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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian forces are going to be massively attrited if they remain in Ukraine. They can’t remain there long term if the US and NATO continue to supply Ukraine. The human and military costs eventually become too high.
Ukrainian forces' offensive capability is continuing to be degraded and they are also facing attrition too we must not forget that. Guess it's really now a game of who conks out first, Russia or Ukraine?
Ukraine's Finance Minister: Banning Russian energy means raising prices, and that will increase Moscow's revenues from energy sales elsewhere.

It is funny to see EU circumventing their own sanction imposed on Russia.

In a consultation paper released to members dated April 22, 2022 EU, it reads that European companies do not violated the sanction as long as they fulfilled their contractual obligation including depositing Euro and USD into Russia's Gasprom bank.

This is a 180 degree turnaway from the hardline stance at the beginning of April 2022 when President Putin issued his decree on Ruble for Russia Oil and Gas.

Meanwhile US loosen its sanction when it secretly imported more Russian Oil in view of rising prices.

At a million barrel of Oil released from US strategic reserve daily, US is beginning to feel insecured and have started begging for oil and Gas from both archenemies Venezuala and Iran. How humiliating?

Wonder what happened to the fmr US operative Juan Guaido, the Venezuela President appointed by the US administration. US disallowed a legitimate Venezuela UN envoy to represent Venezuela in the UN.
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Ukraine's Finance Minister: Banning Russian energy means raising prices, and that will increase Moscow's revenues from energy sales elsewhere.

Russia has increased its daily production of Oil from 1 million barrel to 1.6 million in April 2022.
Destination: UNKNOWN

That means a 60% increment before the war started. Russia is enjoying a surplus.
Ukrainian forces' offensive capability is continuing to be degraded and they are also facing attrition too we must not forget that. Guess it's really now a game of who conks out first, Russia or Ukraine?
Russia deploys a 110y old ship to salvage the 43y sunken cruiser Moskva. Talking about attrition. People laughing plz have a bit shame.

Israel is still arming Ukrainian Nazis​

Asa WinstanleyRights and Accountability21 April 2022
Video still from the point of view of a man holding an anti-tank weapon

Video posted online by Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Battalion showed it firing an Israeli-made weapon.

Israeli anti-tank weapons are being used by Nazi soldiers in Ukraine.

A video published by Ukraine’s Azov Battalion on Twitter this week showed one of its fighters firing an anti-tank missile. In the tweet Azov claimed it had hit a Russian vehicle.

Israeli media on Wednesday identified the missile system in the Azov video as a Matador, a weapon developed by a consortium involving Rafael, a state-owned Israeli arms manufacturer.

The weapon seen in the video does match with established photos of the Matador.
Yahoo News reported last month that Ukraine had bought 5,100 of the missile systems from a German manufacturer – the same firm that jointly developed the Matador with Rafael.

Matador is a portmanteau of “man-portable anti-tank, anti-door” since it is also used to blow holes in walls when fighting in urban areas.

An Israeli soldier aims an anti-tank missile
An Israeli solider trains with a Matador anti-tank missile. The same weapon recently featured in an Azov Battalion video from Mariupol. (Wikimedia Commons)
Tested in Gaza
The Matador’s “wall opening function is particularly valued” by Israeli soldiers, The Jerusalem Post reports. Israel has used the weapon in “heavily built-up environments such as the Gaza Strip,” the newspaper adds – a euphemism for how Palestinian homes have almost certainly been attacked with the weapon.

The video posted by Azov this week was also filmed in an urban environment. Azov’s headquarters has long been in the southeastern port city of Mariupol, part of the largely Russian-speaking eastern Donbass region of Ukraine.

Mariupol has been the scene of intense fighting since the Russian invasion that began on 24 February. Both Russian and Ukrainian sources this week said the city was on the verge of falling to Russian forces.

On Thursday morning Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu said that most of the city had been captured. The last 2,000 Ukrainian fighters in the city remain holed up in the Azovstal steel plant, he said.

Anti-tank weapons with Hebrew markings
Israeli anti-tank weapon Matador on display during Israel’s 2014 “independence day” celebrations of the 1948 destruction of Palestine. (Wikimedia Commons)
Azov has been a magnet for far-right volunteers who have flocked to Ukraine from around the world in recent months. On Monday, two British citizens captured in Mariupol by Russian forces appeared in handcuffs on Russian TV.

Captured volunteer Aiden Aslin was wearing an Azov Battalion t-shirt with its distinctive Nazi symbol the Wolfsangel.

“Big Israel”
The Azov Battalion itself is named after the Sea of Azov, which Mariupol overlooks.

Azov emerged out of the far-right street gangs and football hooligans that formed the vanguard of the 2014 coup against the elected Ukrainian government. The coup regime then integrated Azov into its regular armed forces.

Soldiers from the Nazi Azov Battalion on parade

Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Batallion on parade in 2017. (Azov.org.ua)

As the letter we published as part of our original report explained, the Israeli defense ministry said it was “careful to grant licenses” to arms exporters “in full coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government entities.” The letter – sent in response to a query by human rights lawyer Eitay Mack – did not deny arming Ukrainian Nazis.

The Ukrainian ambassador to Israel denied there had been any weapon supply from Israel “since 2014.” But in a related tweet, he seemed to contradict himself by admitting that the Tavor-style rifles were produced “under the licenses of IWI” – Israel Weapon Industries, an Israeli arms manufacturer whose licenses all must be approved by the Israeli government.

IWI’s Tavor rifles have been used by Israeli snipers to fire on Palestinians protesting near Gaza’s boundary with Israel in recent years.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is a big supporter of apartheid Israel.

He has hailed a “big Israel” as the model for his country and said in his speech to the Israeli parliament last month that both countries face the same threats.
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It is futile to argue about this in the absence of credible evidences coming from you.

We referred to these as "hearsays" in a court of law, in layman terms "gossips" and in politics as "propaganda".

If one applied commonsense to what you just wrote, alleging about Russia leaving as a condition according to the agreement, it is simply illogical.

That will tantamount to an admission to the world that Russia direct involvement in Ukraine.

You really thinks that the Russia is that stupid.

So IMO YOU fabricated all this.

So stop trolling. We will continue when you can present at least more solid evidence.

Even the US denied despite of the circulation of an audio tape recording of US attack deputy SS Victoria Nuland admitting US role into Ukraine.

BTW Zalensky could NOT even prove that the weapons supplied used by the rebellious militia of these breakaway republics were supplied from Russia.

Now you will understand why I don't debate with trolls.
There is plenty of evidence gathered by multiple groups.

NATO should be dismantled. The reason (you know full well): It's not a defensive pact. It's become geopolitical bullying tool serving the US' interests. The world is not in peace because of NATO.

Just because Putin is throwing tantrums?
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Even the British Prime Minister admitted that Russia will win this war, and said we must be realistic and accept this fact..
Um, calm down mate. They will win once they manage to achieve their objectives don't be so premature with claims. I myself was of the notion that Ukraine would fall within 3 weeks and that notion was very much dispelled with the fighting that was observed in the area. What is a fact is that fighting still continues and Russia after 58+ days has been unable to achieve its main objective which is the capitulation of Ukraine and a more favorable situation for them geopolitically, being produced.
Sooner or later the Ruskies are going to run out. Now, what if the Ruskies use a nuke on Ukraine, what's going to happen then?>
It would be best for putin not to make this an ego issue. There are 30 countries giving arms from huge western Ukraine border. It is closer to a phyrric win but still a win for Russia if an agreement is reached with Ukraine. If the Ru army is damaged considerably then next round within 3-5 years western countries will support separatist activities in caucasus with much less professional Russian army, equipment and capable generals left. Best course of action would be after finding the flaws in army-airforce try to fix and rebuild them as well as repair-revert the economic damage through agreements. Some compromise needs to be given for agreements with Ukraine. They already left open door about Crimea referandum and claimed Ukraine would do their own referandum for future status of this region as I remember. The land bridge between Donetsk-Crimea can be a demilitarized zone with Un security forces and private security groups like Azov can be disbanded. Donetsk region can be given autonomy and non-aggression agreement(Crimea as well regardless of Ukraine secession referaundum result) for many years that would allow Russian presence there as things cool down. Ukraine already is under iaea non-nuclear weapon control checks and decided to be not in nato in exchange of security guarantees. I dont know but finding the middle ground between Ukraine and Russia is still possible in my opinion.

nuclear option is as damaging to Russia as it is to Ukraine. It can be countered with western many conventional cruise missiles(launched from Mediterennian sea entering through Polish-Romanian border from Ukraine) and maybe stealth conventional attacks. These attacks can't be traced back. Ukraine can claim these are their neptune missile hits. Kerch bridge, Crimea water canals as well as many static army positions would be hit continiously. After a huge conventional blow taken Russia would have many difficulties securing internal issues later in caucasus like Chechnia, Daghestan etc. in which separatist activities will be supported by west in next round and referandums would be prepared. It wont be thinking Russian future if nuclear option is used.
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Hah?? I am not admitting anything. Pointing out the hypocrisy of that guy above who brought up 'independence' of Ukraine. Of course Ukraine has the rights given to a sovereign state and of course Cuba and Iraq had the rights of sovereign states. There are two wrongs being done--by America and Russia.

Ahh, yes. A famous line from 'Dr. Zhivago' immediately came to my mind: "Your point, their village'. You were surely, and unfortunately, raised in a totalitarian society. Sad.

yes I was, in a communist hell hole. May you never experience it.

But I dont set the policy of the west. but the aim is to break Russia if possible. and save as much of Ukraine as possible.
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