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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That’s true, the Soviets did use those tactics. Central Asians sent into Afghanistan to be used like cannon fodder.

I guess your right, at this point I wouldn’t put anything past Putin.

Just like how they fired a Tochka ballistic missile at that train station full of civilians killing 60 people including children. I saw a photo of a young boy with his face completely blown off from that attack.

These are crimes against humanity.
NATO is an expansionist pact. Their aim is try to steal as much other land as possible. Its a colonial organization in disguise. Not much different from Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany. Russia is a fat meat. Good target to be invaded. Russia need to defend themselves against such evil organization.
Good joke
Beware, Putin may look at China. You have money. Does China have any Nazi organization?
At least they are starting to finally build their armed forces..... a bit late of course...
Germany army is in very bad shape. Too many here in the past believe to peaceful rise shit from Russia. That’s I always for Vietnam military buildup. If necessary with nuclear arms. I never believe to chinese peaceful rise rhetoric. If we are weak they will come we could end up in gas chambers.
5 billion euros for Boeing
Not cheap
US weapons manufacturers have big time.
Good joke
Beware, Putin may look at China. You have money. Does China have any Nazi organization?
It no joke. Look at NATO, keep expanding and adding members. Setup the falsehood of threat and scare others to join. Ban RT and other media while brag about freedom of press but keep spreading false news. The hull mark of nazi organization. Where did NATO learn from? Joseph Goebbels?
It no joke. Look at NATO, keep expanding and adding members. Setup the falsehood of threat and scare others to join. Ban RT and other media while brag about freedom of press but keep spreading false news. The hull mark of nazi organization. Where did NATO learn from? Joseph Goebbels?
RT has no license hence forbidden. Why don’t you allow RT to broadcast in China? Where your moral compass?
NATO expansion has nothing to do with other countries not concerned. They are sovereign countries they can do what they want.
RT has no license hence forbidden. Why don’t you allow RT to broadcast in China? Where your moral compass?
NATO expansion has nothing to do with other countries not concerned. They are sovereign countries they can do what they want.
Braindead argument. China does not brand itself the pinnacle of 'freedom of press'. It's the West. Yet the West banned RT by not issuing license, not the other way around. I know some Vietnamese friends are smart.. but I guess listening to American media turned many stupid.
Braindead argument. China does not brand itself the pinnacle of 'freedom of press'. It's the West. Yet the West banned RT by not issuing license, not the other way around. I know some Vietnamese friends are smart.. but I guess listening to American media turned many stupid.
There are rules everyone has to respect. RT is a Russo government propaganda loudspeaker, and as such it is forbidden. What’s difficult to understand? 1.2 million Russians live here in Germany, I never heard any Russian here complaints that RT is banned. There are hundreds if not thousands other Russo media available they can access to.
RT has no license hence forbidden. Why don’t you allow RT to broadcast in China? Where your moral compass?
NATO expansion has nothing to do with other countries not concerned. They are sovereign countries they can do what they want.
RT never applied for license to broadcast in China. They have no intention to broadcast in China and now you want to blame China? LOL.. RT has no license becos of western double standard. Why not you blunt it out instead of beat around the bush.

As for NATO expansion, not without propaganda, orange revolution using lowlife trick to overthrow legal elected Ukraine government and replaced with a Western puppet. And you can called that democracy? As I say, NATO is wolf in sheep skin. No different from Nazi organization and white supremacy.
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