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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You certainly have a distinct, and refreshing take on the current events! You are sort of like @jamahir of Greece!
But I don't think the West is aiming to have lots of Ukrainians killed or even Russian killed. I think, in a perversely anachronistic way, eastern Europe is western Europe's 'Lebensraum'. Killing cheap labor is not a smart choice! One has to look at the current events not from the proverbial '30,000 feet view'. But from something like a '10,000 years view'.
In the end, it is all for resources!!
But isn't that why they have all these millions of refugees and immigrants the Middle-East,Africa and Afghanistan?

We could solve the problem by giving South Ukraine back to Greece 😋

I can tell you what sanctions on China from the west will do. It will convince China that there is no room any longer for any cooperation with the west and instead it will need to put its full weight into destroying the western world order. The west and its population, accustomed to the good times, will not be ready for that. At all.

But China needs markets as much as the west needs cheap goods. Decoupling is sure to increase, with inflation sure to keep going up and living standards decreasing across the west, but this will also severely effect China. The countries that have sanctioned Russia make up approx. 2/3 of the Global GDP.
Excellent points! There is a tectonic shift happening in geopolitics as we write this. The old order in Eurasia, which is truly the center of human interactions, barely held together since WW 2, is crumbling before out eyes....
So now is the time to move fast, especially for the Turks. A Trans-Caspian pipeline could supply a lot of gas to Europe and build slot of influence for the Turks. Once a pipeline is built it will open the way for Turkey to work with Central Asia countries for more trade across the Caspian, hopefully culminating in a undersea rail tunnel, the major sign of Turkish influence and connection in Central Asia, should Russian influence to block it fail (a few years ago, Russia and Iran agreed that undersea boundaries of the Caspian are like those of a SEA, and on the surface it is that of a Lake, a very important difference)

This would also benefit Pakistan and Gwadar as a rail link under the Caspian would make a rail link from Karachi and Gwadar to Quetta and onward to Turkmenistan via Southern Afghanistan more economically viable.

It would also allow the Chinese BRI rail route via Kazakhstan bypassing Russia, although China may not want to send that signal to Russia, so they would just Benefit if Turkey built it for itself and let China use it, just in case.


Turkey should also look at a way to create an Qatar-Turkey Pipeline via Iraq, as a way to stabilize Iraq on terms favorable to Turkey (think Kurds) and bring Iraq out of Iranian influence. All efforts the EU should support for their own good.

Turkey could really come out the third winner from this war, as it maybe allowed to rejoin the F-35 program as well as get its F-16s upgraded in the interim, considering it aid to Ukraine. Hopefully, Turkey could put in a good word with the US to allow a resumption of T-129 deliveries to Pakistan with the American Engines as well as a Turkish upgrade of the PAF’s F-16s. I know it’s a stretch but now is the best time for a Turkey to make its moves.
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But isn't that why they have all these millions of refugees and immigrants the Middle-East,Africa and Afghanistan?

I dont know what you are trying to say there?
I think, subconsciously, perhaps, there is a 'Lebensraum' project going on in Europe. Hitler is demonized, and singled out but I believe he had a LOT of ideological support in western Europe and even in America until he was a strategic threat. The Soviets, even under Stalin, were angels in comparison. I know I am saying something very controversial here but I don't care! It were the Soviets who provided refuge to Jewish people while the all-so-holy West were persecuting Jews and/or denying them sanctuary.
The Victor writes the History. But not all of us to have cower our intelligence and accept that account of History. Otherwise, History repeats itself in some endless cycles of wars.
You need to plan how to beg Russia for food.

After taking control of Ukrainian sea shore Russia would control 50% of world exports of wheat, 30% of corn and 80% of sunflower oil.

You'll be able to export it all to Africa if they have the money to pay for it. I use olive oil, haven't eaten corn in 5 years. and I have bread 2 times per week.
what is with you and labels? Zeihan probably misunderstood the announcement. The sanctions on Russian oil and gas is still limited to the 2014 listed entities and specifically targets enhanced oil recovery and deep sea activities.

The western firms he named announced a moratorium on new business but they will honour existing commitments unless there is another round of more sever sanctions.

Remember these companies have equipment installed in production wells that are operated remotely, emphasis on remote.
There isn’t anything wrong with identifying people who are clearly spokespeople for establishment and deep state interests or at least propagandizing on their behalf.

His analysis is always wrong because they are based on the deluded reality that the establishment live in instead of actual facts.
But China needs markets as much as the west needs cheap goods. Decoupling is sure to increase, with inflation sure to keep going up and living standards decreasing across the west, but this will also severely effect China. The countries that have sanctioned Russia make up approx. 2/3 of the Global GDP.
Sure it will impact China but it will be a choice that the west makes, not China. Who started the trade war? Who started vilifying who? Who started a propaganda war? Who is funding hostile interests in Hong Kong and taiwan? Who created Covid to politically vilify who? Who is accusing whom of genocide?

It is very clear that the aggression and hostility is coming from one direction. And the reason why is clear as well. China is becoming much too powerful to contain or control. The west cannot handle having peers who are equals. China could easily coexist with the west as equals and live in mutual respect. The west can’t do the same this is why the media here has to constantly demonize China and dehumanize Chinese people.

So if the day comes that full decoupling is inevitable, China will no longer have any investment in being cooperative with the west and this will be a huge uncontrollable variable because China is now the worlds most powerful industrial superpower.
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