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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, I am not a pilot, I am a grunt.

Think about it on the ground perspective, if I call for gunship support, and then I saw two gunship doing this, what would you think if you are on the ground and in the thick of it??

That thing don't just eat up the pilot morale, but also the people on the ground....
What do you think of the 15,000 UA troop surrounded in Mariupol? What re their chances? or continuing to fight without ressupy? of breaking out? or surviving? Ive seen 10,000 Bosnian troops surrounded and isolated for 3 years, but they held out in the end. It was very hard but they held out.

What are their chances?
This post explained everything to me. That's why you sound like a teenager suffering from teen angst. When you're older and wiser you'll realize that when you debate an issue you will convince more people of your point of view if you look at both sides of the issue in a more balanced way. A one-sided and emotionally charged diatribe* will turn people off.

I don't like to pick on individuals, but I've had to read 100s of posts with the same negativity and eventually I had to say something.

*diatribe = a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
He is a spoiled, immature kid without education, without life experience and obviously without intellect. Not even talking about basic human values. Bragging about the money of his parents like a spoiled brat from mtvs my sweet sixteen or so.

The more he talks the more people here on the board and in real life will realize what kind of people are pushing this anti russian agenda. And he is even posting his face ...

The only unclear thing here is: Are his parents awere, what kind of crap he is spreading on the internet?
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I can tell you what sanctions on China from the west will do. It will convince China that there is no room any longer for any cooperation with the west and instead it will need to put its full weight into destroying the western world order. The west and its population, accustomed to the good times, will not be ready for that. At all.

This war works for China in many, many ways. And I had said several times above that, as long as the war is localized around Ukraine-Russia, then China is the No. 1 winner, followed by America as the next winner. But I am NOT blaming China for the war. My ire is directed toward those Neocons sitting in Washington DC who just love wars!! Without them, there wouldn't be this war!!
What China must learn from this war is that the trillions of USD China has is fiat-money. Worthless in case of war against America. I have actually met highly educated Americans who have said something like 'so what can China do if we don't pay them their debt??'. Some would say that there are international finance agencies who would hold America to account. What agencies? When the UNSC itself has been rendered more worthless than my local county library board then what is left???
It's anarchy we are talking about. What humanity established as some sort of an 'order' since WW 2 is breaking apart as we write these lines. Things need to go back to some sense of rationality before they go out of hand.
Seems like the “Soviets” wanted to give it one last go. Didn’t seem like it worked out that well for them.

This war works for China in many, many ways. And I had said several times above that, as long as the war is localized around Ukraine-Russia, then China is the No. 1 winner, followed by America as the next winner. But I am NOT blaming China for the war. My ire is directed toward those Neocons sitting in Washington DC who just love wars!! Without them, there wouldn't be this war!!
What China must learn from this war is that the trillions of USD China has is fiat-money. Worthless in case of war against America. I have actually met highly educated Americans who have said something like 'so what can China do if we don't pay them their debt??'. Some would say that there are international finance agencies who would hold America to account. What agencies? When the UNSC itself has been rendered more worthless than my local county library board then what is left???
It's anarchy we are talking about. What humanity established as some sort of an 'order' since WW 2 is breaking apart as we write these lines. Things need to go back to some sense of rationality before they go out of hand.
Better to have that money invested to secure raw materials and markets and all the technological means to independently maintain their society.

You certainly have a distinct, and refreshing take on the current events! You are sort of like @jamahir of Greece!
But I don't think the West is aiming to have lots of Ukrainians killed or even Russian killed. I think, in a perversely anachronistic way, eastern Europe is western Europe's 'Lebensraum'. Killing cheap labor is not a smart choice! One has to look at the current events not from the proverbial '30,000 feet view'. But from something like a '10,000 years view'.
In the end, it is all for resources!!
Europe is also getting a lot of young labor from Ukraine, with a lot of the older people staying behind because they can’t make the journey.
So, even the tune on NY Times is starting to change. Wars are not won on Twitter or Facebook or You Tube!

Where did I even implied that?

Where did I even implied that?

Where did I even implied that?

Clearly, you have not understood a single thing I said, which is understandable since you never served. But if you never served, then maybe you should not be making declarations on things you know nothing about.
I didn't make any declarations. The original statement was: why isn't Russia bombing NATO for supplying weapons causing them heavy losses? I replied, US didn't bomb China either even though China supplied Vietnam which caused heavy US losses. Which is a fact. The US did not bomb China during the Vietnam War.

Then you come in and say that those losses are mostly due to PAVN air defense - which is 100% true but unrelated to the original reply. Those air defenses were supplied by China and Russia, not domestic to Vietnam. Furthermore you say that VKS cannot control the sky over Ukraine. OK, my question is then, if VKS can't control the sky how come Ukrainian fixed wings aren't flying and scoring air to air kills against Russian strikers while Russian strikers are free to do their thing? Seems to me like Russia has air superiority right now.
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