of Moldova next. They are confident only because their intelligence is faulty.

The tiny strip of land in eastern Moldova is already sort of Russian affiliated? Then the plan is to take all of southern Ukraine to make a Ukraine land-locked country?

The tiny strip of land in eastern Moldova is already sort of Russian affiliated? Then the plan is to take all of southern Ukraine to make a Ukraine land-locked country?
That strip is Russian occupied. but yes, make Ukraine landlocked and then take the rest after a breather. either now or soon. There is no Ukraine in the Russian version of the world. "its not a real country".
lol,. yes, and thats a view shared by many Russians. After Putin the next reprint might be a hardcore nationalist and Chechens will have a hard time in russia. As they always have.
After Putin, Kadyrov's loyalty to Russian federation is suspect :undecided:

Both sides of US politics are with Ukraine big time.
Don't count on it. Tucker has a full hard-on for Putin. Trump will get re-elected in 2024 and Republicans will switch sides immediately!
After Putin, Kadyrov's loyalty to Russian federation is suspect :undecided:
Who knows what Chechens are thinking. I certainly dont. And no one plans on asking them.
Don't count on it. Tucker has a full hard-on for Putin. Trump will get re-elected in 2024 and Republicans will switch sides immediately!
true, but it might be over by then. By then the Polish and finish F35's will be able to stop what's left of Russian airforce. And US will transfer enough weapons to Poland to continue the fight so that the effort can survive a trump's second term.

However, trump will not win for sure. Texas might even turn democratic by then. Can he win without Texas?
Who knows what Chechens are thinking. I certainly dont. And no one plans on asking them.

true, but it might be over by then. By then the Polish and finish F35's will be able to stop what's left of Russian airforce. And US will transfer enough weapons to Poland to continue the fight so that the effort can survive a trump's second term.

However, trump will not win for sure. Texas might even turn democratic by then. Can he win without Texas?
Biden cannot win anything with his current level of popularity. So Russians have to hold out till 2024 for their boy to be back in office :D
When did the US invade Cuba? No the bay of pigs was not a US invasion, financed and supported yes but it was Cubans on the ground
Call it what you want, but it is an infringement of sovereignty nonetheless. That invasion wouldn’t happen if the US didnt decide to dip her fingers the Cuban affairs.

UAF Soldier Found Executed By His Own Command In Mariupol (18+)​

In the port of Mariupol, the body of a senior sailor of the Ukrainian navy Krapovoy Ivan Anatolyevich was found, who was shot from behind, by his own.
He was not wearing any equipment, but there was a leaflet under his body - the conditions of surrender. It is obvious that at the time of the murder by "his own", he was going to go out to the DPR troops and save his life.
Another crime of the Ukrainian Nazis.

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