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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hah?? I am not admitting anything. Pointing out the hypocrisy of that guy above who brought up 'independence' of Ukraine. Of course Ukraine has the rights given to a sovereign state and of course Cuba and Iraq had the rights of sovereign states. There are two wrongs being done--by America and Russia.
Yes, two wrongs done, but the US wrong in Iraq is much less because they removed a dictator who invaded sovereign Kuwait and killed 1 million Iranians. Of course I jumped for joy when they got rid of the lowlife Saddam. The fact is, you dont invade a sovereign country and try to annex its territory and get away with it in the post WW2 world. Saddam disregarded the rules based order by trying to take parts of Iran and all of Kuwaitt.

Now that russia is doing, it, the same fate will befall it sooner or later. It has moved against the rules based world order. It will end badly for them.

Cuba had a right to host the missiles, but JFK could too handle it and Russia pulled them back, then JFK was killed because of his recklessness by a communist sympathiser from a book depository.

lol,. yes, and thats a view shared by many Russians. After Putin the next reprint might be a hardcore nationalist and Chechens will have a hard time in russia. As they always have.
I foresee an Eastern and a Western Ukraine of sorts.
Both of them will replicate the Houthi modus operandi.. Western Ukraine will build it's own crude missiles and drones and target Moscow and beyond with regularity. Whereas the technically independent Eastern Ukraine with do the same thing on NATO countries all the way to Germany and France. Russia and it's nukes will prevent direct NATO retaliation.
I am praying russia controlled part of Ukraine bombs a NATO county.

Belarusian railway saboteurs helped thwart Russia’s attack on Kyiv​

By Liz Sly3:15 a.m.
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In this photo taken from video, Russian military vehicles on a railway platform in Russia are on their way to attend joint military drills in Belarus on Jan. 24. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/AP)

When Russian troops first streamed across the Belarusian border into Ukraine for what Moscow had assumed would be a lightning assault on Kyiv, they were intending to rely on the region’s extensive rail network for supplies and reinforcements.

The Russians had not taken into account the railway saboteurs of Belarus.

Starting in the earliest days of the invasion in February, a clandestine network of railway workers, hackers and dissident security forces went into action to disable or disrupt the railway links connecting Russia to Ukraine through Belarus, wreaking havoc on Russian supply lines.

The attacks have drawn little attention outside Belarus amid the drama of the Russian onslaught and the bloody aftermath of Russia’s humiliating retreat.

The Russians keep making the same mistakes.

Small scale assaults that get obliterated or go nowhere. Large columns that get destroyed like that column of 5 tanks last week that got hit by artillery.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian capability continues to grow thanks to NATO.
what else can they do without air superiority, The fact they embarked upon this invasion without securing the air first tell you a lot.
He can't stop the war becos NATO will invade Russia and keep the war machine production drumming. Rather than have the war at home. It's better to continue at Ukraine. NATO is a blood thirsty organization.
Why should Nato invade Russia? For what reason? Because Putin is a Nazi? Or Putin is in reality in Jew? Jew nazi.
but the US wrong in Iraq is much less because they removed a dictator who invaded sovereign Kuwait and killed 1 million Iranians. Of course I jumped for joy when they got rid of the lowlife Saddam.

I don't want to derail the thread but you don't realize how imperialistic you sound without perhaps even knowing that. Yes, Saddam had to be pushed back via the 1991 war and he was. But I was talking about the 2003 illegal invasion of Iraq by the Americans! And no one has the right to overthrow dictators in other countries--especially when that illegal war led to untold suffering. Saddam was well confined in Iraq by 2003 and by now a large number of people even in America say that the Iraq war of 2003 was a big mistake. Hillary even lost to Obama largely based on that her support for the Iraq war.

And no one here should bring up 'sovereignty' of states factor without bringing up how sovereignty of states have been violated by America multiple times, to the point of destroying the lives of millions of people. This is not some theoretical debate. We are talking about the lives of millions of people destroyed.

Anyway, once again you and I disagree on some things. But overall I agree with you that Russia is a has-been force and I only see a greatly truncated Russia long term. It is not necessarily my wish but an observation.
So why did the US invade Cuba again? Who is the US to demand what sovereign Cuba did? Border/Sphere of influence doesn’t matter, Cuba was independent and chose their own destiny.
When did the US invade Cuba? No the bay of pigs was not a US invasion, financed and supported yes but it was Cubans on the ground
It is futile to argue about this in the absence of credible evidences coming from you.

We referred to these as "hearsays" in a court of law, in layman terms "gossips" and in politics as "propaganda".

If one applied commonsense to what you just wrote, alleging about Russia leaving as a condition according to the agreement, it is simply illogical.

That will tantamount to an admission to the world that Russia direct involvement in Ukraine.

You really thinks that the Russia is that stupid.

So IMO YOU fabricated all this.

So stop trolling. We will continue when you can present at least more solid evidence.

Even the US denied despite of the circulation of an audio tape recording of US attack deputy SS Victoria Nuland admitting US role into Ukraine.

BTW Zalensky could NOT even prove that the weapons supplied used by the rebellious militia of these breakaway republics were supplied from Russia.

Now you will understand why I don't debate with trolls.
Ha here you go again, Russia hasn’t supples weapons since ‘14…….come on man.

Hah?? I am not admitting anything. Pointing out the hypocrisy of that guy above who brought up 'independence' of Ukraine. Of course Ukraine has the rights given to a sovereign state and of course Cuba and Iraq had the rights of sovereign states. There are two wrongs being done--by America and Russia.

Ahh, yes. A famous line from 'Dr. Zhivago' immediately came to my mind: "Your point, their village'. You were surely, and unfortunately, raised in a totalitarian society. Sad.

The point I was making is you clowns say the the US shouldn’t do it but it’s ok for Russia to do it because the US did it, see the irony of your argument 🤷🏿‍♂️
It would be best for putin not to make this an ego issue. There are 30 countries giving arms from huge western Ukraine border. It is closer to a phyrric win but still a win for Russia if an agreement is reached with Ukraine. If the Ru army is damaged considerably then next round within 3-5 years western countries will support separatist activities in caucasus with much less professional Russian army, equipment and capable generals left. Best course of action would be after finding the flaws in army-airforce try to fix and rebuild them as well as repair-revert the economic damage through agreements. Some compromise needs to be given for agreements with Ukraine. They already left open door about Crimea referandum and claimed Ukraine would do their own referandum for future status of this region as I remember. The land bridge between Donetsk-Crimea can be a demilitarized zone with Un security forces and private security groups like Azov can be disbanded. Donetsk region can be given autonomy and non-aggression agreement(Crimea as well regardless of Ukraine secession referaundum result) for many years that would allow Russian presence there as things cool down. Ukraine already is under iaea non-nuclear weapon control checks and decided to be not in nato in exchange of security guarantees. I dont know but finding the middle ground between Ukraine and Russia is still possible in my opinion.

nuclear option is as damaging to Russia as it is to Ukraine. It can be countered with western many conventional cruise missiles(launched from Mediterennian sea entering through Polish-Romanian border from Ukraine) and maybe stealth conventional attacks. These attacks can't be traced back. Ukraine can claim these are their neptune missile hits. Kerch bridge, Crimea water canals as well as many static army positions would be hit continiously. After a huge conventional blow taken Russia would have many difficulties securing internal issues later in caucasus like Chechnia, Daghestan etc. in which separatist activities will be supported by west in next round and referandums would be prepared. It wont be thinking Russian future if nuclear option is used.

Good post. There are creative ways some face saving could be found for Russia.
Tensions are rising in the east of Europe. It seems that both the Russian forces and Ukrainian forces are mobilized. After the end of the ceasefire, many clashes were recorded in the Donbas region, where separatist Russian militias were located. Due to growing concerns, NATO forces directed many of its platforms to the region.

The NATO bloc aircrafts constantly patrolling the black sea to support Ukraine and to detect early a possible Russian operation in the direction of Odesa.

There are largely visible military activities from Romania to Poland. Meanwhile, Russia has raised its military buildup on the Ukrainian border to its highest level since 2014.

A great storm is approaching, and the worst-case scenario poses such great risks that it can turn into a tragedy for the whole world.

My wish from the Moderation please make sticky this thread and control it several times a week for a possible troll and spam activities. Let's discuss together the tensest event of 2021 while keeping the thread as clean as possible and not turning it into another troll fest. TY @waz @krash

Current political map of Territory
America changed the regime in Pakistan without firing a bullet Russhia should learn from this but Russia might not find 2 B in Ukraine BAJWA AND BANDIAL
Why should Nato invade Russia? For what reason? Because Putin is a Nazi? Or Putin is in reality in Jew? Jew nazi.
NATO is an expansionist pact. Their aim is try to steal as much other land as possible. Its a colonial organization in disguise. Not much different from Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany. Russia is a fat meat. Good target to be invaded. Russia need to defend themselves against such evil organization.
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